Legacy - March 2012

Page 32

Marine Harvest pleads guilty in Port Hardy court January 18, 2012

Follow-up Comments: Anissa Reed: “Charges were stayed against Marine Harvest in the case of the pink salmon they killed. How many wild fish meet their early demise at the hand of these salmon farms? Salmon are sacred to this coast, the land, the people.” Dr. Alexandra Morton: “Interestingly Marine Harvest chose to plead guilty rather than face a 4-day trial. A lot of facts were lost and it was made to sound like wild fish in salmon farms was a rare occurrence. However, as Anissa said we made history - the first time the salmon farming industry has been found guilty as charged.” Robert Mountain “Yes a victory nonetheless. But the fed lawyer made it sound like it was a minor ISOLATED incident, when we know that all 29 farms are killing and destroying our salmon. The true and WHOLE story still needs to be told about how much damage they are doing to our wild resources. That is why they pled guilty to get off easy and not have to tell how many herring and salmon the are really killing, a win that will set precedence for when we catch them killing more herring and salmon, Gilakasla.”

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