1956 Arrow

Page 209

The high leaping antics of Johnny Westmoreland a nd J i m Gardner draw amazed expressions from fellow players as well as spectators.

Ba sketball The trees begin to lose their mantel of varied colored leaves, the green carpet of grass becomes blotched with brown, and the wind that 11·as brisk changes to one that is biting. This re\"Olution in nature's 11·hims also affects the athletic minded stu­ dent of BNC as thev pack the kicking toe away in linement and unlimber the shoot·ing eYe. Football is dead; basketball is king; '"Long li1c the Kingt"

Class competition was highlighted by play in the Echo Tournament. The top ranking seniors had controlled league play and were prepared to defend that reputation, as well as their record of three-year-Echo-champs, against all comers. In three consecutive v<o:ars the senior crew had rolled to Echo victorv· if thev conic\ do so again, they would possess a perfect slate of four years of tournament plav.

One of the highlights of the BNC athletic vear, Homecom­ ing, opened the round bali season. The Redskins won the fifth game of the current Homecoming series Fridav, November 1 8, b1· defeating the Alumni 88- 5 5 . The game broke a tie in which each of the teams had two victories. High man for the Alumni 11·as Art Kastner 11·ho tossed in 1 8, and the victorious Redskins 1vcrc paced lll· Johnm· \\'cstmoreland 11·ho picked up 20 im­ portant counters.

The team striving to sink the smooth sailing senior schooner belonged to the junior class who had been subjected to second place by their peers long enough. The third ranking sophomores 11·ere going to run into personnel problems as second semester sadly depleted their already sparse ranks. The inexperienced frosh 11·ere rumored to be plotting an uprising that might completely foul up the pre-game predictions; so eager anticipation was the password as the stands became occupied for the court conflict.

State competition 11·as operated on a new basis this year 11·ith all games b<o:ing pla1·ed in a two week period, based on a round-robin t1·pc tournament. Tournament Champs, Kansas, defeated Off-Zone 72-33, Border States 94- 3 1 , Texas 62-48, and Oklahoma 7 1-4 3 . The second place Texas Longhorns squeezed lw Off-Zone 5 5 - 5 3 , Border States 3 7- 3 5 , and Oklahoma 4 3- 34. Third ranking Border States edged Off-Zone 38-3 5 and trounced Oklahoma 49-39, while Oklahoma won her only game of the season bv def�ting Off-Zone 5 4-47. The dungeon was occupied bv 11·inless Off-Zone who, through lack of manpower, found it difficult to even field a team.

Results ran true to form as in the first game of the evening the seniors swamped the freshmen 80- 5 2, and in the second game the juniors overwhelmed the sophomores 96- 5 6. The next e1·ening, however, heralded an upset as the freshmen five crushed the sophomores 70- 3 8 . The final game of the Tourney, as well as the year, yielded many surprises as the juniors time after time threatened the supremacy of the championship headed seniors. The abundant desire to win and the old story of experience showed on the scoreboard as it blinked its message of senior 1 ictory 46-42.


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