2011 STC Yearbook

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i......................................................................................................Officer’s words | 執行長的話

pg. 1..........................................................................................2011 STC Events | 2011 STC 大小事 pg. 17................................................................. STC Five Elements of Success | STC 的五個成功要素 pg. 21............................................................................................................STC Friends | STC 之友 pg. 23................................................................................STC 2011 Company Trip | STC墨西哥之旅 pg. 25.................................................................................. Health, Love, Wisdom | 健康,愛,智慧 pg. 35............................................................................................ STC Designations | STC 專業認定 pg. 41................................................................................................... STC Track Record (Partial List) pg. 43.................................................................................... STC 2011 Reflections | STC 2011 回顧


ith dedication, honesty and knowledge, We at STC Management are committed to grow jointly and successfully with our clients, our trusted vendors, and our valuable tenants by working diligently and happily. - STC Mission and philosophy

Officer’s Words | 執行長的話 i


ear STC Family,

Welcome home!

I am so happy and grateful that we have lived and enjoyed another wonderful year together. Although there were challenges and difficult times, but by working together, we have made it through as a Team and have come out even stronger and better. Over the years, we have grown through sharing and learning of many things in our lives, but most importantly, we have become healthier, wiser and more receptive to loving people around us. Let us celebrate together tonight of all the things we have accomplished and look forward to the arrival of another great year. I love all of you! :) 親愛的STC家人們, 歡迎回家! 很高興和感謝我們又度過了這美好的一年。雖然充滿了挑戰和困難,但經過大家共同的努力,使這一年讓我們成為更強和 更好的團隊。多年來,我們通過分享和學習快速的成長,但最重要的是,我們變得更健康,更明智,以及更容易接受和愛 我們周圍的人。今晚讓我們一起慶祝我們共同完成的事,並期待著快樂的明年到來。 我愛你們!


John Hsu 許惠欽 , Officer STC Management



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2010 STC Appreciation Dinner STC Center December 11, 2010

“戀” Dance

Set up the day before the event December 10, 2010, 10:05PM

Dragon Dance Intro 阿里郎 Dance

Hoedown Throwdown

STC Choir Performance

STC 活力 Hip Hop





Countdown to 2011 at Yes Plaza

December 31, 2010

From Left to Right: Canada Chapter, Andrew Chan CCIM National President, Richard Juge, Taiwan Chapter, Michael Tseng, Greater Los Angeles Chapter, John Hsu

Winterfest Rowland Unified School District STC Center, December 6, 2010

From Left to Right: Dalerie Wu, Lily Cheng, Michael Wang and Justin Tsai

Auto Con

Seasons Place December 11, 2010



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Wing Lung Bank Appreciation Dinner

Universal Sheraton January 7, 2011

Taiwan CCIM Chapter Seminar January 11, 2011

3 American Chinese Dance Association Annual Party STC Center February 19, 2011

CCIM Boot Camp

STC Center, February 8-10, 2011

Rowland Heights Chinese Association Annual Dinner STC Center, February 12, 2011

Dickie Simmons and John Hsu

Pacific IPA Luncheon February 15, 2011

From Left to Right: Heidi Gallegos, Curt Hagman, John Hsu, Henry Woo, Dr. Ott

STC Tenant Mixer


STC Center, February 16, 2011

STC Center February 22, 2011




4 From left to right: Amy Li, Melody Yang, Dr. Kimo Morris

Allied Physician IPA New Year Celebration

STC was awarded with Ada May Warner Award Rowland Concil PTA March 31, 2011

廣東省文化藝術團 STC Center, February 24, 2011

John and Dalerie each shadowed a local elementary school principal to learn more about how schools operate and the challenges facing today’s principals, and how to bridge the business community with the educational community

Principal for a Day March 3, 2011

FOR US Foundation The Friends of Rowland Unified Schools (FOR US) Foundation is a tax-exempt, independent, communitybased, non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining, enhancing and enriching the education and well being of all Rowland Unified School District students. Theyt generate revenues to provide project grants to teachers to enrich learning in technology, math, reading, and special education as well as the arts.

Casino Night Rowland PTA Recognition

Alan Leon April 21, 2011 w w w. STCm a n a g e m e n t . B L O G S P O T. c o m

March 3, 2011

For US Foundation


Rowland Concil PTA Luncheon

CCIM Greater Los Angeles Chapter Event Singing ConU Star -ICON Buchalter Nemer Law Firm test April 24, 2011

STC Center, May 25, 2011

ETTV Super Mom Singing Contest 東森超級媽媽歌唱大賽 STC Center Prelimenary 初賽,April 23, 2011 Final 決賽,May 1, 2011

Career Expo

City of Industry, May 17, 2011

U Star ICON Singing Contest STC Center April 24, 2011





Institute of Chinese Martial Arts Demonstration 中華武術學院武術表演ㄔ STC Center, May 28, 2011

FOR US Foundation Award 8th Annual Taste of the Heights

May 11, 2011

Rowland Heights May 25, 2011

高老師 with medal winning students. Our John and Dalerie are part of the team

Wushu National Competition Santa Monica 中華武術學院 May 28, 2011

創辦人李延明 with volunteers

生命自救法門巡迴講座 STC Center May 28, 2011



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John and Dalerie hosted a series of TV news programs about commercial real estate. Topics includes: Investment opportunites, financing tips, landlord/tenant relationships, bringing traffic to shopping centers, commercial real estate in China and Taiwan, etc.

ICN 財富指南針

weekly broadcast during May, June and July CREW is Los Angeles’s premier multi-disciplinary commercial real estate organization. With members encompassing all disciplines of commercial real estate, CREW provides its members with informative programs, local and national networking opportunities, and leadership training.

Million Star Singing Contest 華人星光大道 STC Center May 14, 2011

CREW Women At the Top Award Night June 22, 2011

7shekels Bio 7shekels, Dare to be Different! “Shekels”是以色列使用的錢幣, 我們叫做shekels是因為覺得唸起來很 酷,很又power的感覺! 7shekels的團名 所代表的意思是:我們像是幾個小小 的銅板,希望能夠藉著彼此碰撞所激 發出來的聲響與能量,帶給這世界有 種又不同的音樂。

7shekels 七舍客勒樂團 Concert Yes Plaza, July 19, 2011 www.




2011 4th of July Parade July 4, 2011

Our Big Parade Family

We got First Place!!!

Uncle Sam Vehicle

STC Dragon Dance STC Fan Dance



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John and Dalerie were invited to speak at the CAREPA Dinner on the topic of distress commecial assets

CAREPA Seminar

Chinese American Real Estate Professionals Association August 10, 2011

STC E-Mail Writing Class The Regional Chamber of Commerce - San Gabriel Valley Installation and Gala

STC Recreation Center September 1, 2011

STC Center, July 7, 2011

The new Board of Directors

STC Annual Trip to Don Knabe speaks

Mexican Rivera Cruise July 8 to July 10, 2011





3on3 Basketball Tournament Seasons Place September 25, 2011

International MinNan Language Singing Contest 全球閩南語歌曲 創作演唱大賽 STC Center Prelimenary 初賽,October 8, 2011 Final 決賽,October 9, 2011

AIR President Tim Hayes and John Hsu at the seminar stage

AIR Mixer American Industrial Real Estate Association STC Center September 29, 2011 AIR Commercial Real Estate Association is the nation’s largest and most respected organization of industrial and commercial real estate brokers. Founded by visionary industry leaders in 1960 as the American Industrial Real Estate Association, AIR has since broadened its outreach while distinguishing itself through two overriding and central



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2011 Buckboard Days Parade October 22, 2011

Parade Press Conference

Our Big Parade Family

We got First Place!!!

STC Fan Dance


STC Dragon Dance





STC Investment Fund I Seminar STC Recreation Center, November 15, 2011

The Department of Public Social Services is making an announcement on the new and updated CalFresh Services.

2011 Financial Forum

The name for California’s Food Stamp Program has changed as a result of recent State law. The new name for the program is “CalFresh”. The name change will not change the benefits.

LA Cal Fresh Seminar STC Center, October 12, 2011

STC Center November 12-13, 2011

Our winner: Dalerie Wu The Recycle Girl !!

STC Halloween Costume Contest STC Recreation Center, October 31, 2011



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US Representative Ed Royce Visits STC Center, November 11, 2011

Edward Randall “Ed” Royce (born October 12, 1951) is the U.S. Representative for California’s 40th congressional district, (previously the 39th), and has served in Congress since 1993. He is a member of the Republican Party. The district lies in northern Orange County, including portions of Stanton, Cypress, Buena Park, Fullerton, Anaheim, Placentia, and Orange.

Winterfest Rowland Unified School District STC Center, December 5, 2011

City of Industry and IMC Holiday Luncheon December 5, 2011

Meeting with the Chiense Consulate

2011 Holiday Luncheon

The Regional Chamber of Commerce San Gabriel Valley December 8, 2011

Shaofang Qiu, Ambassador/Consul General (third from left), Luomei Shu, Consul/Director of Commercial Office (first from left), John Hsu, CCIM China Liaison/CEO of STC Management (second from left), and Craig Lee, President of Lilly Enterprise, Inc., the friendly host at California Club (third from right). 中國駐洛杉磯總領事邱紹芳大使(左三),商 務領事(參贊)舒駱玫(左一),CCIM中國區聯 絡官、STC資產管理執行長許惠欽(左二),Lilly Enterprise Inc總裁Craig Lee(右三) November 30, 2011

Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Austin Beutner Meet n’ Greet STC Center, November 16, 2011




開懷篇 14

精神病的開懷篇 一個神經病躺在床上唱歌,唱著唱著突然翻了個身,繼續唱歌,醫生很納悶, 就問他說:『你為什麼翻過來?』 神經病回答:「你別傻啦?A面唱完要翻B面啦!」 小吳在精神病院實習。 一日他陪的病人手持菜刀無端端的追著他,小吳嚇得轉身就逃,一直逃到一條死胡同, 他想:這次死定了....就在這個時候,那個病人突然開口說:「菜刀給你,換你追我!」 男精神病患者:我有話要告訴你。 女精神病患者:啥事呀? 男精神病患者:(小聲耳語)你一定要保守秘密,我是菩薩的兒子。 女精神病患者:MD!我什麼時候生過你這個兒子! 醫院精神科的患者常常會對醫生或護士有愛慕的情結。 某日,一位女患者向某男醫生走來…… 女病患:藍醫生,你愛我嗎? 藍醫生沈思許久(為了不傷及病人以免病情惡化) 藍醫生:我們呢是醫生與病人的關係,因為你生病了所以我必須要好好照顧你…… (為了不傷及病人,藍醫生解釋了半天,終於解釋完) 女病患:藍醫生,你的意思是說你不愛我喔? 藍醫生(苦思不語):嗯……嗯……嗯…… 女患者:還好……我愛的是陳醫生…… 阿呆和阿瓜到美國旅遊,某天下午在街上閒逛,突然聽見「披哩磅瑯」的巨響, 轉頭一看,原來馬路上有兩輛轎車撞在一塊兒了。 哎呀,這可不得了!看看四周都沒有人,好!雖然身在異鄉,還是要ㄏㄨㄚ揮見義勇為的精神, 於是兩人趕緊到路旁打公用電話報警。 可ㄙㄨ‵,英文只會一句:「This is a book.」怎麼辦ㄋㄟ? 哎呀,管他的,救人要緊啦!電話接通後,那頭說了:”What’s happen? May I help you?” 兩人電話筒傳來傳去,誰也不敢講,稍微聰明一點的阿呆趕緊假裝昏倒, 阿瓜只好硬著頭皮ㄏㄨㄟ常努力地用英文ㄙㄨㄛ: “One car come, one car go! One car no ‘ba’, one car no stop! Two car ‘long-ga-bin-biang-gyo’(台語). Please O-E O-E come!”



