ideasCollaborative Large Building Qualifications

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是对足球比赛和伦敦金融城,这种运 动的大教堂和附属设施的图标集成了 一个可供租用的办公场地90000座位 碗,五star/200床酒店,和行政俱乐 部设施。高100米的钢拱支持可操作 的屋顶,在每一个方向英里可见。

english national stadium An icon to the game of futbol and the city of London, this cathedral of sport and associated amenities integrates a 90,000 seating bowl with leasable office space, a five star/200 bed hotel, and executive club facilities. The 100 meter tall steel arch supports the operable roof, visible for miles in every direction. relevance | relationship A complex interface of many disciplines; large structures that house, move, and accumulate large quantities of people require steady attention, clear design direction and leadership, and rigorous management.

Christopher T. Staggs, iC Partner (Project “Bowl” Architect w/HOK Sport)


ideas Collaborative

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