ST3215 - Sept 17

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St3215 - Sept 17:layout 1 9/17/10 11:51 aM Page 11


SEPTEMBER 17, 2010



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intelligence efforts. The chief also explained that one of his goals is to get more advanced technology as part of the LBPD’s arsenal for law enforcement and crime prevention. “We are trying to get cameras in strategic places, particularly for the violent crime issues,” he said, explaining that cameras eliminate the need for eyewitnesses for crime prosecution. He added that cameras also eliminate the need for hundreds of hours of surveillance time. “The technology costs up front, and in tough budget times, that is an issue,” he said. “But the benefit in the long term far outweighs the cost.” Other high-tech equipment the chief hopes to obtain for the LBPD includes automated license plate readers which can almost instantly determine if a certain car is reported as stolen or implicated in a crime, and shot-spotter technology, which can pinpoint the exact address where a gun was fired. McDonnell also talked about how Homeland Security measures being taken by local law-enforcement agencies in the Los Angeles/Long Beach area are serving as a model for law-enforcement agencies throughout the United States. “We know our counterparts in the other agencies,” he said. “We work with them on a regular basis,” he said. “We opened up the Emergency Operations Center (at the Port of Long Beach). Everybody has a role, and everybody knows their role, and we know what the other people’s roles are.” After his comments, McDonnell fielded questions from the audience. Most of the questions pertained to how police staffing levels would be impacted by budget cutbacks. In closing, McDonnell said that citizens getting involved in their communities is one of the strongest deterrents to crime. He urged all residents to take an active interest in what is happening in their neighborhoods. ß

ing and finishing, house numbers, and more. • Workshops and speakers, covering topics such as: How to Buy in a Historic District, Discovering your Home’s History, and How to Work with an Architect. • Architectural photography movie and lecture. Screening at the Art Theatre on 4th Street will be Visual Acoustics, a film about mid-century architectural photographer Julius Shulman, directed by Eric Bricker and narrated by Dustin Hoffman. • Community mosaic project. Attendees may participate in an historic

mosaic mural at Luther Burbank Elementary School, a project of the Garden of the Mind. Inspired by Luther Burbanks’ Shasta Daisy, the mosaic mural will hang in the school’s reception area. • Morning swing music, courtesy of the Union Station Band, a 1930s- and 1940s-era swing orchestra. The event is a fundraiser for the nonprofit Rose Park Neighborhood Association (RPNA). Funds will be used for education and participation in RPNA restoration activities. The event is free to RPNA members and children under 18; $5 for all others. There is no on-site parking. -----------------------------------------MORE INFORMATION



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guest Speaker Chief of Police, Jim McDonnell featured Community Partners that will be joining us are: Costco, AAA Club, Napa Auto Parts, Time Warner Cable, Long Beach Memorial Hospital, Petroleum Club, Kiwanis, Toastmasters, Long Beach Rescue Mission, Signal Tribune, Boys and girls Club, YMCA, The Rock Club, InkPeace, Marriot Hotel, SBN (Small Business Network).

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