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Most jobs require an element of team work, so this is a good aspect to focus on when thinking about answers to this interview question Use this sample answer to help prepare your own good interview answer to this question: n your answer highlight how your skills, knowledge and experience relate to the job and the company profile. Where you were born and grew up, or what pets you have is not likely to show the interviewer why you are a good candidate for the job opportunity. The interviewer wants to know if you will fit in with the rest of the team, the department and the company. The interviewer is also trying to find out what motivates you and whether it is consistent with what the job and the employer offer. What are your strengths? Candidates often find it hard to verbalize their strengths, so spend some time thinking about this before the interview. What are your interests? Building beautiful doll house furniture may not immediately seem to have any relevance to that accounting position, but the attention to detail needed for this is definitely a job-relevant strength. What have been your successes, what attributes did you have to demonstrate to achieve them? Ask your friends, colleagues and family to tell you what they appreciate about you. How will these attributes benefit a future employer? Don't just list your strengths, back them up with facts. An attribute is far more powerful if it is rooted in a relevant example. Sample free interview answers include: "I'm an adaptable person. I work for three different managers, they have very different management styles and expectations of me. I am able to adjust my approach to meet each of their needs" Avoid over-used, vague terms such as "people's person". Be specific and pertinent. "I am good with customers. I enjoy the challenge of turning a dissatisfied customer into a satisfied one. Just last week I had an experience when ......." and quote a specific example of how you successfully managed an unhappy client. Focus on three or four strengths. Good examples include organizational and planning skills, perseverance, persuasive ability, communication skills, leadership ability, stress

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