1930 Arrow

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Sopbomore s The school year of 1 929-30 dawned upon the Sophomore Class to find it som ewhat diminished in number. R ealizing that we were depriver! of some ot the previous y ears' students we saw there was but one thing to do. What we l acked in quantity must be made up in quality. With this vision b efore us we h ave laid aside the frivolities and carelessness of y outh and have put our足 selves into our vV'ork to develop charac ter. And as we come down to the close of the year we feel that as a class, though we lacked in quantity, we have greatly improved in quality. I n fact, we have been so absorbed in our work that social life gave place in a large measure to industry. Thus our Sopho足 more class has s acrificed p leasure for toil to the end that we h ave each day better p repared ourselves to m eet the problems of life and to conquer the m . As col lege days fly p a s t we realize more fully t h e truth o f o u r last year's motto: "What we are to be, we are now becom ing. " We believe that because w e have consistently followed this motto, many members of our class are l eaders of the d ifferent organizations of our col lege. Here are th e facts : twelve m embers of our class belong to the Glee Club ; four belong to the Orch esb-a ; fourteen are members of the Dramatic Club ; and five serve as m embers of the Arrow Staff. The president of the D elta Rho Literary Society, the president of the Dramatic Club, the president of the l.Jpper Classmen League, the B usiness M anager of the Arrow are Sophomores of whom we are justly proud. N either has our class of '32 lacked in class spirit. W e assumed the m ajor role ( roll) in the color fight. Our boys, with other upper cJassmen, sent the freshmen roll ing, s liding, rattl ing, rebounding, s m iting, and fighting; a sight to delight in as they were forced h urrying, skurrying, burrowing, m oaning, and groaning back to their dens. The spirit of enthusiasm did not subside throughout the y ear. We kept our colors flying high in every battle. To the Sophomore Class goes the h onor of putting on the first chapel program of the year. We put on a l ittle "stunt" called "Pioneer D ay s on the Railroad," fol足 lowed by " Scenery." Two important social events were enjoyed during the school y ear. In the fall our sponsor , Professor Hall , and his wife delightfully entertained the entire cl ass in their home one rainy evening. And in the early spring we went one Saturday in a jolty truck to Lincoln Park for a steak fry. The entire class feel that we owe a debt of gratitude to Professor Hal l for the splendid way in which he has sponsored the class during the last two ,Years. With such a sponsor to guide us, it has b een easy to show a spirit of friendliness to other classes, and to maintain a p roper interest in school affairs. Vie feel that in M iss Scarborough we h av e a very capable class president. She has ably performed h er duties as president and has been UIltiring in her efforts to l ead the class to b etter things.

Old friendships have been renewed ; new friendships have been formed; these together with an intense l oyalty for our col l ege and its ideals, we trust shall never end. A. M. & L. U.


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