So6ix Magazine March issue

Page 20





Beth Ann Mock

over, but we are also responsible for the largest debt in the world.

excess amounts of dollars when they export a lot more than they import. This means that when our dollar declines, the value of the dollars they hold declines as well. The two other nations who hold the most reserves of US dollars (also the two countries to whom we owe the most money) are China and Japan.


Foreign countries amass

China holds about a trillion

dollars in U.S. Securities.

China periodically

The rise or decline of the U.S. dollar is based

threatens to devalue our dollar if we don’t start

on its relative value to foreign currencies. When

paying down what we owe. Japan has the second

our dollar is devalued, it can buy less of the many

largest dollar holding, and it does this to keep

imported goods we depend on. This causes the

the value of its yen from rising. A low yen allows

cost of goods to skyrocket and produces high

Japan to export goods very cheaply. Japan’s debt

inflation. When inflation rears its head too high,

is beginning to climb, however, and there are fears

citizens who hold U.S. Treasury Bonds sell them,

that the country might begin to liquidate its dollars

and this exacerbates the already rising inflationary

to help pay for the recent tsunami it experienced.

costs. A major reason for the ill health of the dollar is our continued deficit spending and our rising national debt, which is now upwards of $14 trillion dollars. Our federal and state governments are spending above and beyond the revenue they take in by taxing us. According to Porter Stansberry, head and founder of Stansberry and Associates Investment Research, even if every

The International Monetary Fund reports that

U.S. citizen were taxed at a rate of 100%, our debt

some countries are beginning to move their

would still not be paid off.

reserves out of dollars, albeit slowly.


The dollar is still the world’s reserve currency,

Russia, and France have begun to discuss an end

however, and that is very good news…for now. In

to pricing oil in dollars. Should this happen, our

a nutshell, this means that we are the only country

entire way of life would change drastically and

that doesn’t pay for its debts or imports in a foreign

unpleasantly. Gas prices, of course, would rise to

currency. Oil, as well, is currently priced in US

an untenable level. The cost of every single item

dollars. The problem is, many economists suggest

we buy would climb to an outrageous price. Think

that is likely to change in the not too distant future.

of the cost of transporting food, for instance, with

So, for now, our money is accepted the world 20 | MARCH 2012

oil and gas at record highs.

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