SBC Pray For Us Issue 218

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June/ No. July 218 2009

Pray forUs

SINGA P O R E B I B L E C O L L E GE Training faithful servants of Jesus Christ


The 56th Graduation Ceremony

Doctor of Ministry 10th Anniversary

SOC’s Housewarming

Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE=School of Theology English SOTC=School of Theology Chinese SCM=School of Church Music SOC=School of Counselling CCTE=Centre for Continuing Theological Education

MICA(P) 014/08/2008 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: (65) 6559 1555 Fax: (65) 6559 1550 Email: Website:

Dear Graduates,

Time flies! You have now graduated. I still can’t get over the sensation that you seem to have just enrolled in SBC. Yet you have attended your classes, handed in your assignments, sat for your examinations and completed your courses. Life-long learning is about constantly striving to improve oneself. The demands in ministry will provide added motivation to spur your growth. I hope you will continue to work hard to be effective communicators of God’s Word, servant leaders of God’s Church and creative thinkers of God’s ministry. You need to be aware that moving forward is not without obstacles and it often comes at a price. But by the grace of God, you will overcome these challenges. As you begin your ministry, there are three reminders that may help you to press on with courage: 1. Be Filled With Passion Serving in ministry can be compared with running a marathon – the journey is both long and arduous. After the initial high wears out, you begin to face mundane administration and people management, and even conflict that can be overwhelming at times. What could be most damaging is the initial fervour becoming lukewarm or even turning cold. You may not notice it happening. Unrealistic expectations oftentimes sap our energy to the point where we become like a deflated balloon lying on the floor with all gas leaked from us. If continuous growth is your priority, you’ll have to re-discover your passion. May I suggest: (i) walking with passionate fellow sojourners, to be ignited by their passion; (ii) remembering God’s calling and rekindle the initial love and vision; and (iii) modelling after those who have gone before us and considering their outcomes, especially those who continue to serve faithfully. We will have less reason to grumble then. 2. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail Most believers don’t handle failure very well. With a powerful God, it is hard to imagine that we would fail. We forget that it is not God who failed but us who have failed! Who among us have never fallen as we learnt to walk? When we learn from failures, we are protected from repeating them. Every failure is a learning opportunity, and learning opportunities will be aplenty in ministry: through

Press On With Courage preaching, interpersonal relationships, leadership and management, planning and implementation, counselling, meeting the needs of all ages, and more. If we are constantly in fear of failure, adopting a defensive posture, we may be losing out on many golden opportunities to learn. We can consider: (i) seeking the counsel of a mentor. If you are willing to learn, practically everyone can be your ‘teacher’; (ii) constantly learning through reading and be a keen observer of life; and (iii) reviewing your experience after a failure and taking steps to prevent a recurrence! 3. Install a Safety Net The trapeze segment in a circus is exhilarating yet dangerous at the same time. In order for the acrobats to execute their well-timed manoeuvres, many hours of hard work and practice have to be put in. You may not have thought of this, but the existence of a safety net provides assurance of their safety, so that they can concentrate on the performance. As God’s servants, we face dangers too and would do well to set up a safety net for ourselves: (i) spirituality cannot be neglected, because the greatest reason for our ministry is God. We serve as a result of God’s calling. It is also because of God that we remain in ministry; (ii) keep in touch with fellow sojourners. They are your classmates, co-workers and spiritual friends. These are friendships that you had cultivated over time and with effort, which should not be allowed to fade away; and (iii) establish a happy marriage and family life. They are your greatest encouragement and joy. They are also your most loyal supporters. Don’t neglect them! Press on with courage. Know that the Lord will be with you until the very end! Amen. Together in Christ,

Dr Albert Ting, Principal

Singapore Bible College



After three years of faithful service, our Director and Manager of Development, Ian and Madeleine Chng, will be leaving SBC to serve in another ministry. We are grateful for their dedication and contribution to SBC. May Ian’s sharing here also be an encouragement to all our graduates.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecc 3:1) It is the time of the year again when we have to say goodbye to the graduating students as they prepare to leave SBC and enter the different fields of ministry. They will be serving in different parts of the world and be the salt and light to the nations. Our prayer for them is that they will soldier on especially during this difficult and turbulent time, and may they always look to the great Shepherd for strength, wisdom and direction. It is also time for my wife Madeleine and I to say goodbye as our season of ministry at SBC finishes in end May 2009. We are preparing to serve in the mission field of East Asia. It has almost been 3 years since we started to serve in SBC’s Development Department after graduating in May 2006. Our ministry here has been a journey of faith as we witnessed God’s greatness and provision. We will take with us beautiful memories of the time we served in our alma mater, and the friendships that we have forged with faculty, staff, students and supporters. God has also taught us many lessons in faith, trust and prayer during struggling times. We thank God for the privilege to serve in SBC. One thing that we know for sure is that God loves SBC as He has raised up many prayer warriors and supporters who give of their time, resources and financial support continually over the years. We thank you for being one of these! May God bless you as you continue to partner SBC in the extension of His Kingdom. “…The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Num 6:24-26)

