Texas Architect Nov/Dec 2001: Public Spaces

Page 33

site plan 1 pool 2 bath house



Panels Depict Historical ‘Tapestry’ Artist Jack Robbins created a series of porcelain enamel markers for San Pedro Springs Park, working for three years with an array of groups to ensure historical and cultural accuracy. “It was a unique opportunity to combine historical information with a system of visual signifiers that would celebrate and illustrate the history, and add to the visitor’s enjoyment of the park,” Robbins said. Of his research, Robbins said, “I learned about the elaborate tapestry of events that shaped San Pedro Srings Park.” Robbins’ images are visually and conceptually complex. For example, his “Beginnings” panel derives from a drawing of the wall of the human heart as seen through an electron microscope. His search for appropriate symbols was aided by Scott Stover of the city’s Parks Design Services department who introduced Robbins to many people knowledgeable of the park’s history, including descendants of the Coahuitecan tribe who inhabited the area long before Spanish explorers arrived in 1709.

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