1960 Arrow

Page 146

Back raw: Duane Yaesel, athletic director; Georqe Kline, president; Don McWh inney, program di rector. Front row: Vada Ann Clifton, secretary; Stan Wilkins, vice-president. Not pr esent, Marlene Kelley, athletic director.

Zeta Epsilon Rho Zeta Epsilon Rho set off the year's actlVlties during the Closed ight program at the beginning of the school year. The purpose of this first program was to generate interest among the members of the society and to urge them to participate in all activities of the society. Football, basketball, and volleyball events re­ ceived a considerable degree of attention in sports. Duane Yoesel and Marlene Kelley did a terrific job of coaching the teams and generated interest as well as competition. One of the highlights of the year's activities was the contest program "Contemporary XX", which was pre­ sented on the 1 2th of March. It was a variety of 20th Century music, humor, and drama that was accepted with a high degree of success. Contests in speech and music were held in the first and second semesters re­ spectively. They were designed to give everyone an op· portunity to participate in an activity. Zeta Epsilon Rho ended this year's activities look­ ing forward to an even bigger and better society in the future.

J effrey, George Kline, returning mysteriously, asks Kathy, J uanita Stea rman, to escape with him through the window.


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