Healing a broken world

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Healing a Broken World

First, GC 35 makes a comparison between reconciliation and right relationships, that is, it introduces the idea of reconciliation into the faithjustice dyad; and second, it establishes an intrinsic and indissoluble unity among the three types of relationships (with God, with others, and with creation).

Relation with God Relation with Creation

Relation with Others

39] On the basis of a novel understanding of a ―right‖ or just relationship, Decree 3 presents a synthesis of the Jesuit mission as the call to establish right or just relationships with God, with other human beings, and with creation (D 3, no. 18). Our concern for ecology and creation has to be seen primarily in the context of two other sets of relationships: with God and with others. In other words, restoration of a new relationship with creation must be seen as a consequence of our commitment to establish a just relationship with God (our commitment to faith), and with other human beings (our commitment to justice). The decree makes it amply clear that the fulfilment of our mission requires that the rightness (the justice component) of the three types of relationship is actualised simultaneously.

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