拓 毕

拓展部主任庄英豪和夫人爱华在新神忠心事奉三年后,即将离开新神奔赴另一项事 工。我们非常感激他们对新神的献身和贡献。愿庄英豪先生以下的分享成为对所有毕 业生的勉励。


毕业生准备离开新神,进入不同的事奉工场之际,也是我们不得不说再见之时。毕业 生会去到世界不同的地方,作万民的盐和光。我们为他们的祷告是:他们会不屈不挠 地坚持下去,特别是在这困难和不安的阶段。他们总会仰望神,从神得力量,智慧和 方向。 在我和我太太爱华在新神的事工就要在5月底结束之际,我们也要和大家说再见 了。我们正在准备去东亚的工场事奉。我们 2006 年5月毕业后就在新神拓展部服侍, 至今已将近3年了。我们在这里的事工可以说是信心之旅,因为我们目睹了上帝的伟大 和丰富的供给。我们会带着在母校服侍的美好回忆和与师生员工和新神的支持者建立 的友谊奔赴新的工场。在困难时期神还教给我们信心,信靠和祷告的功课。感谢神我 们有幸能在新神事奉。 我们确信上帝爱新神,因为 为新神兴起了许多祷告勇士 和支持者,多年来一直奉献时间,财力和物力。我们感谢您是 其中的一员!在您继续与新神合作扩展神的国度时,愿神赐福 给您。

“愿耶和华赐福你,保护你;愿耶和华使他的脸光照你,赐恩给 你;愿耶和华敞脸垂顾你,赐你平安。”(民数记6章24-26节)

Ian Chng Director of Development 庄英豪 拓展部主任

The School of Counselling’s “Housewarming”


About 100 people gathered on Apr 25 for the “housewarming” of SBC’s newest school, the School of Counselling.Founding Dean,Dr Danny Goh, traced God’s sovereign wisdom in bringing people to establish first, an MA in Pastoral Counselling program, which grew from strength to strength until it was viable to become a school. He also shared the “burden” God gave to make SOC a centre of Christian counseling for the Asian region, envisaging it as the best training ground for an unashamedly Christian, holistically integrated and clinically credible place for equipping counsellors. On the local front, SOC seeks to help those who are in need or in trouble and serve as a clinical centre for such, and is thus called, The Haven: A Place of Help, Healing and Hope. The SCM choir presented a song item, In This Place, to reinforce this, reflecting in the lyrics, “There is a comfort for our sorrow; there is hope for each tomorrow. God’s compassion reaches to our deepest needs, for as Christ brings comfort through God’s grace, there is a welcome, there is a healing, there is peace in this place.” Another highlight of the service was the sharing of “Memorable Moments” by alumnus Dr Lee Yoke Sun, a university professor, volunteer in Family Service Centre and a granddad in his 60s! He recounted the many precious lessons learned and skills acquired when he was a parttime student, particularly through the spiritually integrated and holistic approach, and clinical practicum. Dr Albert Ting then shared on the centrality of Christ in the service of counseling, “Without Christ there is no transformation.” The service ended with the SOC faculty, advisory council, students and staff dedicating themselves and the premises for the service of mankind and the glory of God.


Elisabeth I.P. Chandra Master of Arts (Christian Education) “There are so many things to do…”; “Why do we need to read those scholarly books?”; “Does the Bible teach premillennialism or amillennialism?”; “Well, at least we know that we will still be saved…”. These are some familiar comments at SBC. Indeed, studying theology is not easy, but still we go for it — everyone who comes to SBC, I believe, is hungry to know God more, to understand His Word better and to serve Him more effectively. And it is an amazing experience to walk that journey with friends from more than 20 countries these two years! I came to SBC with two wishes: to understand more about the Bible and to learn to teach it correctly and effectively. Knowing that SBC has strength in music, I also thought of exploring the possibility to teach through music. While I may have emerged from SBC with more questions about the Bible and limited chances to develop my music skill, God knows what He is doing! Through SBC, He has taught me the necessary skills to start a new journey of digging deeper into the Bible and sharing its treasures with others. He has broadened my perspective in Christian Education through various exposure and hands-on teaching projects to different groups of people. He has trained this reluctant leader to serve in the Students’ Council and be a better listener. He has brought godly people who model what it means to ‘walk the talk’. He provides for my every need! I thank God for granting me these two years of faith exercise and humbling experience as I learnt to depend solely on Him. The more I walk with Him, the more I recognize my weaknesses and His greatness…and I give thanks!

