1946 Arrow

Page 139

In true "papoose style" the 路Frosh sit on the floor and eat breakfast (top) as "papa" Leonard Akin keeps a fatherly eye on his charges. After their morning work-out the "greenies" agreed that anything, served anyway, would taste good. They were not disappointed. Following a day of varied activities, the Freshmen and Sophomores met in the Fine Arts Auditorium to "bury the hatchet." An interesting pro路 gram, featuring "memories of the past" was arranged and presented by the sophs. Earleen Johnson and Richard Thompson (center) played the leading parts as "Ma" and "Pa." One of the most exciting numbers路 was the old-fashioned school (bottom) in which Loretta Oakes starred as school mar'm. Boyd Kifer was a prissy high-brow; Earl Carter, the dunce; J. Walter Hall, Jr., the clown; and Elton Wood was Ruth Du路 by's "bare-foot beau." Good feelings were resumed around a " banquet table" where ice cream and cookies were served as long as they lasted .

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