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Pirates/Brotherhood of Death. Like the Masons, Bonesmen choose their own initiates, and the only way to enter the Brotherhood is to be “tapped” by an existing member. Only 15 members are accepted each year which is absolutely amazing considering the number of important historical figures who just happen to be Skull and Bonesmen. For instance, U.S. Presidents William H. Taft, George Herbert Walker Bush, and George Walker Bush were all three members of Skull and Bones. The following U.S. Senators: Prescott Bush, John Kerry, David Boren, Jonathan Bingham, John Chaffe, John Sherman Cooper, James Buckley, Chauncey Depew, Frank Bosworth Brandegee, Robert A. Taft, William Maxwell Evarts, and John Heinz were all Skull and Bonesmen. Governors Averill Harriman, William Bissell, William Henry Gleason, Simeon Eben Baldwin, and David Boren were Bonesmen and so were Congressmen Frank Bosworth Brandegee, Howard M. Baldrige, and Jonathan Brewster Bingham. Supreme Court Justices Morrison Waite, Potter Stewart, William Taft, Simeon Eben Baldwin, and Edward Baldwin Whitney were all Bones brothers. Also Pierre Jay, the first chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, and George L. Harrison, president of the NY Federal Reserve, were both Bonesmen. “Investigations revealed that the main purpose of the Skull and Bones is to get as many embers as possible into strategically placed positions of power. Robbins stated that President Bush has ‘tapped’ five Bonesmen to join his administration. One of them is current Securities and Exchange Commissioner William Donaldson (Class of 1953). Donaldson will answer no questions about the Bones.” -Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” Right down the line almost every Bonesman has proven unbelievably successful in his chosen profession. William Maxwell Evarts, class of 1837, became U.S. Secretary of State, Attorney General and a Senator. Russell Davenport, class of 1923, was editor of Fortune magazine and created the “Fortune 500 list.” Amory Howe Bradford, class of 1934, married Carol Warburg Rothschild and was General Manager for the New York Times. Richard Gow, class of 1955, was president of George Bush’s Zapata Oil Company. Winston Lord, class of 1959, was chairman of the CFR, Ambassador to China, and Clinton’s assistant Secretary of State. Founder of the National Review and Host of TV show Firing Line, William F. Buckley is a Bonesman and so was Henry Luce, the founder of TIME magazine, Life, Fortune,

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