BUZZ PERSONIFY: Survival Guide For Bands

Page 65


I’m not sure why musicians shudder when they hear the word branding … but they do … so to trick them into acceptance I use the word persona. Musicians love that word! I think it’s an ego thing.

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Your persona is important. You don’t always have to create

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it … but you do need to control it. A band must consider how

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they do and do not want to be seen. Personally I like it when

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a band has a street look and a separate stage look. When a


band hits the stage with outfits that match there sound I

that is

know they came to rock. When they arrive with outfits louder than life I know I’m going to have a good time!


In your next meeting … because you have meetings … I want

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you to talk about your persona! Somebody in the band has an

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opinion. I want you to talk about why it is you’re so scared to

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look good when you’re on stage.


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065 BUZZ by SF Intercom

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