1949 Arrow

Page 12


PROFESSOR FRED FLOYD To one whose kindly, humble spirit dailv radiates friendliness on our campus, whose unprejudiced devotion to truth challen r>es us to better scholarship, whose man y years of faithful service to the coll~ge have given us a lesson in staunch loyalty to great ideals, and whose zeal for righteousness is a constant inspiration to better living, to you, Professor Floyd, teacher, counselor, friend , we dedi,cate this, the Golden Anniversary edition of the ARROvV. In dedicating this book t~ Professor Floyd , we proudl v add his name to the di s tin~:;uished Jist of individuals so honored in the earlier volumes of th e ARROvV - C A. McConnell, L M. Ma v, A. L Parrott, Anna M. Logue, S. S. White, M. A. Wilson, C. H. Wiman, Kate Reese, B. M. Hall, Mrs. A. K. Bracken , vV. B. Dobson, Our Dads, Uncle Bud Robin son , L T. Corlett, th e Alumni, A. K. Bracken, Gertrude Taylor, John Stockton, Mendell Taylor, Earl Greer, Jack Moore, Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Strang.


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