1936 Arrow

Page 36

MARV I N BRA N N O N , Th.B. Fil l more, O k l a homa

Major-Religious Education Gospel Team Quite philosophical-enj oys Browning-has determina足 tion to succeed in the service af the Lord.

T H E LMA H E NSL EY, B.A. Strang Ci ty, O k l ahoma

Major-History Gospel Tea m , Debate She sways them as she wil l s--one preacher wha re t a i n s her fem i n i ne c h a racteristics-has beautiful h a i r a n d g raceful wa l k.

HORACE R. S H ERRILL, Th.B. Bethany, O k l a homa

Major-Religious Education Discreet-stays cl ose ta h i s boaks and a l ways m a kes the A's--a war k m a n that needeth not ta be a s h a m ed.

Page Thirty-Two

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