The Racquette

Page 10

10 the Racquette

September 21,2012

Annie Says: DIY reform an old sweatshirt






% /&%8*@0"'%-4)'%1'?%8*@%,2A'% a lot of old sweatshirts lying around 259%5*$,456%$*%9*%(4$,%$,'1.%/%!59% $,2$%'A'5%$,*@6,%/%9*50$%('2"%$,'1% 2--?%/%,2A'%2%$'59'5+8%$*%)''=%:@8­ ing them and they just keep adding @=%*5%2%#,'-&%45%18%+-*#'$.%Q&$'"%9*­

456%2%-4$$-'%(':%#@"!56%259%-**)456% @=%="*3'+$#%$*%9*?%/%&*@59%$,4#%"'2--8% &@5% O/T% KO*P4$P8*@"#'-&N% ="*3'+$% $,2$% 4#% #*% '2#8% $*% 9*% 259% /% ,29% $*% #,2"'\% /&% 8*@% 2"'% :*"'9% *5'% 546,$?% try this project to transform your old sweatshirt into something you will want to actually wear by add­ ing a pocket of any fabric of your +,*4+'.% T*@% (4--% 5''9% 2% =2$+,% *&%

fabric, scissors, thread and needle, 259%25%*-9%#('2$#,4"$.% B,4#% ="*3'+$% 4#% :'$$'"% &*"% #('2$­ shirts without the hood or writing, but by all means you can try this (4$,%(,2$'A'"%8*@%(25$.%]4"#$?%!59% 2% =2$+,% *&% &2:"4+.% T*@% +25% 6*% *@$% and buy a patch or cut something 8*@% 9*50$% (25$.% Y@$% *&&% 2% #'+$4*5%% 2:*@$%^%*"%`%45+,'#%$2--%259%H%45+,'#%


(49'.%B,4#%=2$+,%(4--%#**5%:'%8*@"% =*+)'$% &*"% 8*@"% #('2$#,4"$.% D'V$?% cut your patch the shape of a pock­ et, if you cannot master the shape $,2$% 4#% !5'% :'+2@#'% 2% =-245% #W@2"'% patch will work just as well! Last­ ly, sew the three sides of the patch onto the sweatshirt on the preferred side (right or left), remembering to -'2A'% $,'% $*=% *='5.% /&% 8*@% (25$% $*%

jazz up your sweatshirt even more, you can make it off­the­shoulder by cutting off the neck or trimming the :*$$*1%$*%12)'%4$%#-46,$-8%+"*=='9.% B,4#% ="*3'+$% 4#% A'"8% 45'V='5#4A'% 259%'2#8%$*%9*\%B"8%4$%(4$,%2%+*@=-'% of your sweatshirts and tell your &"4'59#.% O*50$% :'% -414$'9% $*% 3@#$% using sweatshirts, t­shirts and jean shirts work also!

Early semester advice to keep you on track 0((2.&312/4


/$% 4#% $,'% &*@"$,% ('')% *&% #+,**-% 259%,*='&@--8%2--%4#%6*456%('--.%T*@% know where all your classes are and hopefully are beginning to become +*1&*"$2:-'%45%$,'1.%Q#%$,'%('')#% go by, sometimes it is easy to lose &*+@#%259%#$2"$%="*+"2#$452$456.%T*@% 128% !59% :'$$'"% $,456#% $*% 9*% $,25% homework and before you know it, 8*@%2"'%&2--456%:',459.%>,4-'%,2A­ ing fun at college is important too, staying on top of work is even more #*.% Here are some tips to keep you on task and doing well this semes­ $'".% 1. Keep organized­%/$%4#%+"@+42-% $*%:'%2:-'%$*%#$28%*"6254U'9.%/$%(4--% #2A'%8*@%2%-*$%*&%25V4'$8%259%#$"'##.% A good way of keeping organized is to keep all assignments in an agen­ 92%*"%5*$'#.%T*@%+25%-2:'-%'2+,%$2#)% with the assigned due date and any 'V$"2%45&*"12$4*5%$,'%$'2+,'"%#28#.% Once you complete the assign­ ment, it is a good idea to cross it off, as doing so will make you feel "'-4'A'9% 259% 2++*1=-4#,'9.% M259­ outs that teachers provide as well as syllabi can easily be organized 45%&*-9'"#%*"%2%=-2#$4+%!-'%*"6254U'"% -2:'-'9%&*"%'2+,%+-2##.% 2. Stay focused­%/$%4#%'2#8%$*%6'$% caught up with friends and other events on campus and it is highly encouraged to get involved with +21=@#%2+$4A4$4'#.%X@$?%3@#$%"'1'1­ ber to stay focused with the task at hand and let the fun and games +*1'%2&$'"%(*")%4#%+*1=-'$'.%>,4-'% working on assignments, try to stay off Facebook and other websites as $,'8% +25% ="*A'% $*% :'% 94#$"2+$4*5#.% /&%8*@%2"'%&*+@#456%*5%(,2$%'A'"8­ *5'0#%#$2$@#0%2"'%*5%]2+':**)%(,4-'% $"8456% $*% ("4$'% 2% =2='"?% $,2$% 4#50$%

