1954 Arrow

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B UIL DING FOR T H E- F U T U R E Education on a college campus is more than the mere acquisition of knmdedge-more than lectures and books and class rooms and stolid facts. It is a period of growth and development; of building for a suc足 cessful, harmonious future; of preparation for the time when its generation must accept the leadership of its world . The 1 9 54 ARROW seeks to picture the phases of college life on Bethany-Peniel campus which strive to fulfill these aims of American education and bring them to fruition within each student. vVe have pictured in this volume the intellectual, spiritual, social, and physical developments which exert their influence to build and shape our students into responsible citizens of tomorrow. Recorded here are the contribu足 tions which B-P.C. has made during the 1 9 54 school year to the lives of its students.

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