陈树霖 基督教研究文凭 二零零五年九月、在一个海外短宣 中,我体验到培训工作的重要,也 深感自己装备的不足。回国后, 随即凭信心报读新神夜校课程。 过去三年半,是一个体验神信实 的旅程。在大学执教与科研,并 在教会的事奉,已是极度繁忙, 夜校的课程是身心的挑战。记得 曾在国际学术会议的旅途中,还赶着完成 作业、并通过电邮寄交。然而疲累中极大的欣慰是,转眼间竟 然修完诸多宝贵的课程:系统神学、释经学、希腊文、希伯来 文、新约旧约信息、圣经考古学、心理与信仰、基督教伦理学 等。这三年多来的回顾,见证一件事实: “我靠着那加给我能力 的,凡事都能作。” (腓立比书4:13)

Wong Yew Keong Master of Divinity (Pastoral Ministry) First and foremost, thanksgiving, praise, glory and honor to our Heavenly Father, for the awesome privilege to be called and equipped for the King’s service! For me, it is doubly special to be completing this chapter together with my dear wife, the mother of our two boys. Kenji, Shinji, arigatou for patiently going through these three years with papa mama. We love you both dearly and we pray that you too will grow up to love and serve the Lord. What will I remember of my time here in SBC, years from now? The unequivocal answer would be PEOPLE - what God taught me through their lives. I will remember how the Langs went beyond the call of duty to patiently tutor some classmates who struggled in their Greek, how Dr. Rick lovingly housed a needy foreign student, how Dr. Violet James so passionately taught Asian Church History and inspired us to pray for the nations, how Dr. Calvin challenged us to be creative teachers of God’s Word. I will remember the mentoring sessions with Dr. Albert Ting and Dr Michael Shen, the wise ‘fatherly’ advice and invaluable counsels, spiritual & practical lessons drawn from their own lives and ministry. I will remember the pastoral hearts (theology in action!) of Dr Roy, Dr Clive, Dr Danny and Rev Chris Chia who are not only wonderful teachers, but also the kind of shepherds I want to emulate. I have been touched by their love for students, their humility, how they walk their talk, and the godly impact and footprints they are leaving in many lives, including that of mine. Not forgetting all my fellow schoolmates in SBC, ‘Thank You’ for the wonderful memories! Lastly, my gratitude to our home church and all our friends for your prayers and support. God bless!

Moe Ka Fat Bachelor of Church Music “Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed, Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.” This famous hymn chorus really reflects what I have experienced in my 4 years of study at SBC. I thank God very much, that He, in His unique and wonderful ways, has provided all my needs, both physically and spiritually. Through good lectures, classes, seminars, rehearsal, assignments and abundant resources, God has given me knowledge, experiences and skills to do the ministry which He has called me into. Through dormitory life and friendship with lecturers, staff, school friends and church friends, He has molded my character, my mind and my faith which make me grow towards the maturity that God wants me to have. Through the SBC scholarship, love gifts from churches and church friends, He has provided amazingly the finance that I needed to cover my tuition fee, dormitory fee and living expenses for 4 years which I could not have afforded without God’s intervention. Although I am unworthy to receive all of these blessings, they have shown me the great faithfulness of God, which really encourages me to be more faithful to Him. My prayer as a graduate is that I may glorify God through my life and my future ministry, and may God bless SBC in training many creative thinkers, servant leaders and effective communicators, all for the glory of God!


The Faculty and the 56th Graduating

华文神学系 School of Theology, Chinese 基督教事工文凭 Diploma in Christian Ministry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

张美珠 李爱鸾 林桂兰 胡志成 杨利 杨锡宝

Cheong Mei Choo Lee Ai Luang Soelastriningsih Wu Chi Shing Alex Yang Li Yong Sak Pou Hannah

神学学士 Bachelor of Theology 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

陈爱珠 萧秀琴 董上羊 高淑美 林尤娜 林玉琼 刘淑姬 黄淑芬 文丽芳 黄枫清 吴宗蓉 以琳 张恩泉

Chin Ooi Chew Chiow Siew Khim Dong Shang Yang Ko Sek Bee Lim Jiu Na Lim Yoke Keng Liu Shu Chi Ma Su Feng Man Lai Fong Wong Hong Chin Wu Zong Rong Yi Lin Zhang En Quan In Absentia

基督教研究文凭 Diploma in Christian Studies 20.

钟美琼 Cheong Bee Kheng

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

何耀光 简永生 廖淑子 林亚椒 吴晓宁 陈树霖 杜镇森 黄裕杰

Hoe Yeow Kong Kam Weng Sang Liew Sok Jee Lim Ah Chew Ngu Siew Ning Florence Tan Chew Lim Toh Ting Sim In Absentia Wong Joo Kit

基督教研究硕士� Master in Christian Studies 29. 30.

