1956 Arrow

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C l a ss Offic e r s Dwight Southworth Ronnie Orr

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Ruth Knutson



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Verla Oke ------------------------Treasurer Paul Johnson Prof. Sawyer


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Student Council Representative

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Sponsor As time for the "Deep South" Freshman Banq uet draws nigh, ra mbling roses and Virginia creepers erupt from flying fingers of willi ng-working Fresh committee members.

F r e s h iD e n Cl ass oi 1 9 5 9 Like a tender green shoot appearing m the midst of mature vegetation, the Freshman class of 1956 ap­ peared on the campus of BNC. From every section of the map, these tyros descended upon the college­ enthusiastic, eager, and optimistic. Many strange and awe-inspiring sights were to loom terrifyingly large before their unknowing eyes, but with craniums bulg­ ing with names, faces, and places, the Freshman Frigate boldly embarked on the sea of college life. With the capable direction of "navigator" Professor Sawyer, spon­ sor, they successfully sailed the stormy waters of Col­ lege Ocean and docked at the port of School's End­ both happier and wiser. The diary of the Frosh class of '56 would undoubtedly make use of the term "outstanding" in describing the entirety of their infant year. The All School Mixer launched them successfully, if head-long, into the rapid flowing stream of life at college. Initiation found the hordes of green beanie bedecked frosh in triumphant team competition with the sophomores for the right to remove those symbols of underclasshood. Of course, a well remembered occasion for all who attended was the extraordinary Freshman Sock Party, which featured not only a "shoeless" parade of the latest in sockwear, but also an enjoyable time for everyone. "TWIRP"

week found the ladies of the "beginner" class on the prowl and the boys trying not so very hard to elude them. "Silent Night," "Jingle Bells" and the Christmas Banquet discovered frosh lovelies in formals and cor­ sages while dinner jacketed escorts charmed their dates with deeds of unprecedented gallantry. The end of a successful first semester and the begin­ ning of a promising second gave "the greenies" any needed incentive for a "hearty" participation in the fes­ tivities of the Heart Pal Banquet. Later, the "Fighting Frosh" distinguished themselves by t r o u n c i n g the sophomore five in the consolation game of the Echo Basketball Tournament. As a crowning achievement, the social highlight of the year came in the Freshman Banquet, with a theme of Deep South, featuring class talent in decorating, programming, and entertaining. Suddenly, the final chapel service of the year was history, 7 : 30 classes were in the past, and term papers were forgotten; suitcases were packed, strange people arrived on the campus--parents; moisty eyed farewells were blurted out, and with a last long look at the almost deserted campus, the exodus began. This was the end of an era; the end of the freshman year but the begin­ ning of a class to "increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man".


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