Stigmart VIDEOFocus - October 2013

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growing more and more vague: do you think that this "frontier" will exists longer? I understand what you are saying there are wonderful moments in cinema now that couldn’t have existed a few years ago for example in Joe Wrights film The Soloist there was ONE WHOLE MINUTE of experimental colour fields: Absolutely amazing to sit in the cinema for that length of time in front of such overtly experimental art in a Hollywood genre film. Cinema is definitely expanding into the cinema space with 3D films and surround sound and participant cult films to give the viewer the whole experience. It’s also moved into the gallery space. I am happy for experimental video art to influence cinema by recognizing a more artistic, sensory and active view. But for me I actually hope the frontier remains because, and obviously I am hugely biased here, I love the short experimental art film as a perfect little genre in itself. It’s short enough to fit anywhere, in a gallery, in a home, in your pocket or on the street. Its short enough to play and experiment with as a genre and the perfect size to develop its nature in the expanded field. Thank you very much for this interview, Trisha. What's next for you? Have you a particular project in mind? Yes I have a few projects on the go. Neuf are installing again At Home 3, in a domestic setting in Cambridge in November and I have just completed my film for that entitled Drive Over. I am also working with a cellist at the moment who is recording four different short pieces in irregular time signature to accompany my film inspired by Beckets work Quadrat. This piece is an animation of four sculptures by the wonderful artist Valerie Blake. And I am working with a French artist Laurence Cappelletto animating her great hybrid sculpture Motard for an exhibition in November in Bergerac. Thanks for this interview!


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