1941 Arrow

Page 81

We're on top deck, we demand respect, There's none who can surpass;

We write our name in the halls of fam e THE " FORTY-ONE" SENIOR CLASS.

SOCIALLY: nearly half of us got married or were married already. In the first semester we had a party open only to first -class passengers. Last semester we w ere guests of honor at a banquet given by the second-class passengers and were invited for a lovely dinner one evening with the captain of our ship. ATHLETICALLY: the first-class passengers won the softball championship, played in the finals in tennis , and came out with honors in basket ball, track and touch ball. The t wo all-school athletes, chosen by vote of the student body , were first-class seniors. MUSICALLY : many of our top deck passengers were featured in a cappella, orchestra, :o: olos, t rios, and quartettes. Many are accomplished musicians. Five of our seniors gave fine arts graduation recitals. SCHOLASTICALLY: many high-point students of ou r ship come from top deck. S even first -class passengers are members of the undergraduate honor society and some of these are graduating with cum laude , magna cum laude, or summa cum laude honors. ACTIVELY: w e took a side excursion to Mexico City . We presented the finest play of t he y ear, " The Product of The Mill," and gave an outstanding gift to the school. Firstclass passengers hold many of the best office s in the school: editor of the ReveilLe Echo , president of the student council, secretary of the student cou ncil, editor of the A rrow, president of the men's gospel team. Seven members of the senior class were among the nine elected to Who's Who among Students in American Colleges and Universities. As land hoves in sight, w e stand on deck with our diplomas in one hand and the confidence of a conqueror in our ey es. We, the first-class passengers, shall be the first to go ashore to try our arts upon the world, for we are the seniors of 1941.

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