1929 Arrow

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Sophomore Class College is truly an institution of learning, but the subjects are not all taught in the class rooms. Our ideals of life are established while we are in c ollege. Our c ontact with o thers in the library, in the halls, on the c ampus, at chapel and at church, develops Our latent traits of c haracter. W' and the s tudents, and by the general atmosphere of the school. The most enduring friendships are formed in college, and our future is largely determined by the type of friends we choose while we are in c ollege . It is truly a privilege to be a s tudent in Bethany-Peniel College, where the per­ vading influence is c onducive to spiritual growth and scholastic attainment. We are g lad that we are the class of 1931 in B. P. C. We have an enrollment of thirty members, of which eighty-seven per cent were with us in the Freshmen class. We are well represented in the various activities of the school. We had a class party; we had a share in the class fight between the Freshmen and the Uppe r-classmen; three members of the Male Quartette are Sophomores; the President and Vice-Presi­ dent of the Student Council are members of our class; the Business Manager of the Arrow Staff and five of his helpers are taken from the Sophomore class. We were fortunate in securing Mrs . Hester Fisher Peck as our Sponsor. She guided us safely through our Freshman year, and has been our loyal s upporter this year. We apprec iate her love, counsel, and service . We are glad that Bethany-Peniel College has State accrediting for her four years of c o llege wo rk, as this will enable us to finish o ur c o urse in this much-loved school. Down through the years, wherever we shall be, you will find us s triving to be good neighbors, useful citizens, and an honor to our school; keeping before us our motto, "Climb, Though the Rocks be Rugged." Some classes glisten, Some boast, and some pass. But none c an outshine This Sophomore Class. B. W.


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