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STC’s Five Element of Success




Solution Center | Property Management Division

By Benjamin Chen and Chih Wang


Property Management is not only limited to fixing broken pipes or roof leaks.

It has a broader scope than what you might imagine. Can you list several other values that property managers can bring to your properties? Think of property management as a solution center, and you might come up with lots of creative answers. We as property managers, we have to:

Understand owner’s objective

We need to fully understand what owner’s objectives for the property are. This is the foundation of all decisions making and planning.

Plan & Set Goal

The owner’s objectives will help us with planning and goal setting. We will use our professional skill to achieve the best financial/ physical result for the property. This will increase the physical value and immeasurable value that people has toward the property.

Continuously Learn & Educate

Continue learning is always our motto! By continuously learning, we are able to improve our services all the time. At the same time, we will pass our knowledge to owners and tenants to better understand the financial, leasing, management, and maintenances issues related to your property.

Listen & Communicate

We understand we all have different thoughts when we are in different positions. That is why we are here to listen and act as a liaison between different parties to achieve the best results!


,有人對物業管理的們定義為 “漏水了找他們” 、 “冷氣壞了找他們”、在解釋下去就會聽到 “反正就是什麼壞了都找他 們” 。說得沒有錯,這些東西壞掉是需要找我們,但是針對物業管理的團隊所扮演的角色您只了解到冰山一角。您可以想出幾個管理團 隊所創造出的價值呢?提示: 管理團隊所扮演的是一個Solution Center! 以下讓我們簡單的為您介紹:








我們深深了解每個人在不同的位置會有不同的想法,我們具備耐心聆聽的特 質,在多方溝通協調中扮演絕佳的角色!



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Supporting Center | Accounting Division

By Tina Young

As the saying goes: “Follow The Money!”.

It is critical for any organization to keep track of finances. STC Management is no different. Accounting department at STC provides critical support to internal as well as external users. From the perspective of STC Accounting, the “organization” to be supported comprises many components. Hence, one can view the Accounting Department to function as a support center of STC Management, serving directly and indirectly its internal departments (e.g., management, leasing, investment and marketing departments – internal users) and its family of business associates (owners, HOA Boards, etc. – external users). STC Accounting is responsible for performing at least five essential functions for its internal and external users, including

Recording – to record financial transaction (includes billing, collection, payment and journals posting) in an orderly manner. Classifying – to classify financial transactions (includes billing, collection, payment and journals posting) by the nature

of the


Summarizing – to summarize financial data in a way that is understandable and useful to the users. Analysis and Interpretation – to analyze and interpret the recorded financial data in a manner

that facilitate users to make a

meaningful judgments about the financial condition.

Communication – to communicate financial data in a proper form and manner through preparation and distribution. As our users have grown to be accustomed to, STC Accounting timely gathers financial information concerning the properties STC manages, does its magic and provides our users with reliable, accurate and timely financial reports. The financial reports are the tools they need to make meaningful judgments and decisions on the finances of their organizations. From time to time, some of our external users even relied on us to provide accounting functions for their organizations. As much as we like to help our external users, we are not in a position to be involved with their internal accounting. 2011 has been a challenging year for some of STC’s business associates. Through working closely together, as a team, we were able to deliver value to our associates, supporting their business growth. We firmly believe the sound accounting infrastructure established by STC Accounting will continue to provide valuable support to our users through 2012 and beyond!




Creation Center | Leasing Division

By Justin Tsai and Kathy Tung


Leasing Division

is known as the Creation Center here at STC. Through an array of interconnected networks and strategies, we seek to bring in the right prospects and structure sustainable leases, ultimately creating new asset values with improved tenancy. The creation process relies heavily on momentum, where a critical mass needs to be achieved and maintained through the lifecycle of the asset. The matrix of divisions, or “centers” – starting, creation, solution, and support – will need to work hand-in-hand to realize the full potential of the asset.

By Amy Li

Value-Add Center | Marketing Division


you eat a steak if the steak has no flavor? Marketing is that flavor. It is also the blow horn that lets your neighbors know you have a very tasty steak, and the aroma that draws your neighbors to jump over the fence because they want to taste your steak. It is the color that makes your neighbors’ mouths water when they see your steak, and what makes your neighbor willing to dig deep in their wallets so they can get their hand on your steak. It is the secret ingredient that makes your steak desirable, because we know that’s exactly what your neighbors want! The steak is done. Now, bon appetit!



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Starting Center | Investment Division

By Dalerie Wu and Jessica Barajas


investments begin with the purchase of an asset, hence we call STC’s Investment Division the “Starting Center”. A good start is key to a successful investment. At STC Management, we ensure that each commercial real estate purchase has undergone rigorous research and analysis, assuring that it has the potential and a great likelihood of becoming a highly profitable asset. However, as we know from the story of “The Tortoise and the Hare”, a good start alone does not guarantee success. Therefore, we utilize Management (“Solution Center”), Accounting (“Supporting Center”), Leasing (“Creation Center”) and Marketing (“Value-add Center”) to increase the value of each investment. When the value of a commercial real estate investment reaches a peak, we sell the asset and use the proceeds to invest in the next potential asset, thus starting the cycle over again.





踮腳尖-簡單保健養生長壽法 踮腳尖的確是個不錯的有氧運動,它不僅能使人的心率保持在每分鐘150次左右,讓血液可以供給心肌足夠的氧氣,有益於人的心臟、心 血管健康,還能鍛煉小腿肌肉和腳踝,防止靜脈曲張,增強踝關節的穩定性。最重要的是,它可以避免損傷膝蓋,這對很多膝關節不是 很好的老年人來說,是個不錯的鍛煉方法。 踮腳尖走路:每次走30—50步,稍稍休息一下,然後根據自己的身體狀況再重複幾組。速度可自我調節,以感覺舒適輕鬆為宜。初始練 習者可以扶著牆,熟練以後就不用借助外物了。 坐著踮腳尖:膝蓋與大腿保持水準,可將兩個礦泉水瓶或者寵物放在大腿上,進行負重練習,每次踮30—50次,速度自我調節。 躺著勾腳尖:臥床休息時,兩腿併攏伸直,將腳尖一勾一放,可以兩腳一起做,也可進行單腳練習。如果感覺小腿不舒服,就停下來休 息。每次做20-30次,速度自我調節。 踮腳尖刷牙:因為,當人感到疲倦想睡覺時,嘴裡就會發粘,這時若刷牙漱口清潔口腔,便可以發揮醒腦功效,使人精神倍增。刷牙時 最好以腳尖支撐身體,如果能順便洗一下臉,則更有助消除睡意。 常見的方法是雙足併攏著地,用力抬起腳跟,然後放鬆,重複20-30次。別看方法簡單,可健身效果不錯。踮起腳尖時,雙側小腿後部 肌肉每次收縮時擠壓出的血液量,大致相當於心臟脈搏排血量。所以,當你下棋、打牌、玩電腦或久立不動時,最好1小時左右做1次踮 腳運動,可使下肢血液回流順暢。而且,踮腳運動還可以活動四肢和頭腦,消除長時間用腦集中及突然站立而眼前發黑、頭腦發暈的毛 病。 還要說的是踮腳走路,就是足跟提起完全用足尖走路,行走百步。可以鍛煉屈肌。從經絡角度看,還有利於通暢足三陰經。足跟走路就 是把足尖翹起來,用足跟走路,這樣是練小腿前側的伸肌,行百步,可以疏通足三陽經。兩者交替進行可以祛病強身。當然,對於老年 人則應注意安全,以免站立不穩而摔倒。患有較嚴重的骨質疏鬆症的人最好不做。 另外,解小便雖是小事,也不可掉以輕心。男性踮起腳尖小便,則可起到強腎 的作用,因而能連帶達到強精的效果。女性坐蹲的同時,把第一腳趾和第二腳 趾用力著地,踮一踮,抖一抖,也可起到補腎利尿的效果。倘若能在一天內做 上五次這樣的踮腳尖運動,連續1-6個月,便能達到很好的強精又健身的作用。 同時。亦可緩解因長時間站立而導致的足跟痛。若患有慢性前列腺炎及前列腺 肥大,小便時踮腳亦有尿暢之感



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STC Family | STC 之友 By Jia Wang Gao, Helen and Jane


提 筆前都沒有意識到原來我們和STC還存在著合作的關係,但是相對於john和他的家人以及STC的部份成員而言,我們的感情早已超越了 合作的關係。 所以如果說談談和STC的合作關係,倒不如讓大家了解一下作為我們武術學院團隊眼中的STC負責人John 許。 在我們武術學院團隊眼中,John是我們中華武術學院名符其實的創辦人之一。沒有他的幫助和支持,可能此時還見不到屬於我們的武術 學院。再接下來除了武術教學以外,很多圍繞在武術學院的工作John都在帶頭做或者參予在其中。 身為STC的領導者的他每天都有很多事情協調和處理。但是在繁忙的工作中還能夠如此盡心盡力來幫助我們武術學院,這些真的讓我們很 感動很溫暖,而作為合作關係的STC所做到的也遠遠超出了他們的責任範圍。 和STC的合作倒是更像是在為我們的團體尋找樂趣,比如2010年的羅蘭崗市遊行、pathfinder公園表演、10月份蒙市升旗典禮以及今年10月 22日的羅蘭崗花車遊行,STC和我們武術學院,以及馬淑芬老師的舞蹈社同一家人般的同進同出,並且快樂的完成了每一次活動。 也就是這樣一個積極負責、平易近人的STC領導者,讓我們為他的人格魅力所吸引,讓我們用心的去支持他,因為我們知道,他心裡放著 我們大家 。

中華武術學院 Institute of Chinese Martial Arts, Inc. 武術指導:高家旺 Wushu Instructor: Jia Wang Gao Wushu, also known as “Kung Fu” or “Chinese Martial Art”, is a quintessence of Chinese culture. The art of attack and defencse are wushu’s main content. Forms and combat incorate the techiques of kicking, boxing wrestling, grappling, etc., are whushu’s althletic style. Chinese Martial Arts are proven to improve coordination, flexibility and overall fitness, as well as enhancing self-discipline, focus, and selfconfidence. 18738 #B Colima Rd. Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Rowland Heights Plaza

