1942 Arrow

Page 17

CrPetin gs frnm th P Rusin ess .1/anrt{!er:

It i =- a pl ea =- ure for me to bring a report of pro g re:;s a nd a me,;,;a ge of hop e to th e ,.,tud ent,;, patron ,;. and fri end ,; of Bethan1·-Peni el Coll ege. Our dwrd1- s upported :;c hoob 11111 st IJe ke pt ,;a(e and ,;ound during th ese (·han g ing tin w,; in a ,,·ar-torn world. lt i,; up to u,.: to ::;afeg ua rd th e future of our i>elo ve d college. Tlt e re:- pon,.;e to th e de l>t-reduction catnpaign ha ::; i>ee n mo ~ t g ratifving. \Ve lltu,;L. and 11 e 11 ilL pa1· our dehb , hut let us 11ot for ge t that o ur lontl peo pl e are he lpi11 g to p av !h e 111 to protec t sonw thin g mo re impor ta11t. Th e mo ::' t \1orth11hile thin g i11 thi ,.: in 3t.tuti on i:; 11ot ib librar y or labora totT. it=- land or ih IJUildings- th e IJe:; t part of it is that atmosph ere in 11hi ch stud ent::; are i11 ,; pired to Chri :; tian thinki11 g and Chri stian living. Kno11led ge is not enough. Culture i,- not e nough. We tnu ,: t ha,·e stron g Chri stia11 character in ord er to re nd er the bes t of se rvi ce in tlw 11orld of tomorro1L We kno1\ of no l1e tte r place to bu i]cl d :aracte r than Be th a 11 _v. P en iel Co llege.


th e Chri sti a n a tm o:; ph e re of


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