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(C) Experimental research (D) Descriptive research 20. ‘Noise’ in Information Retrieval is due to............. . (A) Precision (B) Recall (C) Relevant information (D) Redundant information 21. The concept “Invisible College” first used by : (A) Eugene Garfield (B) Derek Solla Price (C) Allent Kent (D) Carl Savage 22. Who enunciated the term ‘hypertext’ ? (A) E. Garfield (B) Bill Gates (C) Ted Nelson (D) Raj Reddy 23. ‘Cranfield Project’ is an example of.................... . (A) Experimental Research (B) Survey Research (C) Case Study (D) Historical Research 24. IFLA took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program in the year............... . (A) 1973 (B) 1976 (C) 1972 (D) 1970 25. International Information System on Research in Documentation (ISORID) was established by : (A) IFLA (B) UNESCO (C) SLA (D) ALA

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