黄天月 Ng Theng Kioh 游思琪 Yu She Kee

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

李彬 林风 林公义 陆元立 吕立怀 南路加 傅祥云 潘颂恩 沈俊廷 沈斯祺 郑英妹 涂希发 耶平 章显中

Li Brian Lin Feng Lin Gong Yi Loke Yuen Lup Daniel Loo Lip Whye Nan Lu Jia Luke Poh Siong Hoon Poon Song-En Sim Chung Theng Aaron Sim Szu Chie Tee Eng Mui Tho Hsi Huat Clement Ye Ping In Absentia Zhang Xian Zhong

文学硕士 Master of Arts

神学硕士 Master of Theology

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

57. 58. 59. 60.

赖瑞娟 沈荣思 曹耀文 杨希伯 朱洪宁

Lai Sui Kuen Shen Rong Si Tsao Yao Wen Yang Xi Bo Zhu Hong Ning

道学硕士 Master of Divinity 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

曹以琳 章彩龄 张晋狮 钟旭晖 李迦勒 李健发 李有福

Cao Elim Chang Tsai Lin Chong Jin Shih Chung Shiuh Huei Lee Caleb Lee Kian Huat Nelson Lee Yu Fu

周 琴 金道恩 黄志伦 陈恩慧

Chow Wing Kum In Absentia Jin Dao En Hwang Chee Loon Jacob Tan Woon Hooi Grace

英文神学系 School of Theology, English 神学学士 Bachelor of Theology 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Biak Sung Lim Keng Chiew, Alex Quek Hock Lye, Jeffrey Soon Chye Moi, Nancy You Kok Kiong

师 暨 第 56 届 毕 业 班

g Class of Singapore Bible College

神学学士/文学硕士 Bachelor of Theology / Master of Arts

道学硕士 Master of Divinity

圣乐研究文凭 Graduate Diploma in Church Music


79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

96. 97.

Daniel Utomo

基督教研究文凭� Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies 67. 68.

Ip Kwok Chung, Leslie In Absentia Lim Chai Heong, Andrew In Absentia

文学硕士(圣经研究) Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) 69. 70. 71. 72.

Chang Mae-Ern, Deborah Ho Hien Liong, Ivan Lo Matthew Yec Lian Tomomi Hamamatsu

文学硕士(基督教教育) Master of Arts (Christian Education) 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.

Elisabeth Ira Puspita Chandra Say Siek Kim, Simon Sun, Lora May V. Tran Thi Xuan Thuy Won Jin Ju

文学硕士(差传) Master of Arts (Intercultural Studies) 78.

Lum Kah Leong, Jeffrey

Chan Hoe Heng, Catherine Chan Yin Li Touye Foong, Patrick Han Jeong Seung, James Ling Ing Lung, Eric Nanghee Syndang Tan Chin Aun, Kenneth Tumenbayar Gombojav Wong Yew Keong

神学硕士 Master of Theology 87. 88.

Aaron Chan Heng Yeong In Absentia Dany Christopher

圣乐系 School of Church Music 圣乐文凭 Diploma in Church Music 89. 90.

Alexander Semuel Hermawan Feby Gunadisastra

圣乐学士 Bachelor of Church Music 91. 92. 93. 94. 95.

Chang Kok Sieng Chumbeni Odyuo Moe Ka Fat Ngui Hui Kim Angeline Wong Chong Kuok

Hoong Lai Yee In Absentia James Richard Sumual

圣乐硕士 Master in Church Music 98.

Tan Boon Teng

辅导系 School of Counselling 辅导文凭 Graduate Diploma in Counselling 99. Tan Jeng Thong, Michael In Absentia 100. Tan Kim Luan 辅导文学硕士 Master of Arts in Counselling 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.

Durbha Krishna Rao Fong Mei Ling Belinda Goh Cheng Teck Peter Hiraide Tomomi Lee Yoke Kwang Po Veronica Tan Soo Hui, Jenny Tan Yew Boon, Jasmine Tan Yip Wei, Gilbert Then Li-Peng, Jennifer


16th May 2009 Covenant Worship Leader

Dr Myrleene Yap

ANTHEM Miss Lanny Yap


Dr Michael Shen The Great Commission



Worship Leader

Go and preach the gospel, go and teach the Word,


Wait for the promise of the Father, He’ll give you power In Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth. Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.

ANTHEM OF RESPONSE Rev Lee Chong Min Miss Lanny Yap

Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

INVOCATION Mrs Daphne Teo (C)

Faithful Servant Lord, we would be faithful; Lord, we would follow You. When we gaze into Your eyes, we want to hear You say,

You have fought the fight, you have kept the faith,

Dr Albert Ting SCRIPTURE READING Acts 4:13

Dr Patrick Fung (C)

Well done, my servant, well done!”


t Evangelical Free Church For I was hungry and you fed me, You shared the gospel without shame. And you were light in the darkness;

CHARGE TO THE GRADUATES COLLEGE ANTHEM Words: Ancient Irish, Eng. trans Mary E. Byrne

You were my messengers to share my gospel of love.”

Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true Word; You have been faithful, now your race is run.


Dr Christopher Lee Dean, School of Theology (C)

May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heavn’s Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, School of Theology (E)

Dr Cainan Mui Dean,


School of Counselling


Poh Siong Hoon Simon Say Siek Kim School of Theology (E)

Chang Kok Sieng School of Church Music


Worship Leader

新加坡 第五十六届

二零零九 年 五 月 十 六 日

叶慕灵博士 叶玲琦讲师 沈立德博士




The Great Commission



主席 司琴 传译


祢信实何广大 Words by Thomas O. Chisholm, Music by William M. Runyan

祢信实何广大, 上帝我天父, 祢绝对无阴影, 光明永住, 祢的慈悲怜悯, 长存不改变, 过去现在如是, 今后亦然。 Chorus: 祢信实何广大。祢信实何广大。 每天清晨我领受新恩赐。 我一切需要,祢全安排妥当, 何等的大信实,主赐给我。

新加坡神学院圣歌团 李忠明牧师 指挥 叶玲琦讲师 钢琴

Words and music by Bruce Greer

Go and preach the gospel, go and teach the Word, Go and make disciples ‘til all nations have heard. All that I’ve commanded, teach them to obey. Lo, I’m with with you always to the end of the age. Wait for the promise of the Father, He’ll give you power Through the Holy Spirit, to be My witnesses In Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, to the ends of the earth. 介绍讲员�


证道� “做时代的勇士”



�新加坡神学院圣歌团 李忠明牧师 指挥 叶玲琦讲师 钢琴

夏天继续春天, 冬天接秋天, 太阳月亮众星, 循轨运行, 我心响应宇宙, 同证主慈爱, 上主万般信实, 长存永在。 Faithful Servant 即赐赎罪救恩,又赐 平安, 亲身向我显现,慰抚万般, 赐我天天力量,赐光明前途, 已受恩惠重重,还有千万。

颂赞祷告 祷告

黄仲华博士(英语) 张杨秀珠董事(华语)

致欢迎词 读经 使徒行传4章13节

陈世协院长 林英贤长老(英语) 冯浩鎏博士(华语)

Words and music by Cindy Berry

Lord, we would be faithful; Lord, we would follow You. We would be pure and holy, devoted and true. At the end of our journey, on that glorious day, When we gaze into Your eyes, we want to hear You say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into my kingdom. You have fought the fight, you have kept the faith, according to my Word. Well done, my good and faithful servant. Great is your reward. You have been faithful, now your race is run. Well done, my servant, well done!”

神学院 届毕业典礼


“For I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink. You served others in my name. You shared the gospel without shame. And you were light in the darkness; you were strength for the weary; You were my messengers to share my gospel of love.” “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into my kingdom. You have fought the fight, you have kept the faith, according to my Word. Well done, my good and faithful servant. Great is your reward. You have been faithful, now your race is run. Well done, my servant, well done! Well done, my servant, well done! Well done!” 颁发毕业证书

成为我异象 Words: Ancient Irish, Eng. trans Mary E. Byrne Music: Traditional Irish melody

恳求心中王,成为我异象, 万事无所慕,唯主是希望! 愿祢居首位,日夜导思想, 工作或睡觉,慈容作我光。

财富非我求,虚荣非我慕, 主是我基业,一直到永恒, 唯有主基督,能居我心中, 是天上王,胜珍宝全能。


庄秉俊博士 英文神学系主任

天上大君王,辉煌的太阳, 我赢得胜仗,天乐可分享, 境遇虽无常,但求心中王, 掌管万有者,永作我异象。

梅广文博士 圣乐系主任





吴永成博士 辅导系主任


傅祥云 华文神学系


谢石金 英文神学系


成为我智慧,成为我箴言, 我愿常跟随,祢作我良伴, 祢是圣天父,我为祢后嗣, 祢住我心殿,我与祢结连。

李振群博士 华文神学系主任



张国信 圣乐系 �� � 吴正得 辅导系 差遣礼�� 陈世协院长




一个对自己才干自信、满怀希 望的男孩,进入新神受装备, 期待被塑造得更完美,成为神 重用的器皿。但,神的装备竟 然是痛苦破碎,并透过师长同 窗严厉地、细心地、鼓励地重 建。四年过去,我学会认知自 己的不足;学会凡事从基本开 始;更学会凡事要以神为中 心。为此,我要对父母、师长、同窗及 的人诚恳地说:感恩有您。

