2011 President's Report

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2011 Southeast Tech Foundation Mission Statement The Southeast Tech Foundation is committed to building a solid foundation for tomorrow’s workforce. Through community involvement, our workforce needs will be fulfilled by providing financial resources that allow our students to meet their potential.


For more information on the Southeast Tech Foundation or to contact Michelle, visit www.southeasttech.edu or email michelle.lounsbery@southeasttech.edu.

Energized and Excited to Move Forward Full Speed New Institutional Advancement Officer Shares Her Passion for Student Success and Workforce Development

To invest in our 2011-2012 Giving Blue annual fund drive, call the Southeast Tech Foundation office at 605.367.7464. Please remember Southeast Tech in your wills and trusts.

Over the past year, Institutional Advance-

financial resources that allow our students

Alumni Association Launched Spring 2011

ment Officer Michelle Lounsbery has felt

to meet their potential.” She believes the

A new Alumni Association was created to

welcomed and energized by Southeast

key to this point is to focus on building mutu-

reconnect Southeast Tech’s Alumni with

Tech’s environment and culture. In early

ally rewarding relationships with our business

former classmates as well as Southeast

2011, Michelle and the Southeast Tech

and community partners.

Tech. A Mission Statement for the Alumni As-

Foundation Board went through a strategic

“I’m passionate about education and

sociation has been developed and events

planning process to align itself with South-

building a solid workforce for the needs of

and reunions are currently being planned.

east Tech Foundation’s goals.

Sioux Falls and surrounding communities.

For more information about the Alumni As-

To this end, a new Mission Statement was

I believe with the strength of our board in

sociation or to join the association, con-

developed along with a strengthened

collaboration with the strength of our in-

tact Michelle in the Foundation Office at

resolve to continue building a solid founda-

dustry partners, we can continue to secure

michelle.lounsbery@southeasttech.edu or

tion for tomorrow’s workforce. She notes,

resources and opportunities for our students,


“Through community involvement, our

faculty and Institution. I’m excited about

workforce needs will be fulfilled by providing

the opportunities for the future!”

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