The Shaw Gazette

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Sh a w SU C C E S S

Sherice Neil poses with Dr. Yancy

ife has never been easy for Shaw freshman Sherice Neil. Living in various motels with her three sisters, brother, mother and grandmother, witnessing violence and addic on in her home and moving constantly during her teenage years, Neil grew restless and began ac ng out. “Growing up without stability was very difficult,” said Neil. “Every day was a struggle just to survive. I became accustomed to being homeless and living in motels. It was the norm for me. Next thing you know, I began to try different things like staying out late hours and smoking marijuana and at one point I even gave up on school and stopped going.” Neil,


a California na ve, knew that educa on would be her way out, but it would take a village of mentors, counselors and organiza ons to help Neil find her path to success.

A Sanctuary When Neil started 8th grade, she enrolled in ACCESS, a program for youth in transi on. Neil credits the program for changing her life for the be er and providing the stability she needed to complete school. In addi on, ACCESS provided transporta on to school, home and to the Boys and Girls Club of Tus n, California, a place where Neil would find sanctuary from her life at home and

meet life-long mentor, Melanie Flores. “I started a ending the Tus n Boys and Girls Club when I was 14,” said Neil. “The club provided me with a posi ve place to learn, study, and have fun -- it also taught me how to succeed in anything that I do.” Through the Boys and Girls Club, Neil par cipated in various programs and conferences, including the Young Americans Performance Group and the Taco Bell Graduate to Go program. “I have known Sherice for almost five years now and knew when I first met her how amazing she was and also knew she would do tremendous things with her life,” said Flores. “I have seen her rise out of circumstances most adults wouldn’t be able to and I am proud of her for it!”

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