1951 Arrow

Page 202

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Students, faculty, and a l um n i are three importa nt necessities for the operation of the college. The physical equipment is a l ways i m portant, but buildings of brick and mortar are useless u n l ess the proper spirit, backed up with prayer, is back of them. Many a l u m n i associations carry the financial burdens of the c-ol lege. Some of the lead i n g members of the church of tlie Nazarene in this educational zone and through足 out the church are graduates from our alma mater. Former general superintendents, our general treas足 urer, district superintendents, pastors, evangel ists, m issionaries, and laymen have been tra ined on this campus, and Peniel Col lege, Central Nazarene, Ark足 a nsas Hol i ness, Bresee, and Beu lah Heights. At the present time the a l um n i are raising money to build a Student U nion bui l d i n g . We need l 00 % coopera足 tion in order to attai n this goa l .

GLENN MacARTHU R has a Word at the Annual Banquet

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