ATTU Magazine June Issue 2012

Page 44

Kerri Cawyer

ATTU ATTU Executive Executive Associate Associate Inside Inside Out Out Nutrition Nutrition and and Fitness Fitness

Sweet, addictive and prey’s on weakness, are you strong enough to stay away? It’s time to get real with yourself and what you put in your mouth. So we just went over a few things you probably have in your cupboards from last month’s article. Check it out if you haven’t already, I’m going to make this a little series of “knowledge is power” in your cupboards. Let’s focus on sugar first and the hidden agenda that food companies have to sabotage your health. “YES” harsh words and factual information that affects your performance and ability to be faster and stronger. Would you listen if I told you that you are compromising your oxygen intake if you don’t listen? SUGAR, does that word sound familiar to you? Well just about everything you touch now days has it , corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, organic sugar (oooo doesn’t that sound healthy?), cane sugar, sucrose, on and on and on. This is a product that is as addictive as tobacco and has even been said to be as addictive as heroin and sneaks into your life in amazingly sweet ways. When no one will listen, life falls apart, your down in the dumps or even up on top of the mountain, and with your sweetheart, oh that soft whisper, naughty but oh so nice desire to feel good and a memory forgotten of the consequences you suffered after you indulged, those intentions to make you feel like you just reached heaven, actually wants to steal your heaven. Right off the top of my head, I think of birthday ‘s and cakes, treats, parties, desserts at restaurants after you have eaten the most delectable meal and you want to top it off with something sweet and amazing. Oh such a sweet sin it is and I’m here to tell you, if you want to be the BEST at what you do and live to be a healthy strong focused human being, you better think about this drug and how you use it. Yes it acts like a drug and yes it is severely addictive.

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