The Pitch: April 25, 2013

Page 12

And there’s still no cure. +HOS XV oJKW $,'6 KHUH LQ .DQVDV &LW\

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The course for the event will begin in Theis Park at 10:00AM on Saturday, April 27, 2013. Walkers will head west on Cleaver II, through Main Street, where they will enter Mill Creek Park. Cleaver II will be closed for about 15 minutes from Rockhill Road to JC Nichols Parkway as well as Oak Street from Volker Boulevard to Cleaver II. From Mill Creek Park, the route continues east on 43rd Street to Oak Street, which veers slightly to the right and becomes Rockhill Road, and on to 45th Street. Participants will go west on 45th to Oak Street. At Oak, the route heads south and enters the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art Sculpture Park. They will follow the brick path on the west side of the South Lawn and travel back to Cleaver II. Walkers will proceed east on Cleaver, back to Rockhill Road, and follow Rockhill south to Volker Boulevard. *NOTE: Walkers not able to use stairs on the Nelson’s South Lawn to Volker will continue south on Oak to Cleaver II. Route monitors will assist persons on which path they should take. At Volker, walkers will be immediately directed down to the Brush Creek walkway on the south bank of the creek where they will cross Oak Street and continue on to Brookside Avenue. The route turns north on Brookside, across the bridge, where walkers will be directed back down to the Brush Creek walkway on the north side of the bank and travel back to Theis where the course ends. Based upon the judgment, and with the assistance, of the Kansas City Police Department, any LQWHUVHFWLRQ RU SRUWLRQ RI VWUHHW DORQJ WKH URXWH FRXOG EH VXEMHFW WR LQWHUPLWWHQW WUDIoF FRQWURO LI LW LV GHHPHG DGYDQWDJHRXV IRU WKH VDIH FRQGXFW RI HLWKHU IRRW RU YHKLFXODU WUDIoF AIDS Service Foundation of Greater Kansas City, and the many recipients of the donations it collects during this event, thank everyone very much for all the cooperation they have given over the years. Please come out and walk with us!

Theis Park in Kansas City on Saturday, April 27, 2013 Learn more at




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Steve Metzler Brian Williams

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