Spark Online Magazine - Issue 2

Page 38

Be BIG LOVE What’s your view on love? Consider that… how you view your relationships shapes how you experience your relationships... how you view love is how love “is” for you. Do you view love as a goal – to get or to give? Let’s take a look… - it doesn’t work to try to be loved or try to get love when you come from the view that you are not loved. No matter how much others love you, you will doubt their love when your view is that you aren’t loved. Consider that when you come from that view, you may hear, “I love you”, yet you tell yourself, “they say they love me but if they knew the real me they would reject me” or “they say they love me but do I even deserve that?” - it also doesn’t work to try loving another when you come from the view that you aren’t loving. No matter how much love you give, it will appear to you that your love isn’t enough. Consider, again, that you may be doing something and saying “I have to be nice because I love them” and you tell yourself, “they aren’t getting me, why is trying to love so difficult?”

“When love is where I’m at, it shows up all around me!” (Now I get why I was born on Valentines Day.)

Love is not about trying. Love is not about having to. Love is being with – yourself or another – without judgment.

Be willing and courageous to share yourself from love.

When you are with someone, creating time to see them for who they are, instead of complaining about them or trying to fix them, something happens… Where you used to feel constrained – suddenly there is space, there is freedom – the other person has the space to just be. (The same goes for yourself!)

Come from love. See from love. Listen from love. Speak from love. BE BIG LOVE.

Love is. Yet love becomes invisible to those who forget that it’s there. If you take your judgments out of the way, if you let go of pretending, if you set aside your view and your expectations, if you give up withholding your love… all you have left inside you is love 100%. You are whole and complete the way you are. Everyone else is whole and complete the way they are. Inside all of us is love 100%. Love is not reaching out. Love is letting go of your walls and inviting others in. Give yourself the space to be the masterpiece that you already are. Love yourself. Your experience of love is as deep as the love you grant yourself.

L Let go of expectations. Listen from a clean slate. Live fully in the moment. O Open your heart. Own your life. Opportunity dances with uncertainty. V Voice out your heartsong. Value what you’ve got. Viewpoints are valid. E Embrace who you are. Expand yourself. Enjoy the adventure. Visit

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