Slice of Muskogee Winter 2013

Page 10


Fitness - The Challenge Want to be sharper and feel less tired at home? Want to enjoy a cookie without guilt? If the answer is yes to these questions, exercise is the answer. Being physically active offers benefits far beyond the obvious. An improved physique and a clean bill of health aren't too shabby either. If you've been looking for the motivation to begin an exercise program, the following fitness facts may inspire you to get off the couch. t &YFSDJTF CPPTUT CSBJO QPXFS *U JODSFBTFT FOFSHZ MFWFMT BOE serotonin in the brain. t .PWFNFOU NFMUT BXBZ TUSFTT &YFSDJTF QSPEVDFT B relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction and helps elevate your mood and keep depression down. t &YFSDJTF HJWFT ZPV FOFSHZ %VSJOH FYFSDJTF FOEPSQIJOT BSF released into your bloodstream. t *UhT OPU UIBU IBSE UP ĂŤOE UJNF UP FYFSDJTF 8PSL TIPSU spurts of physical activity into your day such as jogging at the track, playing horseshoes, swimming, tag with your kids or simply a brisk walk outside.

10 WINTER 2013

t 'JUOFTT DBO IFMQ CVJME SFMBUJPOTIJQT ɨJOL PG XIBU exercising with a partner can do for a relationship one to three times per week. t &YFSDJTF IFMQT QSFWFOU EJTFBTF 3FTFBSDI IBT TIPXO that exercise can help prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis osteoporosis and loss of muscle mass. t 'JUOFTT QVNQT VQ ZPVS IFBSU /PU POMZ EPFT FYFSDJTF IFMQ fight heart disease, it creates a stronger heart. (the most important muscle in the body). t &YFSDJTF MFUT ZPV FBU NPSF 1PVOE GPS QPVOE NVTDMF burns more calories at rest than body fat. So, the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate is. t &YFSDJTF CPPTUT QFSGPSNBODF :PVS NVTDMFT XJMM XPSL much more efficiently, and you will gain a greater sense of endurance. t 8FJHIU MPTT JT OPU UIF NPTU JNQPSUBOU HPBM )PXFWFS weight loss as a result of exercise will increase the level of functioning in the activities of daily living.

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