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shorecast predictions by fran smith

For more astrological advice, be sure to check out Fran Smith’s regular blog on

[gemini] MAY 21JUNe 20 key WorDs in June: Close to the heart efforts and endeavors. this is great, for the month of June always marks the start of your personal new year—a time when fabulous new ideas, amazing new plans, and stunning new contacts take tangible shape. still, it’s vital that you pay close attention to those things now in your life. there may be more elements (this includes new involvements) than you need—so, quietly step back. and carefully select exactly what you really desire. no more. siDestep not returning the email you want least to return—but should.

For more about what’s going on in the firmament, check out Fran Smith’s website at

[leo] JUly 23-AUGUSt 22 KEY WORDS in June: Your Personal Agenda. Okay, what do you want—really, really want? It’s important that you know the answer to that question, because you’re now in a cycle when the desires of your heart have a chance of becoming reality—your reality. And since everything is under a strong mercurial (Mercury is the planet of June) influence, you can want any number of things. Stop! Don’t allow confusion to set in, or worse still, dominate your thoughts. Create one of your sensational lists—and select from that. SIDESTEP allowing lethargy, on your part, to rule. [virgo] AUGUSt 23-SEPtEMBER 22 KEY WORDS in June: Reaching the Summit. This is so you! Just when everyone else is submerged in vacationtime plans, you’re in the midst of calls, plans and meetings structured around your career, its gain and its advancement. High activity, on your part, is underway. And you forge ahead, no matter who is available. And who is not. Somehow, this all works well for you, since the blueprints for this have long been developed. And you’re just waiting for the right moment. Which is now! SIDESTEP keeping your distance when you should be seen and heard. [libra] SEPtEMBER 23-OCtOBER 22 KEY WORDS in June: People, Plans and Projects—near and at a distance. June is one of your favorite months of the year. You love it so much! And why not? The Sun is in Gemini, the Twins—and this scintillating combination governs your 9th house of mental activity and long-distance travel. And if you can’t go somewhere, others can come to you. Easily! Laughter, enthusiasm and total fun exist—and you’re right in the center of it all. Plan accordingly, have a great time, and perhaps, you may even fall in love. SIDESTEP sluggishness—physically, mentally, emotionally.

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[scorpio] OCtOBER 23-NOVEMBER 22 KEY WORD in June: Revitalization, on all levels—mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual. This is a spirited time—and its mercurial nature (the planet, Mercury, rules now) is precisely what’s called for—no, demanded—if you’re to experience a sense of new life within. Don’t try; just let it happen. It takes only one or two good developments to cause you to see life anew. Then, equipped with your own remarkable power, you can take it from there. Which you always do. SIDESTEP allowing a preference for inflexibility, on your part, to permeate. [sagittarius] NOVEMBER 23-dECEMBER 21 KEY WORDS in June: New Alliances and Special Arrangements. With the planet Uranus (the unusual/the unexpected) now advancing through Aries, the Ram, you find that you’re suddenly surrounded by a cross-section of new involvements (personal and business) and new projects. Which to keep, which to discard, and which

to investigate further—are now questions that permeate your thoughts. Think well. Agreements signed at this time could be extremely binding. And you love your freedom. SIDESTEP having unexpected second thoughts on vital issues. [capricorn] dECEMBER 22-JANUARy 19 KEY WORDS in June: The Work Scene. Countless ideas (some of them are quite good) and interesting plans surface. Time now to be the insightful and the investigative you. That approach always works. However, there’s something really new. The planet Jupiter (luxury and lavishness) has just entered the sun-sign of Taurus the Bull (your 5th house of close ties and creative matters), and there may be a significant new relationship on the horizon. Maybe, it’s not here yet. But it’s a good idea to watch for it. SIDESTEP favoring the headstrong approach to important discussions. [aquarius] JANUARy 20-FEBRUARy 18 KEY WORDS in June: Love is in the Air. Just when it seemed as though life was either dull, boring or repetitive—a marvelous New Moon (new starts) occurs in the dazzling and dynamic sun-sign of Gemini, the Twins (your 5th house of close relationships and creativity). So, that means that either a current relationship improves dramatically or someone brand new comes into your life. Or both. And then, true to your sun-sign—you’ll do whatever is unusual and unexpected. And you’ll do it with style. SIDESTEP allowing your brand of sarcasm to seek center stage. [pisces] FEBRUARy 19-MARCH 20 KEY WORDS in June: Your Base of Operations—where you live and where you work. Time now to consider what requires your time and attention most within your home and home-related matters. Actually, it’s the core of your security (mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual) that’s the main issue. And even though numerous ideas and outside-the-box suggestions are flying around you, only you can decide what is the first step to take. Go slowly, but don’t stop. There’s a time limit involved. SIDESTEP a refusal to acknowledge the bottom line. [aries] MARCH 21-APRIl 20 KEY WORDS in June: All Forms of Communications. With the planet Uranus (the unusual/the unexpected) now on its interesting seven-year journey through Aries, the Ram (your 1st house of personal efforts and endeavors), you’ve recently discovered a new assortment of situations and involvements to respond to. Both your personal and business worlds are under the microscope. So, know which one you’re writing and/or talking to—at all times. Game-playing is out of the question. Focus and clarity are now a must! SIDESTEP willfully knocking building blocks down. [taurus] APRIl 21-MAy 20 KEY WORDS in June: Your Income, Possessions and Lifestyle. This could be a remarkable time for developments within your financial affairs, as the planet Jupiter (Lady Luck) has just entered the sun-sign of Taurus the Bull (your 1st house of personal efforts and endeavors) for a year. That’s very good news! However, your sense of direction and commitment to self-discipline must be strengthened—on all levels—if you’re to benefit from this delightful planetary placement. Be your own very best friend now. SIDESTEP an uncharacteristic lack of total interest, on your part.

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actor JIM BelUSHI

[cancer] JUNE 21-JUly 22 KEY WORDS in June: Confidential Matters and Secret Strategy-Planning Sessions. This is an extremely absorbing cycle, one in which you lay the groundwork for plans and projects to be launched in July. It’s a time when you shouldn’t delay doing the obscure research now demanded, plus putting together those secret meetings with others who can supply the backup that you’ll need. With the planet Uranus (the unusual/the unexpected) now transiting Aries (your 10th house of career), there’s so much to be considered. SIDESTEP dealing only in generalities; be specific.

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