Sustainable Everyday

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+ an office + a classroom + organisation headquarters + a cinema + a meeting room for cultural associations = a fully exploited multifunctional space

From 7.00pm to 9.00pm, it becomes the head office of a homeless helping centre

From 9.00pm to 11.00pm, it is a private cinema

regulated, subsidised access to equipped spaces for the organisation of social and cultural activities

And, from 11.00pm to 12.00pm, it is the place for the meeting of a cultural association.

ising motorcycle helmets (Rebel Art, in Milan) or articles of clothing (some Levi’s shops), or altering new and used clothing as in the case of Les Ciseaux, in Brussels. Neighbourhood multi-service centres Different activities are increasingly converging in a single place, generating multi-service centres. To date, this has most often happened where an existing place, such as a shop, is enhanced with new services, giving it a slightly different role and a new dynamic. Examples are the bookshop that houses a bar and cultural centre (Tikkun, Milan), a bakery that offers space for the preparation and refrigeration of food (Cottage Baker, Rugby, UK) and the grocery shop that offers meetings and study courses (Natura Ride, Milan). Another type of multi-service centre includes those set up along the lines of a one-stop shop, 79 Ĺ SUSTAINABLE EVERYDAY

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