Hiraide Tomomi Master of Arts in Counselling It seems “unbelievable” that I should be able to pen this testimony as a graduating student today. When I started the program, I was worried if I am able to complete it. This is because firstly, I am a mother of two small boys. Secondly, as a Japanese, studying in English is not easy! Besides, on top of the many assignments, readings and papers, there is the 120-hours of counseling practicum. Hence, I have often come to the end of my human limitations. This is when God taught me to trust in His strength, not in my own ability. Firstly, God gave me many good classmates and lecturers and we encouraged one another. I knew I wasn’t alone in this journey. Secondly, He provided all my needs. Thirdly, God also arranged for me a clinic where I could complete my practicum, learning much hands-on counseling skills. I like to especially thank Dr. Goh whom the Lord used to influence me the most, as my lecturer and spiritual mentor. I want to thank Dr. Linda, my personal supervisor cum coach in the many tough clinical counseling cases. She taught me the spirit of helping people with our Christian faith. I also thank God for my dear husband who encouraged me to study. We worked together in the endless house chores and he supported me in many ways. The times that we studied together with our kids have now become our precious memories. We have grown much these three years, as we are trained to serve Him as a household of faith. Lastly, I thank God for our home church, Calvary Baptist for their prayers and support. “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6)

钟旭晖 道学硕士 在这毕业之刻,感谢神 让我有这个福分,在这 小天地里分享我在这三 年神学窄路的小小心声。 在这三年的神学进修中, 神让我看到我自己就如月 亮一样。这怎么说呢?月 亮本是千苍白孔,光秃又 丑陋,但在夜晚的时候, 尤其是十五,却成为一轮 明月,反映太阳的光芒,照 耀 黑 夜 的 大 地 。 当 然 , 我绝不敢奢望会成为十五的月亮,但我所领受的是:当越 亲近主、越事奉神时,就越发觉到人心的丑恶、教会的不 足、以及自己的软弱;而这‘千苍百孔’并不是叫我们中 了魔鬼的诡计,离弃神起初的呼召,相反的是要激励我们更 亲近神、更依靠神、谦卑地服事,使我们的生命反映神的 荣光。但愿你我都能极力追求神,忠心服事教会,使主的教会 成为照亮这黑暗时代的明月!

Jasmine Tan Master of Arts in Counselling In July 2005, I was overwhelmed with a personal conviction and at the same time, an excitement that I should enter into seminary to study Pastoral Counselling. It was something that I had yearned since a youth, but left buried as I first heeded God’s call to be a primary school teacher. Hence, I took the step of faith to enrol myself as a part-time student in January 2006. Then faithfully, God graciously opened the way for me in 2007 and 2008 to be granted 2 years’ leave from school teaching to study as a full-time student in SBC. Apart from being enriched by the immense readings and written assignments, the study of God’s Word, and especially Systematic Theology, have undoubtedly helped me gained a greater perspective of God, a deeper understanding and appreciation of His grace, as well as my own humanity. This perspective fueled further my motivation to study Pastoral Counselling as an essential skill for a peoplehelping ministry. I am grateful for the opportunity given to learn various counselling approaches, human development and psychology, child and adolescent therapy, gender and sexuality, marriage and family therapy, psychopathology and personality assessments, and other useful courses in counselling. These, together with the counselling practicum provided effective handles in my desire to help people. I am also thankful for the opportunity and constant call for self-reflection and self-awareness of my own development and interpersonal growth. I reckon this necessary for being an effective counsellor. The godly wisdom, experience, love and prayer support given and shared by fellow course mates, lecturers and supervisors have also invariably contributed to my growth along the way. I must admit there were times of lonely struggles and feelings of frailty. But these were also the times where I experienced God’s grace in a abundant measure. My time here at SBC has prepared me and made me more versatile to serve God in more areas than before. It marks the beginning of yet another humbling, exciting journey with my gracious Lord and Master.

我想这一切都是神的恩典, 加上家人精神上的支持,终 于可以毕业了。我要感谢我 的论文指导老师抽出许多宝 贵时间耐心教导我。我也感 谢新加坡神学院给我们这些 在职事奉的牧者,可以一方 面事奉,一方面有进修的机 会。感谢神今年是新加坡神 学院博士班迈入十年,这里 祝福已毕业的同学事奉上更 上一层楼,仍在藉的学生继 续努力,坚持到底,愿主赐 力量给那些在写论文的同学, 早日完成。~ 黄文桥(新加坡)

2008年,在太太的表达和鼓励下,我知道需要有生命的重整,将生 命与服事整合起来,透过继续接受神学教育,开放聆听他人的事奉 与分享;在讲师和同学们的经历与生命的交流下,将会得着启发走 前面的路。 ~ 欧耀强(法国) 有幸受教於新加坡神学院的院长、师长们,他们的博学与仁 者风范,使笔者不但从知识层面上学习,更从生命的榜样中 获益良多;亦从各地而来的同学们的分享中开拓更广阔的事 ~ 杨玉环(香港) 奉眼界,深受激励。

