Sweat Equity Magazine Winter 2010

Page 42


Skin care specialist, Kristen Ma, clears up the mystery behind Ayurveda-style beauty By Kristen Ma, Author of Beauty: Pure + Simple

Literally translated, Ayurveda means “science of life” and its secret lies in the intricate and personalized combination of diet, exercise and lifestyle. And, although it’s not an overnight fix you can simply apply with your fingertips, chances are you already have what you need to utilize Ayurveda, right in your home. Energy and your beauty Energy is central to Ayurvedic philosophy. There are three types of energies called “doshas”, which we possess in unique proportions: Vata dosha (air energy), Pitta dosha (heat and fire energy), and Kapha dosha (water and earth energy). When one or more doshas are in excess or deficient, it can lead to skin and body imbalance and even disease. In our culture, we hear about “achieving balance” all too often, but with little or no understanding of what that means to us as individuals – one person’s balance is another’s imperfect measure – we’re left vulnerable to the promises of “quick fixes” and overnight methods. Ayurveda, as a practice and as a science, explores personal balance in order to create the ultimate beauty elixir to last a lifetime.

The Doshas Vata people are open-minded, creative, and highly conceptual; but too much of

this creates over-thinking and anxietyexcess depletes and dehydrates the skin. One of the best ways to combat high air is through oil. Taking oils to nourish the internal body while oiling the skin protects and moisturizes it. Sesame and sunflower oils are best for Vata as they are rich and warming (promoting circulation). Another Vata reducer is slow, restorative yoga, as it helps pacify nervous energy. Pitta is characterized by heat and fire. Those with high Pitta energy are prone to internal heat and inflammation. These are Type A personalities who are natural organizers and leaders. But along with these good qualities comes a vulnerability to rosacea and acne. Typically these conditions don’t mix well with oil, but in Ayurveda the use of coconut oil to helps reduce skin inflammation and bacteria. Also, avoid fried and spicy foods. Kapha elements are earth and water. Emotionally, Kaphas are grounded, sentimental and dislike change. When


Kapha is excess, water-retention, puffiness and clogged pores can become a problem. To combat these common problems, hazelnut oil on the face and mustard seed oil on the body to heat and clear accumulation are ideal. Also, good news, a vigorous massage and lymphatic drainage can be great options for a body trying to balance its Kapha energy. When beauty is seen Ayurvedically, it becomes less about vanity or simply “looking good” and more about rebalancing our lives. A balanced life is rewarded with beautiful skin, but can also inspire us to examine ourselves more deeply – it can be an indicator to slow down, eat better or take our exercise more seriously. This kind of self-knowledge isn’t available in a bottle, but, once tapped into, is certainly available in abundance.

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