exactly going to be any use to you $*%6'$%8*@"%(*")%9*5'.%%7$28456%*&&% of these distractions while working (4--% "'['+$% 45% 8*@"% #+,**-(*")% 45% =*#4$4A'%(28#.%M2A'%$,'#'%(':#4$'#% and Facebook be a reward for get­ $456%2--%8*@"%(*")%9*5'.%% 3. Don’t procrastinate­%/%)5*(% it might be like telling water to not :'%('$%&*"%#*1'%*&%8*@%259%/%+255*$% #28%/%,2A'%+*1=-'$'-8%12#$'"'9%$,4#% +*5+'=$% 8'$.% X@$?% -'2"5456% 5*$% $*% procrastinate will only help you in $,'%-*56%"@5.%X'#49'#?%4$%&''-#%6**9% when all of your work is complet­ '9.% /&% 8*@% (24$% @5$4-% $,'% -2#$% 145­ ute you are more likely to hand in less than quality work that will be ="*A'5%(4$,%$,'%6"29'%8*@%"'+'4A'.% 4. Stay ahead­B,4#% $4=% +*45+49'#% with the previous tip about procras­ $452$456.% /$% 4#% 2% 6**9% 49'2% $*% #$28% ahead of the game with your home­ (*").%Q-$,*@6,%2--%*&%8*@"%(*")%4#% already completed for this week, look at the syllabus and see what is due next week and get started on 4$.% L''=456% @=% (4$,% (*")% -4)'% $,4#% will make doing homework much less stressful than pulling those all­ 546,$'".% Y*--'6'% #''1#% $*% 6*% 2% -*$% more smoothly when all your work is completed on time and you keep @=%(4$,%@=+*1456%(*").% 5. Get your sleep­ Speaking of all­nighters, make sure you are get­ $456% =-'5$8% *&% #-''=.% 7-''=% 4#% +"@­ cial in staying awake in class, even though there still may be those classes that, no matter how much #-''=%8*@%6'$?%8*@%#$4--%&2--%2#-''=.%/$% is important to stay on a good sleep schedule; meaning get to bed at a "'2#*52:-'%$41'%#*%(2)456%@=%4#50$% #*%9"'29&@-.%Q-$,*@6,%$,'"'%128%:'% those nights where getting to sleep early is impossible, a short cat nap of about twenty minutes can reen­ '"64U'%8*@.%



6. Eat Healthy­Although this tip seems as though it has nothing to do with how well you do on work, 4$%)459%*&%9*'#.%a2$456%259%9"45)456% healthy will only improve your per­ &*"125+'.%T*@%(4--%&''-%1*"'%2-'"$% in class and just feel better about yourself overall, which will show in $,'%W@2-4$8%*&%8*@"%(*").%T*@%(4--% have more energy to stay on top of your work and not be too tired to

do fun activities with friends after +-2##'#.%b'$$456%2%6**9%:"'2)&2#$%4#% key because once you eat a healthy meal in the morning, those healthy habits are more likely to carry on $,"*@6,*@$% $,'% "'#$% *&% $,'% 928.% Q% good meal in the morning should include protein and carbs, while healthy snacks to keep you going throughout the day should include &"@4$#%259%A'6'$2:-'#.%/%-4)'%$*%:"456%

snacks with me to class; it keeps 1'% 2-'"$% 259% /% 9*50$% $,45)% 2:*@$% ,*(%,@56"8%/%21?%(,4+,%4#%25*$,'"% 94#$"2+$4*5. Hopefully these tips will prove helpful to you as you continue $,"*@6,% $,'% #'1'#$'".% /% )5*(% $,'8% may seem simple to do, but actually 9*456%$,'1%4#%2%(,*-'%*$,'"%#$*"8.% Good luck and stay on task!

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