1953 Arrow

Page 277

Looking to a bright future "W E 'VE

a l ready

lea rned to save . " The n ewly wed足 d e d co u p l e t h a t can m a ke that state ment is well o n the way to




s u c c e s s f u l m a r足

Our 61 st Y ear of Banking

riage. Financial secu rity is everybody's goal and regular deposits in a savings account here will help you to provide that secu rity.

C o m p l i m e n t s

o f

T h e B R O W N - M c C L U R E L U M B E R C O M PA N Y "A Home-Town Concern" 309 East Ma in Street


Phones WH 9-607 1


WH 9-608 1


"Striving daily to build a bigger and better Bethany"

Roy Brown 272

Me lvin McC lure

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