Evkonyv 1987 88

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677. KEVEI Ferenc - Szamos J. - Hoschke, A. - Risch, S. - FERENCZY Lajos: Hybridization of industrially important Aspergilli via protoplast fusion. = Biotechnologies et industries agro-alimentaires. Symposium international, Budapest, 5 - 9 Octobre, 1987. - Biotechnology and food industry, International Symposium. Resumés des rapports. - Summaries of the papers. [Bp,] 1987.5. p. 678. KUCSERA Judit - FERENCZY Lajos: Gene transfer via chemically inactivated protoplasts of yeasts. = Proc. 4, European Congress on Biotechnology, Amsterdam, 1987. 508. p. ** 679. MANCZINGER László - FERENCZY Lajos: Trichoderma fajok biotechnológiai felhasználási lehetőségei. [Poszter.] = A biotechnológiai kutatás, fejlesztés és termelés kapcsolata. 2. Biotechnológiai Műszaki Fejlesztési Konferencia, /Szeged, 1986. máj. 2 7 - 2 8 . / Bp, 1987.149 p./Napjaink Biotechnológiája. ÍJ 680. MANCZINGER László - POLNER Gábor: Cluster analysis of carbon source utilization patterns of Trichoderma isolates. = System. Appl. Microbiol. 1987. 9. 2 1 4 - 2 1 7 . p. Sep. 681. VÁGVÖLGYI Csaba - KUCSERA Judit - FERENCZY Lajos: Ploidy-dependent separation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplasts on density gradients. = Proc. 4. European Congress on Biotechnology. Amsterdam, 1987. 506—507. p. ** Késedelmesen megjelent munkák: 682. FERENCZY Lajos - Németh V. - Ott I. - Mai A. - Láng T. - Ambrus G,: Biochemical alternative to mutagenesis for selection of fusion hybrids in streptomyces. = Biological, biochemical and biomedical aspects of actinomycetes, Proceedings of the 6. International Symposium on Actinomycetes Biology. Debrecen, Hungary, 26 - 30 August, 1985. Part A, Bp. 1986. 421. p. /Symposia Biologica Hungarica. 32,/ 683. FERENCZY Lajos - Ott I. - Mai A. - Ambrus G. - Láng T.: Altered ratio in production of aminoglycoside antibiotics after protoplast fusion in Streptomyces tenebrarius. = Biological, biochemical and biomedical aspects of actinomycetes, Proceedings of the 6. International Symposium on Actinomycetes Biology, Debrecen, Hungary, 2 6 - 3 0 August, 1985. Part A. Bp. 1986. 422. p. /Symposia Biologica Hungarica. 32./

NÖVÉNYÉLETTANI TANSZÉK DEPARTMENT OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 684. KÖVES Erzsébet - SZABÓ Margit: Ethylene production in habituated and auxinrequiring tobacco callus cultures. Does ethylene play a role in the habituation? = Physiol. Plant. 1987. 6 9 . 3 5 1 - 3 5 5 . p. Sep. 685. NAGY Mária: Hormonal regulation of the dormancy and germination of seeds requiring stratification. Thesis of dissertations for candidate degrees. = Acta Biol. Szeged, 1987. Nova Ser. Tom. 33. Fasc. 1 - 4 . 1 5 7 - 1 6 2 . p. 686. NAGY Mária - TARI Irma: Gibberellin and auxin contents and ethylene production in the hypocotyls of green and etiolated bean plants treated with chlorocholine chloride, = Biol. Plant. 1987,29. IV 28 - 33. p. Sep.


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