English (626) 715-2175 中文 (626) 678-5480




STC Family | STC 之友 By Anne Ma


“緣”使我們相識, “愛”使我們相聚。

舞印舞蹈中心 暨 舞印製作 Dance Impressions Productions 藝術總監: 馬淑芬 Artistic Director: Anne Ma

我是一個很相信緣份的人,總覺得人與人之間因緣而識,因愛而聚, 但若緣盡了,也無份了。因這奇妙的“緣” ,也使得我的人生當中 遇到了許許多多不同種類的人;除了家人、至親好友以外,還有 我所教導的寶貝學生們;能在這麼多年的舞蹈教學生涯中,認識 到那麼多的學生及家長們,這是不可多得的緣;但天下無不散的宴 席,曲終人也會散;無論學了再久的舞,當了再久的師生,緣盡了還 是會離開。但中國人又有句話說的好〝一日為師,終身為父母〞,就 不知有多少現代年青人能懂這個道理了,但就算離開了,〝再見亦是 朋友〞。

Dance Impressions, Dance Impressions Productions & Lan Ling Dance Studio was founded in the autumn of 1994, under the artistic direction of Anne Ma. Dance Impressions & Lan Ling Dance Studio’s aim is to promote the art of Chinese folk dance and motivate the younger generation to better understand Chinese heritage. Dance Impressions Productions focuses on entertainment performance 來美打拼奮鬥也近20個年頭了,20年來,我在這海外異鄉所教出來的學 art. Our dancers are trained 生及編創出來的作品,連我自己也數不清;而這打拼的過程也和許多人一樣, in, but not limited to, Chinese 嘗盡了酸、甜、苦、辣,但令我自己覺得欣慰的是,在這辛苦走來的一路上,也因為緣份 classical dance, folk dance, 而讓我認識了很多〝貴人〞,所以一路走下來雖走的很辛苦,但也走的很心安理得,平平安安。 martial arts, ballet, modern, jazz, and flexibility discipline. Dancers 〝2011年〞對我而言是個不平凡的一年,很多最好的和最不好的事全都在這一年內發生了。因此 are inspired to be well rounded in 我告訴我自己,不好的事就當作是對我的磨練,從中吸取教訓,讓自己成長的更茁壯,並讓它隨 every form of dance in the world 時間遏去;相反之,更要以感恩的心去享受那些好的事,迎接更光明的未來。萬事皆因“緣”而 of arts.

起,在過去的這一年多裡,對我而言最值得開心及欣慰的是認識了好多好朋友,大家除了理念相 同,有默契以外,在一起時也很開心,而這人與人之間的互動及鼓勵,遠遠勝 過一切任何可以用金錢所購來的事物。 〝STC〞是一個溫暖的大家庭,當Susan跟我說我們的大總裁Uncle John決定了今 年的年會主題為〝回家〞,而我們的寶貝Amy跟我邀稿時,我的第一 個直覺反應就是: STC就是〝回家〞。



舞坊成立於1994年。創辦人兼 藝術總監是來自台灣的馬淑芬老 師。舞印舞蹈中心暨蘭陵舞坊以 宣揚中華傳統文化為榮,藉以中 國民族舞蹈發揚國粹,提昇大家 對中國傳統及地方文化的凝聚 力。舞印製作則為多元化演出團

Anne Ma 馬淑芬 寫於11.21. 2011 凌晨 3:15 (714) 914-9143 http://danceimpressionsproductions.wordpress.com

體,負責一切與娛樂事業相關的演 出活動,例如


等。舞者們所學的包含了中國古 典舞、民俗舞、武舞、芭蕾、現 代、爵士及柔軟度的訓練等,使 之能成為多方位的舞者,適應這 多元化的舞蹈文化 藝術界。

Studio Location Walnut 775 Pinefalls Ave., Walnut CA, 91789



a n a g e m e n t . B L O G S P O T. c o m

Seasons Place 四季廣場 18558 Gale Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748

STC墨西哥之旅 By J.C. Guo

23 2011年7月8日在這天又迎來了STC資產管理公司每年一度公司之 旅, 與以往歷年不同的是今年我們別出新意——選擇大海,踏 入了異鄉, 在駛往墨西哥(恩塞納達)的郵輪上開始了我們的行 程。 登船的這一天,汽車剛拐進港口,一條碩大的遊輪出現在眼前, 就像一棟高樓大廈直立在海面上,興奮之情悠然升起。經過了海 關移民局的檢查,我們這個大家庭便順利地登上了郵輪CARNIVAL SPLENDOR號來盡情的享受這不同尋常的旅途。

我們聚集在CARNIVAL SPLENDOR號的大戲院內,一 同欣賞另人心情愉快的歌舞表演,大家陶醉於動 人的舞蹈與美妙的音樂之中,它彷彿將我們帶到 另外一個美妙世界當中。每個人都從緊張忙碌的 生活和工作中擺脫出來,沒有人群的喧囂,家庭 的瑣事,工作的壓力,放下一切,敞開心扉,全 然的放鬆。

我們在甲板上,三五成群的圍坐在小桌旁,在星空和海風的伴隨下, 彼此親切的交談著,暢聊彼此的愛好, 不同尋常的經歷,耐人尋味的 故事,讓人發笑的趣聞。你一言我一語,好不熱鬧,每個人好像比以往 都更加有趣,更加睿智。




24 來到墨西哥的恩塞納達的小鎮,我們一群人一同走在街道上,在這裡感受 著異國的風土文化,人文氣息。雖然那時Melody行走暫時不方便,可是還 是行動在一起,看著各式各樣不同的物品,品嚐各式的美食,遊走於各個 店鋪之間。不禁讓我想到《相親相愛》這首歌中的一句歌詞:“ 因為我 們是一家人,相親相愛的一家人。有福必然同享,有難必然同當……”

為了我們的身體的健康,為了使我們的體力和精力更加 充沛,跳舞和打功夫是我們STC的兩項必不可少的活動。 即便是在異國它鄉的大海上,也是如此。在REX舞廳裡, 當大家藉著幾分酒意在場上盡情舞動時, John 將我們平 時作為強身健體的太極拳的動作也容入了勁舞當中。只 可惜大家都在興頭上,錯失了留影的機會。筆者也是在 Susan等人的慫恿帶動下第一次跳舞。在這個家庭中我們 有嚴肅認真的一面,又有活力四射的一面,我們喜愛創 新,我們又勇於突破。

當我們再次踏上陸地,我們回家了,一個屬於我 們的家,一個凝聚著我們每一個人的家。這裡充 滿了熱情與活力,友愛與互助,團結與進取。不 論你是誰,不管你身處何處,只要有STC的地方你 就不會感到孤獨與無助——因為這裡有我們。



a n a g e m e n t . B L O G S P O T. c o m

Health, Love and Wisdom In 2011, our Officer John Hsu asked us to rate the most important things in our lives. Most of our associates chose “Health”, “Love” and “Wisdom”. And the following article, written by our associates, explained their reasons why...... By Beatrice

By Chih

The three most important elements of our lives are love, wisdom and health. Through out our live times we will need “Love” from and to the others to support ourselves and to support the other with our countless love to bring out a better living society. We also need our “Wisdom” to help us and the others to solve all possible problems that we may face in our lives. Last but not least, “Health” the most important elements that we all shall have, without a good health we won’t have the energy to love and support the others as also won’t get a better chance to use our wisdom to achieve our live goals. Therefore, having love wisdom and a good health would help us to achieve a better life journy!

我 相 信每個人對於健康、愛與智慧都有非常不同的見解。隨著年齡 增長與 經 驗 ,心境上更會有不同的體會。從小開始我很慶幸有很多機會可 以親近 許 多 的高僧大德,隨著年紀的增長也培養透過閱讀來增長智慧,希 望能將 這 些 智慧運用在生活上。 對 於 健康,除了身體的健康是非常重要之外,更不能忽視心靈上的 健康。 在 忙 碌的生活中,我們往往容易忘記照顧自己的身體,更容易忘記 照顧自 己 的 內心。我想日常的保健不需要在此深入探討,感謝公司對於團 隊的健 康 如 此重視,但我相信個人的習慣培養才是關鍵,才是長久之計。 畢竟身 體 與 心靈的健康是不可分離的。

心 靈 上的健康、愛及智慧也有很密切的關係,曾經於一場演講中有 驚艷的 體 誤 ,我想是很值得與大家分享的。演說者是一個經過很嚴密的科 學研究 中 證 實為世界上最開心的人,我想大家都會很好奇,怎麼能成為世 界上最 開 心 的人?其實道理很簡單,就是透過認識自己的內心,觀察自己 的的每 一 個 念頭。當有能力靜下心來看每一個念頭的時候,有如溪水往下 流的觀 察 , 我們就會得到自覺的能力( self-awar eness) 。有這個能力的時候,愛與 智 慧 就會很自然的流露出來。當我們找回自覺能力的時候,我們將 會理解 所 有 的情緒的來源,看著念頭的時候,負面的力量將會漸漸減弱, 我們將 能用更 平 靜 的 心 境 去面 對 。 對 我 來 說 , 這 是 大 智 慧。當具備智慧的時候,我們更能無私的付出更多的愛、釋放更多的 善意以 及 結 更 多 的 善緣 。 每一個 人 類 , 甚 至 於動 物 , 都 想 要 離 苦 得 樂 。 在 這過程我們往往會因為現實的困境而迷失自己的自覺能力,反而使愛 跟快樂 離 我 們 更 遠 。我 很 驚 訝 在 生 活 很 舒 適 的 文 明都市中,不快樂的人反而越來越多。被自己的慾望困住的人更是 佔了多 數 。 更 別 提 給予 愛 給 身 邊 的 人 。 而 我 自 己 也常常不小心成為這樣的一份子,所以我了解理論與實際常常無法並 存,只 能 鼓 勵 並 提 醒著 自 己 。 我深信 有 了 自 覺 的 能力 , 我 們 將 會 有 更 大 的 同 理 心及慈悲心來看待身邊所發生的事以及所遇到的人。譬如面對心急的 房客, 我 們 該 如 何 能在 當 下 體 誤 他 的 心 情 給 予 適 當的協助及安撫。對於房東的要求,我們能否設身處地的做到協調者 的這個 角 色 。 如 果 沒有 同 理 心 , 是 很 難 滿 足 我 們 的客群。面對我們一起工作的夥伴,能否用心的去感受每個人的困擾 給予適 當 的 幫 助 。 身為 主 管 , 是 否 能 有 足 夠 的 胸 襟來帶領團隊。身為老闆,能否了解員工需要的是什麼,要了解許多 人是為 了 填 滿 三 餐 而努 力 工 作 。 這 些 是 大 愛 更 是 大智慧,我相信需要時時提醒著自己, 透過發現問題來找尋智慧才 能不斷 從 生 活 中 的 經歷 來 學 習 、 成 長 以 及 分 享 更 多的愛 。

