Rigger's Digest Spring 2009

Page 40


rd greenmatters

greenmatters Green thinking can mean different things to different people. To some it means making sure yesterday’s newspaper is put out for recycling, to others it’s saving money on power bills, to others it’s nothing less than simply saving the planet. In all fields of life, manufacturers are taking major environmental issues into consideration when developing new products, and in making improvements to existing ones. And this increasing

40 feb09

Chauvet’s COLORado 3 LED Bank Sytem

may be aware of. Whilst incandescent, halogen and discharge lamps excel at producing various levels of light at a multitude of colour temperatures, they trail LEDs by a long way in terms of energy efficiency and lifespan.

Long life, low power

An LED – or Light-Emitting Diode - is a small semiconductor device which converts electricity into light, using an adjustment of power levels to create different coloured light. Because there is no filament to heat, LEDs are cool to the touch and are not subject to the unpredictable failure of incandescent bulbs, meaning LEDs have a typical long life span of between 50,000 and 100,000 hours. This gives years of continuous use without the need to change a single light bulb.

LED lighting is a term used in everyday life with a lot of positively green implications, some of which not everyone

The fact that the LED is so much lighter in weight and does not generate high levels of heat has led to further savings as

ecological awareness and is no more evident than in the technological innovations which have been seen in recent times in our sectors. The rise of LED lighting and the significant reduction in power consumption in many TV and Satellite products are just two examples of the huge efforts being made in commercial areas to reduce our impact on the world around us.

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