DMin课程 扩大我属灵视野 DMin作业 促使我经历神迹 DMin视野 调整我下半人生 DMin发现 挑战我长像基督 ~ 黄家源(马来西亚) 因着教牧学博士中文课程的开设, 向英语为第二语言的学习者提供了 一个进深学习的平台,我也因此获 益无穷。愿上帝祝福未来十年更美 好,使更多的牧者与我得着相同的 益处! ~ 陈凯英(菲律宾) 祝贺新神教牧学博士班十周 年纪念: 祝福句句同赞美 贺词连连齐颂扬 新生不息结义果 神恩浩瀚证主恩 教育门生解圣道 牧养关顾爱羊群 学海无涯谦君子 博得银发侍奉勤 士气洋溢满课堂 班子图谋拓国度 十架救赎千里传 周而复始乐辛劳 年年有馀靠天佑 纪元开创新业绩 念念不忘耶和华 ~ 刘秀珍(香港)

讲师丰富教牧知识的传递教 导,资深牧养服事经验的交流 互动,有茶叙、报告分享,得充 实与牧会反省,更难忘的是同学 之间与多人的鼓励与代祷。过去 五年中,在无数的拜一与夜晚, 忙着阅读作功课、找资料与写报 告,能得到家人与教会的体谅与 支持,是神的恩典与神领。 ~ 郑海达(新加坡)

于1999年 7月至今,教牧学博士班已经开办了 40个有关领袖的品格发展、传播与沟通技巧、教会 增长与更新、当代神学课题、本色化、教牧辅导和 撰写论文的课程。这十年来,我们的中、英文部共 有76位学生;其中包括了9位正在撰写他们的毕业 论文,和15位已经毕业的同学。由于学生大多在 教会服侍,并且是一年比一年忙碌。因此,教牧学 博士课的一大挑战就是要鼓励学生尽快完成学业。 另外,为了能更好地装备学生来回应教会与全球化 的需要,我们也努力安排合时合宜的课程。例如老 年牧养学、多元主义环境中的见证、Global Ethics, Peacemaking and Family Counseling 等。感 谢神过去的带领与恩典,也感谢所有一起配搭的老 师与同工,愿神继续使用教牧学博士课程,为荣耀 神而训练更多耶稣基督忠心的仆人,去建立教会, 奋得万民。愿荣耀在教会中和基督耶稣里归给他, 直到万代,永世无穷。阿们。(弗3:21;新译本)

在新加坡神学院的这段时间里,除 了老师的教导之外,我觉得学院也提 供了十分健全的学习环境和资源。在 这里,不单环境有助於学习,同学间 感觉就像朋友般,老师更是用心的指 导!总而言之,我很满意新神的教学 环境,软硬体皆然。 ~ 梁毅坚(马来西亚)

Interacting with classmates from diverse backgrounds, cultures and denominations gives me a global perspective to issues peculiar to their contexts (Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan, Malaysia, India, Korea and Hong Kong). These experiences resonate with my belief in life long learning. Learning is a spiritual discipline of a life time. ~ Chua Siew Tiang (Singapore)

教 牧 学 博 士 课 程 10 周 年 的 感 恩

DOCTOR OF MINISTRY 10TH ANNIVERSARY THANKSGIVING Since July 1999, 撰写毕业论文的 关键时刻,我确实 因为无法静下心来 完成而屡屡想要 放弃,这时论文指 导老师的指导与鼓 励、周遭人士的代 祷及为我打气都让 我由衷的感激,我 更要感谢上帝由始 至终的保守。阿门! ~ 黄丽娟(新加坡)

To me, my D.Min module days are unforgettable and I will certainly view them as the time in my life when I grew up, met many experienced colleagues and experienced professors who became very important in my life and ministry. ~ Moses Liancuh (Myanmar) I gained a lot from the crosscultural discussion in class with church leaders, pastors and also missionaries from all parts of the world. The chance of sharing and studying with leaders out of Hong Kong churches is a precious experience to me. As a worker of the Lord, I trust that not only do I myself benefit from the course, the church as a whole benefits, too. ~ Shirley (Hong Kong)

the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) program has offered 40 courses in the Character Development of the Leader, Communication Skills, Church Growth and Renewal, Current and Contextualised Theological Issues, Counselling and the Preparation of Dissertations. Over the past ten years, we have enrolled 76 students from both the Chinese and English departments, nine of whom are currently completing their dissertations, while 15 have already graduated. Most students are serving actively in churches and often face increasing demands in ministry as they pursue their studies. Consequently, it is important for D.Min to encourage students to complete their studies quickly. In order to prepare students to respond to the needs of the church and globalization, we have also launched timely and relevant courses like Pastoral Studies on the Elderly, Testifying in a Pluralistic Environment, Global Ethics, Peacemaking and Family Counseling. We thank God for his leadership and grace. Our thanks also extend to teachers and co-workers. We pray that God will continue to use D.Min to glorify Him and train many more faithful servants of Jesus Christ, to build churches and reach the multitudes. To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:21 , NIV)