By Kathy Do you know health and love are connected together for someone’s blood pressure? Health and Love are important key elements for everyone. The answer can be found in the special health report (68 page report) from DHHS, the department of Health and Human Services. In the report that found, in general, married people are happier, live longer, drink less and even have fewer doctors’ appointments than unmarried people. Most studies on the health benefits of love have focused on married couples. The study also published about marriage and blood pressure. The research found that happily married people have lower blood pressure than unmarried people. But unhappily married people have higher blood pressure than both groups. When it comes to blood pressure, at least, you’re probably better off alone than in a troubled marriage. Loving spouses tend to encourage each others; they keep up with healthy behaviors such as exercise and flossing, and dissuade unhealthy ones, such as heavy drinking, according to many studies. Romantic relationships also can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life that can translate to better self-care and less risk taking. So love may make the world go round, but is it powerful enough to influence one’s health by lower one’s blood pressure, and even reduce one’s depression. My section’s another topic is how love can influence one’s depression.

by Benjamin

By Amy

L OV E – 愛 可 分 為 以下 主 要 幾 點 : 人對世 界 環 境 的 保 護, 大 自 然 的 熱 愛 人對自 己 國 家 的 忠 心 人對社 會 的 關 心 人對人 之 間 的 友 善 、友 愛 、 和 平 人對自 己 家 庭 人對自 己 夫 妻 、 孩 子的 愛 人對父 母 的 孝 順 人對親 友 人對工 作 上 的 熱 忱 人對同 事 之 間 人對動 物 的 保 護 人對人 自 己 的 愛

Life is difficult Comes a obstacle Health first sacrificed For its dual identity Life its twin, collateral its name

WIS D O M 是 許 多 人 一 生 當 中 所 追 求 的 最 高 境 界 , for e x ample 宗 教 中 的 上帝 , 佛 祖 , p o p e , 國 家 領 袖 ,公司 C EO , e t c . 古 語 說 有 智 者 能 治 天 下 , 能 以 和 平 避 免戰爭,能 安平人 與 人 之 間 的 爭論 , 能 解 決 工 作 或 生 意 上 的 難題而受眾 人的尊 敬 。

Life is difficult People have agreed Love sewed on sleeves For the heart in abyss Evangelist its mask, disruption its game Life is difficult Persons do exclaim Wisdom worn on lips For fears of discovery Sightless its self, arrogance its reign

健康, 愛 , 智 慧 , 三者 缺 一 不 可 , 有 它 你 將 成 為 人中人而受人敬愛,少了它或任何之一將無法成為好的領導者。F or e x ample , o n e wi t h a l o t of w i s d o m b u t n o g o o d h eal th , h e/sh e may die ear l y. Or h e h ave good h eal th and w isd o m, but n o lo ve , t h e h e m a y b e c om e e v i l an d star t a w ar. With al l 3 el emen t, 人生將會很圓滿,並帶給他人 快樂。

By Irene

By Calvin

We are all very familiar and understand how important ‘health’ and ‘love’ to us because we encounter it very often in our life. Since the first second we were born we cried, yet we stopped crying when we laid on our mothers arms. That is our first ‘love’. Wisdom is more abstract to define. Different people, different age may have different conception on ‘wisdom’. The following is story of old man’s wisdom that has been circulated on the internet. I think it is a funny example but it is very true in fact.

Health: A state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. Health depends partially on the active, passive, and assisted cues people observe and adopt about their own health. These include personal actions for preventing or minimizing the effects of a disease, usually a chronic condition, through integrative care. Health also depends partially on the social structure of a person’s life. The maintenance of strong social relationships, volunteering, and other social activities have been linked to positive mental health and even increased longevity. Mental health is an expression of emotions and signifies a successful adaptation to a range of demands; it is a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

You Got Wisdom! A guy is 84 years old and loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, “Pick me up.” He looked around and couldn’t see anyone. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again, “Pick me up.” He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog. The man said, “Are you talking to me?” The frog said, “Yes, I ‘ m talking to you. Pick me up then, kiss me and I ‘ ll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I ‘ ll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!” The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket. The frog said, “What, are you nuts? Didn’t you hear what I said? I said ‘kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.”

Love: Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offence. Love keeps no score of wrongs; does not gloat over another’s sins, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and its endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love. – 1 Corinthians 13 Wisdom: Wise people have experienced many different situations during their lives. They may have made a wrong decision and now know what to do if the problem arises again. They may have done the right thing and realize that they should not change anything. Either way, they learned something from the experience. A wise person is able to take that knowledge and apply it to their life. It is used in making decisions of all kinds and helping others with their problems. Wise people have high moral standards. They were raised in a way that their conscience tells them the right thing to do in the majority of situations that occur during the course of their life. Wisdom does not come from just knowing the information that is taught in schools. It is about being able to take that knowledge and use it in the real world.

He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, “Nah, at my age I’d rather have a talking frog.” By Investment Division 1. Health is the slowest possible rate at which one can die. 2. Love is nature’s way of tricking people into reproducing. 3. Wisdom is knowing what you know, as well as what you don’t know.

By J.C. 人在不知不覺中擁有很多東西,但同時也在不知不覺中失去了很多東西。有些東西可以去換來,有些東西失去了也就失 去了。 比 如 說 智 慧 ,健 康 與 愛 。 說不清哪些東西是最重要的,哪些先,哪些後,但人所記下的每一個字符都是人類所擁有獨一無二的智慧的產物。在生 命的延續中,智慧使人知道了什麼是健康,什麼是愛。愛,健康與人的生活經歷不斷地將人類的智慧昇華,以至於愛心 得以傳播,道德得以肯定,疾病得以醫治,健康得以保持。不同時期,不同的人,智慧也不盡相同。沒有健康的人,他 依舊可以擁有智慧和愛心;沒有愛心的人他也可以聰明絕頂身強體健;但當智慧消失的那一刻,人會知道什麼是健康, 又懂得 什 麼 是 愛 嗎 ? 孩童並不一定真正明白什麼是健康,青年人多將健康視為拼搏的資本,什麼時候健康才被視為首位了呢?人只有當生病 的時候才知道健康是多麼重要,只有見到不幸的人才明白健康有多麼美好,只有意識到生命的盡頭的時候,才意識到健 康是珍貴到用任何東西都無法換取的。然而人們對保健的意識也與時俱進,與日俱增,憑藉人們的智慧將病患防範於未 然。這 讓 我 不 禁 想 起古 人 曾 說 , “ 良 醫 者 , 常 治 無病之病,故無病;聖人者,常治無患之患,故無患”。 《鶡冠子》 中有一個故事:魏文王問名醫扁鵲,你們家兄弟三人,到底哪一位醫術最好呢?扁鵲回答,大哥最好,二哥次之,我最 差。文王問,那為什麼你最出名呢?扁鵲說,我大哥治病,是治病於未發之前。由於一般人不知道他事先能剷除病因, 所以他的名氣無法傳出去。我二哥治病,是治病於初起之時。一般人以為他只能治輕微的小病,所以他的名氣只傳於鄉 里。而 我 治 病 , 是 在病 情 嚴 重 之 時 , 所 以 大 家 認 為我的醫術高明,名氣因此響遍全國。 (重病對人的身體有損傷) 健康不 僅 是 身 體 上 的健 康 , 更 重 要 的 是 心 理 上 的 健康, 若心理上不健康,再強健的體魄也早已敗絮其中。 愛心是人與人相互依賴,相互聯繫,相互信任橋樑和紐帶。愛心伴隨著每一個人從嬰兒落地前到百年之後度過那長而短 的一生。有和父母的愛,親人的愛,朋友的愛,熟人的愛,生人的愛,素不相識的人的愛,動物的愛,花草的愛,及 對生活的愛。愛將不同的人事物連接在一起,再通過人事物將愛傳播出去。去溫暖更多的人,幫助更多的人。什麼是愛 呢?在聖經中有這樣一段話倍感貼切:“愛是恆久忍耐、又有恩慈.愛是不嫉妒.愛是不自誇.不張狂.不作害羞的 事.不求自己的益處.不輕易發怒.不計算人的惡.不喜歡不義.只喜歡真理.凡事包容.凡事相信.凡事盼望.凡事 忍耐. 愛 是 永 不 止 息. ” ( 哥 林 多 前 書 1 3 章 4 - 8 節) 健康需要愛心,因為那是時刻願與人同甘共苦卻常常被忽略的朋友。愛心需要健康,因為這世界需要你我把冷漠變成 愛。智慧卻隨著人的閱歷而不斷增加,將智慧的結晶相聚在一起就產生了人類的文明。願智慧,愛心,健康——你有, 我有他 有 。 By Little John

By Justin

From heartache we learn

Diagnosis Health: low Love: drained Wisdom: non existent Treatment Sleep. Or eat a mushroom. like Mario.

Health and Wisdom makes one strong Love is forever Morning Exercise at STC Recreation Center

By Mint 3月27 日 1 5 : 24 “我知 道 胡 思 亂 想 不對 , 但 越 來 越 疼 的 肚 子 已 經 嚴重影響到我的日常生活。在不清楚狀況的時候,貌似只能胡思亂想 了。懷 著 一 顆 忐 忑 的心 等 待 下 週 的 檢 查 和 檢 查 結 果。只有在身體出現問題的時候才發覺身體健康是個多麼幸福的事情。 G od B le ss~ ~ ~ ” 3月30 日 2 1 : 16 “大家 都 是 生 了 病 才發 現 健 康 是 那 麼 重 要 。 B TW,獅子最近健康運真的不佳……” 4月14 日 1 5 : 38 “昨天 在 肚 子 上 紮了 個 洞 , 抽 了 2 0 0 多 毫 升 的 積 液 出來檢查~抽出積液一瞬間,看到是黃綠色的液體,寬心不少~ 據醫生 說,如 果 是 血 色 的 話, 很 大 可 能 就 惡 性 腫 瘤 了 ~ 住院一個星期了,做了各種檢查,一直找不出問題,我在想, 會不會某天 我突然 醒 來 , 發 現 身體 突 然 好 了 , 各 種 病 毒 細 菌 都自行退下了~[笑臉]” 4月23 日 1 4 : 03 “被確 診 胃 癌 了 , 因為 已 經 轉 移 , 甚 至 長 的 絮 狀 物纏繞腸子導致不完全腸梗阻,醫生說沒把握治好~這幾天醫 生不讓吃 喝,希 望 通 過 降 低 腹腔 壓 力 使 腸 道 能 恢 復 通 暢 , 說白了就沒事等放屁; 同時,肚子上紮了個洞排積液,這兩天 已經排了 3000 毫 升 , 肚 子 沒 那 麼 鼓 也 沒 那 麼 漲 了 ~ 一 切 都 往好的方向發展,不是嗎?” 暱稱叫 we n dy 0 7 2 6就 職 于 北 京 某 銀 行 的 2 8 歲 女 生 在微博上記錄著生活工作中的瑣事,逐漸身體不適成為了主要內容,雖 然不乏 調 侃 , 但 字 裡行 間 滲 透 著 濃 濃 的 陰 暗 氣 息 。隨著她的記錄截止於8月5日,人們又一次目睹了一個鮮活的年輕生命 因為積 勞 成 疾 而 逝 去。 就在4月 份 , 一 個 剛 剛 入 職 上 海 某 四 大 會 計 師 事 務所不久的,暱稱叫潘小迷糊的女生由於重感冒沒有及時就醫 發展為腦膜 炎而去 世 , 而 we n d y 0 7 2 6 在 患 病 期 間 也 轉 發 了 關 於這件事的微博并發表了感慨,只可惜她明白得太晚了。 同樣是 年 輕 女 生 , 同樣 是 經 濟 類 學 科 背 景 , 同 樣 想要趁年輕努力打拼事業的我被她們的故事驚醒了。自從上了大學,缺 乏了父 母 的 管 束 , 作息 習 慣 開 始 混 亂 起 來 , 可 以 明顯感覺到體質和體能都衰退了。有時對著鏡子看看熬夜上火長得痘 痘,只 是 在 想 應 該 嘗試 一 下 某 個 祛 痘 產品了 , 卻 從 未 自 律地 早 睡 早 起 鍛 煉 身體。 我 要 謝 謝 她 們用 文 字 和 圖 片 以 及早逝 的 生 命 提 醒 了我 , 讓 我 恢 復 了 早睡早 起 , 每 天 鍛 煉身 體 的 習 慣 。 借用we n dy 0 7 2 6 關於 潘 小 迷 糊 的 微 博 來結尾 。 “ 其 實 , 不只 是 四 大 , 所 有 人都應 該 善 待 自 己 ,善 待 生 命 ~ 和 健 康 比起來 , 神 馬 ( 什 麼) 都 是 浮 雲 ~ ”

