1942 Arrow

Page 106

:i r' O\SO H:

Mr,;. A li ce Cr ill


Mildred J o nes. Presicl c nl C lelo n Ch isu 111. Y ice-President Laur·a Crace Ruh e rts. Scn etan Ter·csa Sp udir1. He portc r·



Fift ee rr hcart1 ··Rah s·· to the G irls· .. 1r· C lub

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st' aso n for mairll a irri; rg:: th e hi g::h ,;tandarcl

of clean s por ts rn a nsbip a nd health1 ri n1 lr 1 for· 11·hich it h as lon g been rwl cd . Lwh 1ca r· lind s quit e a group of l< >urr g ladi es pulling: the i r he!'l in to actiun i rr arr eilor·t to 11in th e ir mcrnhn~hip in thi~ nr-

ga rliza ti o n. ln order to 11in s uch a p lace a gi r-l rn11 s t Ill' elect ed lu th e all-school bask etball tea :n. 11 rn th e tc nr ric' c ha rnpi <> rr sh ip. u r 11·1r r a s ufficient rrunrh n of points 111 softball. 1ulle1h all. jllll f! po ng::. a r1d an· hen .

Thi s org-a r1i za ti on meeb r eg ularh to d isc uss nr ea rrs of making: th e a thletic prog:ra:n nwrc irll e res t· 1n g: . tn arra nge sc hedu les a nd tuurr 1amc nt.s. and th e na,·or· of cornpe te rrt clirediurl. C lelnn C h iSUi ll. La ll ra lot te L o ng rn an.

c r·ace


se t up s tandards

:\ le rnh e rs elcr-tcd lo th e


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lc1rcl to our sports adi1

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C lub th is lear \\er e } Jil drerl .loll!'"·

f{ o he r·ts. Teresa ::i pu r·l i 11. Lui a } lae m ac k. Doroth I 11 nog:e. a lr d Char-

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