SBC’s curriculum addresses all the essential areas of the ministry and provides us students with an access to the vast knowledge and experience of various professors, not only from Asia but also from the West. As a result, I have received a lot of help in developing my pastoral skills and correcting my deficiencies in the ministry. ~ Richard Guion (Philippines) Presently I have just completed my field studies for the D.Min dissertation. As I study, my life has been challenged and rightly focused to fulfill the plan and purpose of God in my life. ~ Muthiah Raj Daniel (India)

A pastor might come to feel that he has nothing more to give to his congregation. Yet this I believe strongly in being a life-learner and that I program is a gentle reminder should stop teaching on the day I stop learning. In that there is so much to learn, terms of assignment, it has been the most grueling yet so much to explore, so much enriching experience. The calls to read, study, reflect and to receive...and so much grace write out our convictions in the Lord has widened and deepen my life. I am also better equipped both mentally available from the Lord that we can impart to His people. and spiritually for my daily pastoral ministry. ~ Dave C. King (Philippines) ~ Timothy Phua (Singapore)

2009 年 嘉声 6 / 7 月 218


新 加 坡 神 学 院 训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人


第五十六届 毕业典礼

教牧学博士课程 十周年的感恩

亲爱的 毕业生, 真快,你们已经毕业了! 我还是无法扭转那种「你 不是刚刚进来吗? 」的感 觉。该讲的也讲了,该学 的你们也学了,终身的学 习意味着你们将会继续自 强不息,事奉庞大的需要 也会鞭策你们非得努力地 成长不可。希望你们不断 操练成为有效的沟通者; 仆人式的领导者;和富于创意的思考者。


你们也意识到要勇往向前,不是没有困 难和代价的。可是靠着主的恩典,可以一 一克服。当你们开始展开事奉的时候,有 三个因素能对你勇往向前的服事有很大的 帮助:


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

(一)富 有 热 忱 事奉如马拉松赛程,又长远又艰 难。当起初的兴奋逐渐回复正常时,所 要面对的是每日繁琐又重复的人事和行 政,非常人性化的表现及耗损人心的冲 突处理,叫人不知所措。而杀伤力最大 的,就是起初的事奉的热忱竟然逐步冷地 却了。其实热忱也不是刻意冷淡,只是一 点一点的地消磨在过高的期望中,一丝一 缕地抽离在不着实际目标里,最终有如隔 夜的气球,泄气后瘫痪在地上。如果你在 乎勇往向前的服事,你一定得重新拾回你 的热忱。你可以考虑: (1)与热忱的同路人 并行,感染一下他们的温度; (2)你要常常 思想上帝对你的呼召,重燃起初的爱心与 天上来的异象; (3)看看那些先走一步的圣 徒,思想他们为人的结局,特别是那些还 在努力奔走事奉人生的前辈,我们就不敢 再发什么牢骚了! (二)不 怕 失 败 信仰群体不太懂得处理失败:上帝 的全能使我们难以接受失败。可是我们 忘记了不是上帝失败,是我们失败!有那 一个人所夸出的第一步不是以跌倒收场 呢?失败中的学习特别刻骨铭心,避免 我们重蹈覆辙。每一个失败都是一个学习 的机会。事奉中有学不完的功课,大凡讲

道,与人相处,领导管理,策划执行,辅导 关怀,各年龄层的需要等等。如果我们时 时提心吊胆,处处防守严谨,恐怕失去许 多学习的良机。你可以考虑: (1)乐于请教 过来人。只要你愿意学习,几乎每一个人 都可以成为你的老师; (2)自己勤与学习, 常常阅读,留心观察人生百态; (3)患错后 要反省思考,确保这次的惨痛经验不致再 重复! (三)设 保 护 网 马戏团的空中飞人是一个又刺激又 危险的项目。能够让这项特技表演的演员 发挥得淋漓尽致的,除了一再苦练,不外 是底下的保护网所带来毫无后顾之忧的安 全感。作上帝的仆人也有风险,你们要为 自己的安全起见预先设定保护网: (1)属灵 的操练不可忽略,因为我们最大的动力是 来自上帝。基于上帝的呼召,我们进入了 服事的圈子,也因着上帝,我们继续留在服 事的圈子; (2)常常与你的同路人保持联 系,他们是你的同学,同工,也是你的属灵 密友,不要让辛苦建立的同路人关系渐渐 淡化; (3)建立幸福的婚姻家庭生活。他们 是你最大的鼓励和喜乐,是你最忠心的支持 你们要勇往向前,因为主必与你们同在,直 与你们同工的, 博士 新加坡神学院长

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