Education Session at STC Recreation Center

By Yvonne 我記得你讓我們排序的時候,我並沒有把”愛”排到前三名里面,但是現在想想”愛”真的很重要,之前我理解的”愛” 就是愛情,可能太狹隘和幼稚了,仔細想想,“愛”其實才是最重要的,我現在每天都生活在”愛”裡,有家人的”愛”,愛人 的”愛”,同事的”愛”,朋友的”愛”…,這些愛讓我覺得好幸福,我剛來美國不久,要不是這些”愛”,我可能沒有勇氣來到 這裡, 留 在 這 裡 , ” 愛” 不 能 是 生 命 的 全 部 , 但 是 ” 愛”能讓我們忘掉困難, 忘掉艱辛, 有”愛”的陪伴, 一切困難都 很渺小. 還沒來STC我還是個愛玩的學生,晚睡晚起的典型,進了這公司改變了很多,也許是因為工作了不得不早起的原因,後 來慢慢的發現每次你開會的時候都會提倡健康最重要,還在工作時間給我們安排那麼多的課程,讓我漸漸的意識到” 健康”很重要,可能我還沒經歷過一些事,讓我徹底領悟”健康”的重要性,但是在做那個排序的時候我潛意識的選擇 了”健康”在第一位,呵呵,對”健康”的渴望好像是隨著年齡的增長而遞增了,很開心還年輕的我在STC學到了這些。 謝謝! “智慧”是我一直都想要得到的,我很羨慕有”智慧”的人,所以我很努力的從別人的身上學東西,最近工作中接觸Tina 比較多,我相信她的智慧是她的經驗和閱歷得來的,我很開心能有這樣一個manager教我東西,來到美國遇到好多值得我 學習的 人 , 希 望 以 後我 的 ” 智 慧 ” 也 讓 別 人 去 羨 慕,去學習。

By Ying 什麼是健康,愛與智慧,說起來很簡單,但卻很深奧,我自己也很多時候是只說卻做不到,只聽卻學不到,只看卻領悟 不到, 也 許 需 要 親 身經 歷 才 能 體 會 其 中 的 奧 妙 。 其實健康是一種生活方式,如果我們能改掉不正常的生活習慣,提高睡眠品質,攝取均衡的飲食,學會多多鍛練身體, 偶爾也發發小脾氣,說說自己的心事,不要太壓抑自己,擁有了健康的基礎,我們才有能力去追求精神上的快樂與幸 福。 世間最近的距離是心與心的距離,只要我們付出了真心就能換來真誠,有時候愛真的很簡單,也許只要一個溫暖的擁 抱,鼓勵的微笑,可是這些小小的主動都是愛的最可貴的品質傳遞,相識是一份難得的際遇,我們應該珍惜彼此能相知 的緣分 , 讓 我 們 做 一個 有 愛 心 的 人 才 不 會 被 世 界 遺棄。 不管我們對生活有多少的認識,生活仍然是我們最好的導師,因為生 活不會告訴我們對於錯,我們要學會自己認清對錯,有時挫折也許是 一種好事,因為它教會我們如何成長,生活中的歷練與學習都是我們 挖掘智 慧 的 源 泉 , 有智 慧 的 人 一 定 是 大 智 若 愚 , 糊塗的精明人。 不苛求 , 不 奢 求 , 放飛 自 己 的 心 靈 , 用 健 康 的 身 心去愛去感受!!!

By Susan 愛 老先生昨晚因嚴重的心臟病而重度昏迷,又喪失了部份知覺,因此當護士告訴他「你兒子在這裡」時,他只看到一個穿 著海軍 陸 戰 隊 制 服 的年 輕 男 子 身 影 , 站 在 他 的 床 旁邊。 老先生伸出手,年輕的海軍軍人就用他有力的手握住老人軟弱的手,溫柔的握了握。護士拿了張椅子,疲倦的軍人才在 病床邊 坐 下 來 。 整個晚 上 , 護 士 總 會聽 到 年 輕 人 握 著 老 人 的 手 , 輕聲的安慰著。就連好幾次護士建議年輕人去休息,就被他拒絕了。 天亮前,老人過逝了。當護士推走老人屍體,處理例行公事時,年輕人也站在一旁看著。護士返回病房想安慰年輕人 時,年 輕 軍 人 先 開 口了 。 「那人 是 誰 ? 」 他 問。 護士嚇 了 一 跳 : 「 他是 你 爸 爸 啊 ! 」 「不是 啊 ! 」 年 輕 人說 : 「 我 從 來 沒 見 過 他 。 」 「那我 帶 你 來 見 他 的時 候 , 你 怎 麼 不 說 ? 」 「我想是隊上在放我假時出了差錯,因為我們隊上有二個人名字一樣,又從同一個鎮來,編號也差不多,才會誤送我 來。」 年輕人 解 釋 , 「 但 我知 道 老 人 需 要 兒 子 , 他 兒 子 又不在這裡,況且他又病的太嚴重而根本認不出我是不是他兒子。」 「當我 發 覺 到 他 有 多麼 需 要 一 個 人 在 他 身 邊 時 , 我馬上決定留下來了。」 富有不 在 擁 有 多 , 而在 付 出 多 。 朋 友 , 不 要 吝 嗇 。 今天就 把 你 的 愛 傳 到各 個 角 落 吧 !

Singing Practice >

By SueAnn. 在鄉下 一 個 倉 庫 裡 ,住 著 一 隻 強 壯 的 母 雞 與 她 的 三 隻小公 雞 。 母 雞 媽 媽非 常 疼 愛 與 保 護 她 的 三 個 雞 孩 子,她 把 他 們 分 別 取名 為 : “ 健 康 ” ” 愛 ” 與 ” 智 慧” 可是, 無 論 雞 媽 媽 如何 教 導 他 們 , 甚 至 懲 罰 他 們 , 這三個 兄 弟 總 是 互 相吵 架 , 打 來 打 去 , 從 不 相 讓 。 雞媽媽 常 常 擔 心 又 傷心 。

< Tai Chi Exercise

終於, 有 一 天 , 事 情發 生 了 。 凶猛的 老 鷹 肚 子 餓 了, 看 中 了 這 三 隻 肥 壯 的 小 雞 。雞媽媽抵擋不住老鷹的攻擊,受傷倒下了,只能等著被老鷹抓走或吃 掉。 “愛” 看 到 媽 媽 面臨 死 亡 的 威 脅 , 想 都 不 想 , 衝 到媽媽身上,想用他小小的身子來保護媽媽,眼看這對母子就要被老鷹 抓走了 …. “智慧 ” 立 刻 抓 起 彈弓 , 瞄 準 老 鷹 的 眼 睛 發 射 鐵 彈子。 “健康 ” 力 氣 大 又 強壯 , 射 的 彈 子 又 比 ” 智 慧 ” 更遠也更準。 老鷹抵檔不住”智慧”與”健康”聯手攻擊,氣的飛走 了。 雞 媽 媽 高 興 的說 : 我 有 ” 愛 ” 真 開 心 , 愛 使 ” 智慧”有勇氣來作幾乎是不可能的事,也因為”智慧”與”愛”,” 健康” 的 力 量 使 我 們有 平 安 , ” 愛 ” ” 智 慧 ” 與 ”健康”真是完美的結合阿!

By James People often seek for meaning in life and that rests mostly on health, love, and wisdom…etc. We all know what those things meant but to understand, pursue, and accomplish things said above is something that people having hard time carry out throughout their lives. In order for us to carry out or to successfully obtain and maintain those things, we must first understand the connection among them. By doing so, it will help us shorten the pursuing time and ultimately lead us to HLW in fastest time. Health is one thing that we all have some degree of control over it. People have been talking about live healthier, eat healthier, grow up healthier..etc. By us recognized our own body and take charge at our health, we then create a positive environment around us. People around us will feel the urgency of being healthy and will soon follow our step. Since we demonstrated a way of taking care of ourselves, it helped people surround us, i.e. our family, to have fewer burdens if one is healthy rather than sick and needed close attention. By taking care of ourselves, we showed our love to our beloved family, friends, and people around us. Love is not only about sacrifice, it is also about share and help. We’ll have to learn how to love ourselves in order for us to love others. Loving people has many routes: listening, sharing, and mirroring…etc but most important of all, love people by being yourself. Love is not supposed to be a burden or stress. Do not try to be someone or something that you are not because love is not about changing oneself, it is about mutual growth and achieve something by joining force and throughout the course will help us gain experience and wisdom. Wisdom can be the hardest thing to obtain since besides schoolwork, people we met throughout our lives has something for us to learn from. We’ll have to adjust us accordingly in order for us to learn. People always say your age reflects your wisdom but if one is too ignorant to accept his fault, he/she will never be a wise person. Thus, in order to obtain wisdom, we’ll have to constantly telling ourselves to be humble, listen to others’ idea and critiques so we can better ourselves. Information and knowledge are learned as you go, sometimes it just cannot be taught. Under this circumstance, having a strong mentality and a humble personality is the key to success. After all, everything is related. By having a healthy life, one gain mental and physical health. With that advantage, one’s friends and family are being loved due to the fact it affected their living style and also relieved some burden and stress in their life. And with a healthy mentality, one is ready for challenges lies ahead of him/her. With humbleness and acceptance built within said healthy mentality; oneself possess the ability to better him/her and in return, gained wisdom. By Melody Health: Habit, Exercise, Adaptability, Laugh, Thankfulness, Happiness Love:

Lenient, Optimistic, Vitality, Earnestness

Wisdom: Wise, Intelligence, Sense, Distinguish, Observation, Mutuality

健康,愛,智慧 人 人 都 知 道 健 康 的重要性,但人總是在遇到問題或有病痛時才了解平時保健的重要性。 落 實 的 保 持 良 好 的飲食習慣,多元化的吸收及有規律運動的習慣,身體與心靈的結合才 能 走 更 多 更 長 的 路。 當 心 中 充 滿 黑 暗 、負面、痛苦時,愛就像一道光芒,能為你帶來光明與喜悅。超越自己 內 在 的 險 惡 找 到 何為”愛”,成為最有價值的自己。 智 慧 是 生 命 經 驗 的累積。多聽、多看、多吸取,智慧將是您人生磨鍊焠鍊出的鑽石。

