Cicada 茧响

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弱 Weak


深圳·香港城市 \ 建筑双城双年展

Let everything that has been planned come true. Let them believe. And let them have a laugh at their passions. Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just a friction between their souls and the outside world. And most important: let them believe in themselves. Let them be helpless like children, because: weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing.

- "Stalker' Andrei Tarkovsky

… 让所有计画成真。 让他们相信与嘲笑自身的豪迈热情。他 们所谓的热情,其实不带情感,而是他们灵魂和现实世界之 间所产生的拉距与摩擦。 除此最重要的是,让他们相信自 己。让他们无助如同孩子一样,因为敏感软弱是伟大的,徒 有气力仍是虚无。 - 《潜行者》安德列·塔科夫斯基

Marco 手绘基地图


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