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Girls Gospel Team t

Bethany- Peniel College, being a college holding as her motto " Di l igence, Thoroughness, and Holiness , " should of necessity devote a part of the time to the training of her students in Christian character and Christian se" vice. A high standard of educational requirements necessitates that she confine training for Christian service largely to extra-curricular hours. The Young Women's Gospel Team is an organ ization of coll ege women who have banded together f01' the purpose of training for Christian Sf'rvice. This training i s given by allowing different members to conduct the weekly services and by going out to conduct special sen'ices in the surrounding community. The services held each Thursday are very inspi rational. and hell' materially in rai sing the spiritual tone of the school . One night each week the women o f t h e college can pause in their work, meet together a n d touch t h e Throne, thus gathering new strength and power for the Christian service. The Gospel Team has j ust experienced one of its most successful years. ttendance has increased. and the presence o f the H oly Spi rit has been felt more than ever before. During the revival meeti ngs special prayer-11leetings were held eacb night for the success o f the campaign. The Gospel Team is. without doubt. a vital factor in the development o f spi ritual ity in B . P . C. -\' .

Page Seventy,Ei g h t


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