The Suprising Effect of Lemon | 檸檬令人驚訝的好處! This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer! Read carefully & you be the judge Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. 這是治 療 癌 症 的 最 新有 效 妙 方 ! 請 仔 細 閱 讀 : 檸 檬(柑橘類)是一個神奇的產品,可殺死癌細胞。 功效10 , 00 0 倍 強 於 化 療 。 Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? 為什麼我們不知道?因為在實驗室製造的人工合成藥物為大公司帶來豐厚的利潤。現在,您可以告訴需要幫助的朋友, 讓他/她知道,檸檬汁有利於預防這種疾病。它的味道宜人,而且不會產生可怕的化療影響。有多少人會死亡,而這一直 是諱莫 如 深 , 以 免 危及 大 公 司 的 豐 厚 利 益 ? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders. 如你所知,檸檬屬於檸檬和酸橙品種。你可以以不同的方式吃:你可以吃果肉,果汁,冰糕,糕點等..它有許多優點,但 最有趣的是它產生消除囊腫和腫瘤的效果。這個工廠是一個久經考驗的補救措施對所有類型的癌症。有人說這是非常有 用的所有變種癌症。它也被認為是作為抗微生物譜對細菌感染和真菌,寄生蟲和有效的針對內部的蠕蟲,它調節血壓過 高,這 是 一 種 抗 抑 鬱劑 , 戰 鬥 壓 力 和 精 神 疾 病 。 The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ... The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells. 這些信 息 的 來 源 是 迷人 的 : 它 來 自 一 個 最 大 的 藥 品製造商,在世界上說,經過 20多個實驗室測試自1970年以 來,該提取 物發現 : 它 破 壞 了 1 2 種 惡 性 細 胞 腫 瘤 , 包 括 結 腸 癌 ,乳腺癌,前列腺癌,肺癌,胰腺. . . 這種樹的化合物顯示 1 0 ,0 0 0 倍的 產品優於阿黴素,化療的藥物通常用於在世界上,減緩癌細胞的生長。什麼是更驚人的:這種類型的治療只能破壞檸檬 提取物 惡 性 癌 細 胞 ,它 不 會 影 響 健 康 細 胞 。 Just cut 2-3 thin slices of lemon in a cup/container and add drinking water will become “alkaline water”, drink for the whole day, just by adding drinking water. Take it as drinking water every day is good for everybody. 只要切 薄 片 , 檸 檬 2 - 3 片 在 杯 子 並 加 飲 水 成 為 “ 鹼性水”,喝整整一天,以它作為日常飲用水,是為大家好。

Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street , Baltimore , MD1201 健康科學研究所 - 馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市


What is an AMO?

國際認證資產管理機構 在房地產業的發展中,國際資產管理協會IREM®認知到業主在選擇信譽良好房地產管理的重要。出 於這個原因,該協會在1946決定核定嚴格的合格標準,認可優良的管理公司,並頒發正統的認證 標制(國際認證資產管理機構AMO®)來分歧一般與優良及信譽良好的房地產管理公司。一個被 認可的房地產管理公司不只必須符合在一開始檢驗的能力和標準,國際資產管理協會IREM®還會持 續觀查,檢驗,並要求被認可的房地產管理公司繼續堅持或超越該標準,以確認認可標制的確實 性。國際資產管理協會IREM®只頒發給公司企業此認證。 Awarded by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), the Accredited Management Organization (AMO) distinction comprises an elite group of real estate management firms exhibiting the highest level of ethical standard, performance, experience, and long-term financial stability. As the only form of formal recognition attainable by real estate management firms, AMO accreditation sets a firm apart from its competition and presents greater opportunities on the road to financial and professional success. Such accreditation is vital in promoting the long term success and recognition of any real estate management organization. AMO accreditation requires that a firm have a CPM in an executive position, therefore allowing clients and investors to place their trust in a demonstrated leader. Other criteria include a minimum of three years’ experience in real estate management, six comprehensive letters of recommendation, strong overall financial health, and a pledge to abide by the Minimum Standards and Code of Ethics of the Accredited Management. A truly prestigious distinction, AMO accreditation is held by only 525 real estate management firms worldwide who together manage over $123 billion in assets, over 1 million residential units, and nearly 550 million square feet of commercial space. Nearly half of AMO firms have been in business for over 20 years, and more than 80% have been established for at least a decade.

國際資產管理協會 www.irem.org

AMO firms constitute a network of high-level business professionals who benefit from the exchange of invaluable information through powerful resources and work together to promote education and ethical behavior in business. AMO membership allows a firm to provide its staff with professional development opportunities – all AMO firm employees can purchase publications and attend IREM courses, conferences, seminars, and webinars at a premier member rate. Furthermore, firms attract business through their inclusion in the AMO Directory for Investors, which is distributed to over 4,000 investors nationwide, as well as through the association’s extensive marketing program and advertising tools. Together, these resources help strengthen an elite group of firms unified through dedication, experience, integrity, and professionalism.




STC MANAGEMENT Became an AMO Company in 2009 STC MANAGEMENT 於2009年正式成為AMO(國際認證資產管理機構) 是全美第一家華人企業榮獲此肯定

STC MANAGEMENT was recognized as the AMO Company of the Year in 2010 STC MANAGEMENT 於2010年被選為 AMO 年度最佳公司


What is a CCIM?

國際註冊商業房地產投資師 國際註冊商業房地產投資師的簡稱。它是由總部位於芝加哥的國際註冊商業房地產投資師協會面 向全球房地產界從業人員﹐通過一系列的課程教育﹑嚴格的考試和審核後﹐所頒發的專業資格。 其課程體系﹐艱難深邃。相當於博士水準的知識﹐能使學員接受最佳房地產知識的專業訓練。對 從業經驗的要求﹐保證了在掌握理論的同時﹐也掌握了實際操作經驗。 CCIM專業資格是國際房地產界的權威資格認證。 CCIM候選人要獲得此項資格﹐除了必須通過六門 專業及冗長的考試外﹐還必須在商業地產業﹑銀行抵押業﹑投資業等相關領域有五年工作經驗﹐ 並填寫和出示相關的文件﹐以證明最近五年內所從事的主要工作﹐獲得的主要業績達到了CCIM協會 所要求的能力和素質的最低要求。經CCIM協會資格評審委員會評審並確定學員的CCIM資格後﹐再通 過遠赴外州的一項綜合考試才能獲得CCIM徽章和資格認證證書﹐並獲有一項國際認可的國際註冊商 業房地產投資師資格。各成員受協會道德條例的約束﹐這一條例制定了專業事務標準並確保資格 擁有的誠信。 此項專業資格在美國及世界上一些主要國家和地區﹐尤其是在市場經濟成熟發達的國家和地區被 廣泛認可﹐並享有崇高的地位﹐代表著商業房地產領域的最高專業榮譽與權威性。因此CCIM專業資 格也是國際房地產界的通行證。 目前僅有CCIM協會向全球提供商業房地產專業課程教育和資格認證﹐全球只有七千多房地產業專業 人士有此殊榮。從一九六九年迄今﹐CCIM領導著全球的商業房地產投資市場﹐其網絡涵蓋了全球 一千多個市場﹐反映了商業地產業的最新變化。它包括專業投資師﹑投資顧問﹑資產管理公司﹑ 評估師﹑會計師﹑物業管理公司﹑ 發展商﹑機構投資者﹑房地產律師﹑銀行家和其它相關專業人 士。借助這一商業網絡及CCIM電子商業網絡﹐CCIM每年完成六萬筆左右的交易﹐總價值超過五百四 十億美元。另外﹐通過CCIM協會及其他國際上的專業房地產組織﹐委託人的物業可以在全世界的五 十二個國家裡賣給投資者。 A Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate. A CCIM is an invaluable resource to the commercial real estate owner, investor, and user, and is among an elite corps of 7,500 professionals across North America who hold the CCIM designation. Recognized for its preeminence within the industry, the CCIM curriculum represents the core knowledge expected of commercial investment practitioners, regardless of the diversity of specializations within the industry. The CCIM curriculum consists of four core courses that incorporate the essential CCIM skill sets: financial analysis, market analysis, user decision analysis, and investment analysis for commercial investment real estate. Additional curriculum requirements may be completed through CCIM elective courses, transfer credit for graduate education or professional recognition, and qualifying non- CCIM




38 education. Following the course work, candidates must submit a resume of closed transactions and/or consultations showing a depth of experience in the commercial investment field. After fulfilling these requirements, candidates must successfully complete a comprehensive examination to earn the CCIM designation. This designation process ensures that CCIMs are proficient not only in theory, but also in practice. With such a wide range of subjects to be mastered and in a dynamic business such as real estate, the educational process doesn’t end once the designation is earned; there is a strong commitment among CCIMs to continuing education. Only 6 percent of the estimated 125,000 commercial real estate practitioners nationwide hold the CCIM designation, which reflects not only the caliber of the program, but also why it is one of the most coveted and respected designations in the industry. The CCIM membership network mirrors the increasingly changing nature of the industry and includes brokers, leasing professionals, investment counselors, asset managers, appraisers, corporate real estate executives, property managers, developers, institutional investors, commercial lenders, attorneys, bankers and other allied professionals. Through this business network and through enhanced communication with the CCIM electronic network, CCIMs successfully complete approximately 156,000 transactions annually, representing more than $400 billion. Certified Commercial Investment Members are in more marketplaces in North America -- 12 CCIM regions representing 1,000 cities -- than all major real estate companies combined. Regions and chapters provide designees and candidates the opportunities to promote business and educational goals through local and regional forums and meetings. Conferred by the CCIM Institute, the CCIM designation was established in 1969. Courses leading to the designation are now offered throughout the world.

The Making of a CCIM The CCIM designation is conferred by the CCIM Institute, an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors. The designation process ensures that CCIMs are proficient not only in theory, but also in practice. Every professional working toward the designation must successfully complete a graduate-level curriculum totaling 200 classroom hours. Taught by experienced CCIMs, courses are continually refined to keep current with the fluctuating nature of the industry. Candidates also are required to document professional transactions and pass a day-long comprehensive examination. Certified Commercial Investment Members demonstrate an exceptional level of knowledge and experience. In fact, only 6 percent of all commercial real estate practitioners hold the elite CCIM designation, reflecting not only the caliber of the program, but why it is the most coveted and respected designation in commercial investment real estate.

