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Engineered Systems Solutions (ESS)

8F BU &44 TVQQPSU UIF 4PDJBM 3FTQPOTJCJMJUZ DPSOFSTUPOF PG 5.. )PMEJOHT WJTJPO UP live up to our responsibilities, to serve and enhance the communities in which we work and live and the society on which we depend. &OHJOFFSFE 4ZTUFNT 4PMVUJPOT IBT B TUSPOH commitment to the marketplace and we are confident of our ability to maintain and develop a highly differentiated company. The company’s “ethos� is geared towards finding only the best solutions for our clients.

" DFSUJĂ FE #SPBE #BTF #MBDL &DPOPNJD &NQPXFSFE DPNQBOZ &OHJOFFSFE 4ZTUFNT Solutions is committed in accelerating growth through continued value creation for our customers and stakeholders by offering: r &YQFSU FMFDUSPOJD BOE *5 JOUFHSBUFE solutions to all stakeholders; r &YQFSU FYQFSJFODF BOE LOPX IPX XJUIJO different industries; r 'PTUFSJOH FTUBCMJTIFE MPOH UFSN TUSBUFHJD relationships with key partners; r 4FSWJDF EFMJWFSZ UIBU XJMM FOIBODF BOE benefit both our clientele and society.

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&44 MFWFSBHFT GSPN B NVMUJQMF QPPM PG expertise and partnerships, relating to: r &MFDUSPOJD 4FDVSJUZ *OUFHSBUFE 4ZTUFNT and applications; r &MFDUSPOJD .POJUPSJOH BOE 5SBDLJOH Systems for monitoring individuals in the law enforcement and correctional services markets; r *5 4PMVUJPOT r 3FTPVSDF 1MBOOJOH BOE .BOBHFNFOU Systems; r *5 %FWFMPQNFOU UIBU QSPWJEFT EFDJTJPO support; r 4ZTUFNT GPS SFTPVSDF QMBOOJOH BOE management for transportation companies. About ESS &OHJOFFSFE 4ZTUFN 4PMVUJPOT &44 XBT FTUBCMJTIFE JO BT BO &MFDUSPOJD 4ZTUFNT *OUFHSBUPS BOE JOOPWBUPS UIBU specialises in Security Systems, Risk .BOBHFNFOU "VUPNBUJPO BOE *OGPSNBUJPO

Technology; to offer complete solutions to the commercial, government and industrial TFDUPST &44 T JOEVTUSZ GPDVTFE TPMVUJPOT are created by using our broad knowledge of different industries and market segments to develop tailor-made and cost-effective JOUFHSBUFE *5 BOE FMFDUSPOJD TZTUFNT UIBU meet our clients’ needs. 5IF &44 UFBN JT EZOBNJD DPNNJUUFE BOE has the drive to ensure dependable and sustainable growth and development to become the service provider of choice, whilst being committed to the enhancement PG #MBDL &DPOPNJD &NQPXFSNFOU JO UIF industry. With branches in South Africa, Ghana, /BNJCJB BOE 5BO[BOJB &44 IBT B MPOH list of successful projects completed for leading South African and international organisations. Products and Services &44 UBLFT QSJEF JO PVS SPMF BT TZTUFN integrators and solution providers by surpassing the role of traditional suppliers of only equipment. We recommend the best brands of equipment to satisfy our customer’s specific needs and offer value adding services to ensure the effective, customised completion and maintenance of a project. Our products *OUFHSBUFE &MFDUSPOJD BOE *5 4PMVUJPOT r $$57 m %JHJUBM 7JEFP BOE 3FDPSEJOH

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