Global Website: www.ccim.org Los Angeles Chapter: www.ccimla.com www.


a n a g e m e n t . B L O G S P O T. c o m


(Certified Property Manager)

Code of Professional Ethics for a CPM I


ntroduction: The purpose of this Code of Professional Ethics is to establish and maintain public confidence in the honesty, integrity, professionalism, and ability of the professional real estate manager. The Institute of Real Estate Management and its Members intend that this Code and performance pursuant to its provisions will be beneficial to the general public and will contribute to the continued development of a mutually beneficial among CERTIFIED PROPERTY MANAGER® Members, CPM® Candidates, ACCREDITED RESIDENTIAL MANAGER’. Members, ACCREDITED COMMERCIAL MANAGER Members, Associate Members, and other Members, national and international professional real estate associations and organizations, and clients, employers, and the public. The Institute of Real Estate Management, as the professional society of real estate management, seeks to work closely with all other segments of the real estate industry to protect and enhance the interests of the public. To this end, Members of the Institute have adopted and, as a condition of membership, subscribe to this Code of Professional Ethics. IREM® Member Pledge - I pledge myself to the advancement of professional real estate management through the mutual efforts of Members of the Institute of Real Estate Management and by any other proper means available to me. I pledge myself to maintain the highest moral and ethical standards consistent with the objectives and higher purpose of the Institute. I pledge myself to seek and maintain an equitable, honorable, and cooperative association with fellow Members of the Institute and with all others who may become a part of my business and professional life. I recognize and support the need to preserve and encourage fair and equitable practices and competition among all who are engaged in the profession of real estate management. I pledge myself to place honesty, integrity, and industriousness above all else and to pursue my gainful efforts with diligent study and ongoing education so that my services shall be beneficial to the general public and my obligations to my clients shall always be maintained at the highest possible level. I pledge myself to comply with the principles and declarations of the Institute of Real Estate Management as set forth in its Bylaws, Statement of Policies, and this Code of Professional Ethics. Article 1. Loyalty to Client, Firm, and / or Employer - A CERTIFIED PROPERTY MANAGER·’, CPM’” Candidate, ACCREDITED RESIDENTIAL MANAGER”’ , ACCREDITED COMMERCIAL MANAGER, or Associate Member (hereinafter referred to as MEMBER) shall at all times exercise loyalty to the interests of the client and the employer or firm with whom the MEMBER is affiliated. A MEMBER shall be diligent in the maintenance and protection of the interests and property of the employer and of the client. A MEMBER shall not engage in any activity that could be reasonably construed as contrary to the interests of the client or employer. If an activity would result in a conflict between the interests of the firm or employer and the interests of the client, then the interests of the client shall take precedence. Article 2. Confidentiality-A MEMBER shall not disclose to a third party any confidential or proprietary information which would be injurious or damaging to a client concerning the client’s business or personal affairs without the client’s prior written consent, unless such disclosure is required or compelled by applicable laws and regulations. Article 3. Accounting and Reporting - Pursuant to the terms of the management agreement, a MEMBER shall use reasonable efforts to provide accurate, auditable financial and business records and documentation concerning each asset managed for the client, which records shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by the client. A MEMBER shall furnish to the client, at mutually agreed upon intervals, regular reports concerning the client’s assets under management. A MEMBER shall not exaggerate, misrepresent, or conceal material facts concerning the client’s assets or any related transaction. Article 4. Protection of Funds - A MEMBER shall at all times serve as a fiduciary for the client and shall not commingle personal or company funds with the funds of a client or use one client’s funds for the benefit of another client, but shall keep the client’s funds in a fiduciary account in an insured financial institution or as otherwise directed in writing by the client. A MEMBER shall at all times exert due diligence for the maintenance and protection of the client’s funds against all reasonably foreseeable contingencies and losses.




40 Article 5. Relations with Other’ Members of the Profession -A MEMBER shall not make, authorize or otherwise encourage any false or misleading comments concerning the practices of Members of the Institute of Real Estate Management. A MEMBER shall truthfully represent material facts in their professional activities. A MEMBER shall not exaggerate or misrepresent the services offered as compared with the services offered by other real estate managers. Nothing in this Code, however, shall restrict legal and reasonable business competition by and among real estate managers. Article 6. Contracts - Any written contract between a MEMBER and a client shall be in clear and understandable terms, and shall set forth the specific terms agreed upon between the parties, including a general description of the services to be provided by and the responsibilities of the MEMBER. Article 7. Conflict of Interest -A MEMBER shall not represent personal or business interests divergent from or conflicting with those of the client or employer and shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any rebate, fee, commission, discount, or other benefit, monetary or otherwise, which could reasonably be seen as a conflict with the interests of the client, employer or firm, unless the client or employer is first notified in writing of the activity or potential conflict of interest, and consents in writing to such representation. Article 8. Managing the Assets of the Client - A MEMBER shall exercise due diligence in the maintenance and management of the client’s assets and shall make all reasonable efforts to protect it against all reasonably foreseeable contingencies and losses. Article 9. Duty to Former Clients and Former Firms or Employers - All obligations and duties of a MEMBER to clients, firms, and employers as specified in this Code shall also apply to relationships with former clients and former firms and employers. A MEMBER shall act in a professional manner when, for whatever reason, relationships are terminated between a MEMBER and a client and firm or employer. Nothing in this section, however, shall be construed to cause a MEMBER to breach obligations and duties to current clients and firm or employer. Article 10. Compliance with Laws and Regulations -A MEMBER shall at all times conduct business and personal activities with knowledge of and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Article 11. Equal Opportunity - A MEMBER shall not deny equal employment opportunity or equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or handicap and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding equal opportunity. Article 12. Duty to Tenants and Others - A MEMBER shall competently manage the property of the client with due regard for the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of the tenants or residents and others lawfully on the property. A MEMBER shall not engage in any conduct that is in conscious disregard for the safety and health of those persons lawfully on the premises of the client’s property. Article 13. Duty to Report Violations - Each MEMBER has a responsibility to provide the Institute of Real Estate Management with any significant factual information that reasonably suggests that another MEMBER may have violated this Code of Professional Ethics. Such information must be presented as outlined in the Institute of Real Estate Management’s Bylaws and Statement of Policies. Article 14. Enforcement - The interpretation of compliance with this Code is the responsibility of the Ethics and Discipline Committee of the Institute of Real Estate Management. Any violation by a MEMBER of the obligations of this Code and any disciplinary action for violation of any portion of this Code shall be determined and carried out in accordance with and pursuant to the terms of the Bylaws and Statement of Policies of the Institute of Real Estate Management. The result of such disciplinary :action shall be final and binding upon the affected MEMBER and without recourse to the Institute, its officers, Governing Councilors, Members, employees, or agents.




a n a g e m e n t . B L O G S P O T. c o m



STC Track Record

(p a r ti a l li st)

Commercial/Industrial Properties


Model Retail Center Whittier Retail Center Whittier Retail Plaza Rowland Heights Plaza La Verne Towne Center Lakewood Towne Center Garden Grove Office Plaza San Gabriel Office Plaza Arcadia Professional Medical Office Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Center Yes Plaza Glendale Office Building Montclair Plaza Downey Office Building San Gabriel Executive Office Plaza Irvine Manufacture Warehouse Gilbert Industrial Colonial Retail Plaza New Life Plaza Garfield Lincoln Plaza

Whittier Whittier Whittier Rowland Heights La Verne Lakewood Garden Grove San Gabriel Arcadia San Clemente Rowland Heights Glendale Montclair Downey San Gabriel Irvine Garden Grove Los Angeles San Gabriel Monterey Park

GLA (sqft) 24,000 17,000 6,000 60,000 31,000 11,000 66,000 6,324 30,000 5,000 58,321 24,563 51,316 7,000 8,000 60,000 100,000 15,858 45,000 25,000




( p a r t i a l li st)

Commercial/Industrial Properties

Gold World Plaza Alhambra Regency Mixed Use Monrovia-Arcadia Center Crenshaw Retail Plaza Fullerton Valley Business Industrial Center Market Circle Retail Plaza Santa Ana Commercial Center Chapman Professional Plaza Food4Less Retail Center Pacific Orthopedic & Medical Center Alhambra Retail/Office Plaza Valley Plaza San Gabriel Restaurant Building Villaggio Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Hollywood Retail Center Alhambra Fremont Retail Center Walnut Lemon Creek Vons Retail Center The Piazza at Temple City Rowland Heights Center Concourse Medical Center Richer Plaza Crescent Knott Plaza Temple City Retail Center Citrus Grove Valley Plaza Tustin Plaza Park Place Cerritos Seasons Place Walker Plaza Gardena Plaza Moorpark Plaza Plaza del Este Fullerton University Shopping Center Grandview Medical Plaza Maureen Apartment Sierra Vista Townhouse HOA Broadway Plaza Racquet Mountain II Association Sunshine Village HOA Marshall St. Apartments Temple City Apartment Homes Walnut Grove Senior HOA Nogales Plaza HOA Wilmington Retail Center Gardena Center La Habra Cebter Sun Pedro Center Unversity Center Edison Promenade Saturn Office Building Gandview Medical Building



a n a g e m e n t . B L O G S P O T. c o m

STC Track Record



San Gabriel Alhambra Monrovia Los Angeles City of Industry Covina Santa Ana Garden Grove San Bernardino Alhambra Alhambra San Gabriel San Gabriel Arcadia Beverly Hills Alhambra Walnut Temple City Rowland Heights City of Industry San Gabriel Buena Park Temple City Covina Pomona Tustin Cerritos City of Industry Cypress Gardena Studio City Hacienda Heights Fullerton Chino Garden Grove Hacienda Heights Los Angeles Montebello Rowland Heights San Gabriel Temple City Walnut West Covina Wilmington Gardena La Habra Los Angeles Los Angeles Chino Monterey Park Chino

GLA (sqft)

65,000 26,000 50,000 11,000 200,000 23,000 6,000 33,000 80,000 44,000 10,000 8,000 2,700 20,000 5,000 20,000 60,000 170,000 8,064 45,881 8,704 30,090 6,500 34,925 11,672 10,200 58,000 80,000 14,000 3,300 6,200 20,000 100,000 62,000 16 Units 300 Units 15 Units 185 Units 125 Units 6 Units 16 Units 108 Units 72,000 5,700 3,300 7,600 15,000 7,800 30,500 31,000 6,000



As I take a moment to reflect on my being here at STC Management, I think of the day I walked in as a temp employee, I just wasn’t sure what to expect about the place and the people that were here everything was so new to me and the language besides English that was being spoken was Chinese, I was wondering how long would they have me here seeing that I don’t speak the language.


was a year of much growth and learning. Thank you bunny year! J ~ Calvin Chu Management Division

But as 1 week turned into 2 and then I meet our boss John Hsu and saw that he was a very humble approachable person and as I thanked him for allowing me to work for his company, he quickly corrected me so kindly and said no, this is our company and we are glad to have you! And getting to know those around me and understanding that the philosophy of our company is more than just a successful and thriving growing company, but that we are all important to its success and that is always reaffirmed by John, but Now that it has been just a few months of me being part of STC, I really believe that it was 緣份 (fate) that brought me here now I am part of this STC family and I am looking towards the future, cause I know it is going to be great! I believe that the best is yet to come and I want to thank our “Boss” I know he never speaks of himself as the boss, but he is one awesome leader that leads the way for us all, I want to thank Susan who really took time to share very inspiring things with me and one the reasons why I’m here and for all the associates that have been so kind and welcoming, my sincere thanks to you all, from my heart. Merry Christmas And A Happy New year! ~ MaryAnn Lavayen, Office Division Team Building Exercise

July 23, 2010 How to stand up as a team without using our FEET?

順天聯合 順心工作恆進步, 天天提升無荒度。 聯佩互助效率高, 合心協力成功築。 ~ Yvonne Chen, Accounting Division

Zoooooooooom, another year! :) ~ Kathy Tung, Leasing Division







2011, I decided to join STC Management, which gave me the best possible start in the real estate industry, and the experience gives me both practical and useful knowledge to start a career in this industry. Although I have only been working for 3 months, I have gained lots of knowledge in management and investment for different types of property, commercial, residential and HOA. I am blessed to have a great coach who is willing to guide me through challenged tasks.

心 中七上八下:

又度過一年了 好像自己變的更聰明: 感謝客戶的磨練 身體體力鍛鍊: 感謝困難的訓練 懂得沉默是金: 明白自己的口才比不上別人 有吃有喝當知足: 原來賺錢這麼辛苦 全家平安: 這才是重點 ~ SueAnn Tai Management Division

I believe God would be my wisdom and help me to success in the upcoming projects in 2012. ~ Mark Wu, Property Division

Another year has passed. As scary as that sounds, I’m actually looking forward to next year :) ~ Amy Li, Marketing Manager


年對 我 最 大 的 收 穫 是 有 緣 與 圓 桌 教 育 ( L if e Academy)接 觸 。 人 們 定 會 好 奇 何 為 圓 桌 教 育 ? 為 什麼有如 此 力 量 讓 人 發 現 自 我 並 有 動 力 改 變 自 己 進而感染 身 邊 的 人 ? 圓桌教育 談 的 就 是 生 活 , 一 本 人 的 使 用 手 冊 。 在 這三天的 第 一 階 課 程 “ 改 變 的 力 量 ” , 讓 我 學 會 看見自己 , 真 實 面 對 自 己 並 體 會 到 人 生 是 來 學 習 的,改變 自 己 並 不 是 失 去 自 己 , 改 變 只 是 讓 我 們 都可以。 做 的 越 多 , 得 的 越 多 。 就 從 現 在 開 始 主 動付出, 走 向 愛 、 關 懷 、 感 謝 、 幸 福 之 路 , 讓 此 生無遺憾 。 ~ Melody Yang, Management Director Team Building Exercise

Sept. 8, 2010 How to drop a raw egg without breaking it?



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is just around the corner!! Another year just flew away without any warning. In April, I went through a major back surgery that had limited my ability to run or even walk for more than a minute, so I have surgery from L1 to S1, and “YES” no more back pain. That is magical. But in September my beloved Shaolin Weng Chun Sifu Siu passed away and as his first student in US, I have to assume the responsibility and carry out the teaching of the Weng Chun and now we have 3 time more student than last year. Due to currently economic condition, many of our property owners decided to manage the property themselves, but now STC is one step closer from Property Management to Asset Management. Our life is like economy cycle, when it goes down, one day it will come up again, just a matter of timing. If you have patience, everything will be fine and will get better, because now you will have more experience to deal with it. ~ Benjamin Chen, Property Manager




learn through a bird that fly by, a smile, a drop of tear. We learn from everything around us, and it is non-stopping. ~ Chih Wang Management Division


2011 is a brand new experience for me both in working with STC and travelling to places for exploration. I would describe STC as an entity that is in the stage of divine metamorphosis of a butterfly this year. It will soon be suddenly transformed into a mature beautiful butterfly. I am glad to be a part of the team to take on the wild ride from accumulating new experience, wisdom, love, and health awareness to the road of success. ~ Irene Lai Accounting Consultant

Roller coaster markets, we ride Steve Jobs’ legacy, we pride Faltering fundamentals, we fight Osama bin Laden, he died.

The world shall survive Despite the dogmatic divide To all good things in life, we invite. ~ Justin Tsai, CCIM, Leasing Manager


first year with STC…A year filled with learning, sharing, love, fun and meeting many new friends! STC…Thank you for a wonderful year & keep up with the wonderful spirit!

Team Building Exercise March 25, 2011 How to get the ball to roll down in one second while touching everyone’s hand?

At the beginning of this year, I was worried about the course selection of my last semester in grad school. The future career path was yet blurry to me. Right now, I still cannot believe that after a 6-hour flight, I found the starting point of my career, the stage of my show, and the home of my new life. It was fate that brought me here. Surrounded by my colleagues, who are mentors, friends, and family to me, I am expecting the New Year coming more than ever. ~ Mint Huang, Management Division

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人 生 就 像 茶 葉蛋,


把 人 生 中 遭 遇 的辛苦視為祝福, 我們就能將苦難化為春泥, 從種種考驗中獲得新生, 成 為 一 個 更 好 的人! 而如果人生中一些遺憾無法轉變, 那麼, 我們只能選擇釋懷,視著與它 共 存 ; 然 後 最終我們將學會”放下”. 當我們放下的時候, 生命也自然的綻放了! 2 0 1 1 年 , 終於學會放下和放開了! ~ Susan Hsu, Management Director






時 光飛逝 , 在 不 經 意 間, 2 0 1 1 年 即 將 與 我 們 擦 肩而過,回 顧這一年裡 , 似 乎 是 喜 憂摻 半 , 喜 的 是 公 司 在 穩 健 快 步的成長, 憂的是自己 在 各 方 面 存 在著 很 多 的 欠 缺 與 不 足 , 但 是 無論成功與 失敗,快樂 與 憂 傷 , 對 我來 說 都 是 人 生 的 一 種 經 歷 , 這些經歷也 都是一種財 富 , 它 讓 我 學會 減 少 一 些 張 揚 與 浮 躁 , 學 會多一些沉 穩與內斂。 這一年裡, 火 車 頭 同 樣 最關 心 的 是 我 們 的 健 康 , 特 請 舞蹈老師來 教我們跳舞 , 雖 然 我 對 上臺 表 演 是 那 麼 的 恐 懼 , 但 是 火車頭的積 極與努力感 染 著 我 , 讓 我不 得 不 勇 敢 的 面 對 。 同 時 我 們也有很多 集體活動, 大 家 一 起 做 運動 , 一 起 玩 遊 戲 , 一 起 享 受 著大家庭的 快樂。 其實人生就 像 心 電 圖 , 幸福 和 痛 苦 都 是 並 存 的 , 只 要 我們能平衡 自己的心態 , 我 們 也 能 從工 作 中 得 到 很 多 的 快 樂 與 滿 足。 ~ Ying Xiang, Accounting Division

Team Building Exercise

Oct. 15, 2011 Healthy Meal Creation Challenge Use existing ingredients to create a meal. Ingredients: Orange, toast bread, crackers, banana, Coke, cranberry juice, raisins, lettuce, nuts, cherry tomato, grapes, peach, peanut butter cups. Challenge criteria: Appetizing and Healthy.

How high you can hide the answer sheet?

Team Building Exercise

Sept. 16, 2011 Obstacle Course Challenge

As a part of STC, I can feel that everyone in my team are like my

family members. Every single one of them is very unique but we also have the similar goals in mind. It is nice to work in an environment where everyone could not only feels comfortable but also gets the chance to be creative and challenged at the same time. I wish STC keeps moving on, serving and helping more people in the future. ~J.C. Guo, Accounting Division



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Special note: no stomach was harmed in this exercise


團隊 Team 2011年 … 當 Susan放 假 休 息 卻 依 然 幫 我 與 房客溝 通 時 , 當 Benjamin會 議 在 即 卻 依 然 幫 我預估 費 用 時 , 當 Justin抱 病 在 身 卻 依 然 熬 夜 幫 我確認 數 據 時 , 當 Jessica和 Minghui饑 腸 轆 轆 卻 依然加 班 陪 我 奮 鬥 時 , 當 Amy腰 酸 背 痛 卻 堅 坐 電 腦 前 幫我完 善 Presentation時 , 當馬老 師 和 高 老 師 不 遺 餘 力 教 授我們 舞 蹈 與 太 極 時 , 當 我 們 的 領 導 John百 忙 之 中 卻 依然抽時間精力給予我最大的 幫助與 支 持 時 … 我深深 地 體 會 到 了 團 隊 的 力 量 以及同 心 協 力 所 能 達 到 的 成 果。 STC所 有 成 員 的 付 出 讓 我 感 動 、 感恩、 詞 窮 … 在這裡 , 我 最 想 說 的 是 , 謝 謝 我們可 愛 的 大 家 庭 ! ~ Dalerie Wu, CCIM Investment Manager

Reflections We

are about to say “goodbye” to an old year that will give way to a new year. 2011 has been filled with changes and challenges that have lead to great opportunities and wonderful blessings. This year, through my hard work and dedication, I was promoted to the STC Investment Division, which has been a whole new learning experience for me. To work in the Investment Division, one needs to be able to communicate effectively, analyze, have self-management and critical thinking skills, research, flexible, prioritize and have decision-making skills, to provide our clients and investors with a high-end service. I am fortunate to have an outstanding and experienced manager who has become more than just a manager. Dalerie Wu is my mentor and guide, who has taken me under her wing. Working along with her has allowed me to improve and develop new and existing skills. We have all had a busy but good year. Throughout the year, we’ve had new projects and deadlines that had to be met. In our division we’ve had hard long working days and sometimes weekends, but even then it’s hard to hate something you’ve learned to like to do even when at times, it has proven to be challenging and overwhelming. At times, I had to face challenges that brought concern and a bit of frustration, but yet I still welcomed the challenge with optimism, and when faced with difficulties, found ways to look at the positive side of things. Support and team work are the secret ingredients. Work has become a second home for me, and my coworkers are not just coworkers they have become people that I can depend on. At the end of the day, it comes down to keeping in mind that regardless of whether other people think I can accomplish something or not, it’s important for me to believe I can. Overall, 2011 delivered! It has been a year of breathing deeply and holding onto the good Team Building Exercise Oct. 28, 2011 Pebble Art Creation

旭日意順 飛龍在天 順 天 在 天門 快 樂 在 我們






This is what I feel about 2011 and the reflection of STC

2011 was a great year! I was blessed with good health, good friends at work as well as ㄙㄛmy social life. Married life is wonderful, financially...... it could be better. I noticed that STC became more involved than ever before with the community. The community responded favorably by their appreciation in the amount of awards given. Although it was a year of harsh economy for many, STC not only survived but increased their staff. May the year of 2012 be as fruitful as 2011 ~ John Lin, Management Division

~ Edy Nicolaisa, Maintenance Division

Team Building Exercise

Nov. 11, 2011 Win, Lose or Knead Except for the first person, the subsquent person can only interprete the object from the previous person’s clay creation.

2011 is a fulfilling year: Fraud identified; lease signed; experience gained; vacant spaces decreased.

The object evolved through different people’s interpretations: From dog to submarine to hotdog... Original Object: dog

Much appreciated experiences from 2011; Bye bye 2011, hello 2012! ~ James Yuan Management Division




Design and Edited by Amy Li









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