February 2014 Brochure

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Conver si on/ Conver gence Tr avi sJanssen FontFl ower s Mat tGi l ber t

Febr uar y24Apr i l14,2014


RAPI DFI RERAI NBOW GENERATOR pr oj ect swhi t el i ghtont oadar k war ehousewal l .Whi r r i ngbl adessl i cet hr oughi tr eveal i ngaspect r um of col or s. Api ecef r om Tr avi sJanssen’ si nst al l at i onConver si on/ Conver gence,made f r om apr oj ect orandal t er edboxf an,conveyst hef r agment at i ont hatoccur s whent r ansl at i nganal ogt odi gi t al .Downt hehal l ,Mat tGi l ber t ’ sFontFl ower s exami nest hesubt l edi f f er encesbet weent ypogr aphyst yl esbyconver t i ng t hei rf or msi nt of l or alpr i nt s.Farf r om j ustr ai nbowsandf l ower s,however , JanssenandGi l ber t ’ sexhi bi t i onsdeconst r uctt hef or malel ement sof cont empor ar yaest het i csandt echnol ogyt hatof t engounnot i ced. I npr oj ect i ngdi gi t all i ghtt hr oughhi s“ r eadymade”boxf an,Janssenr emi nds ust hatt hewhi t el i ghtweper cei vei sact ual l ymadeupofr api dl ymovi ng col or s.I nhi spr ocess,“ addi t i vepr i mar i esar er eveal ed.Red,gr een,and bl ue,now conver t ed,r esul ti npr oj ect edshadowsofsecondar i es-cyan, magent a,yel l ow,andbl ack-t hatar ef ami l i art osomanypr i nt er s. ”Near by ,

aser i esofscr eenpr i nt smadef r om phot ogr aphynegat i vesofgar ment pat t er ns,r esembl ecol or f ul ,abst r actl aserbeams. Bot ht hepr oj ect i onandpr i nt sar evei l edbyaser i esofgr i dsr emi ni scentof pi xel sonascr een.Wher east hecageont heboxf ancr eat esshadowyl i nes bybl ocki ngl i ght ,t hepr i nt shaveasi l vergr i dover l ay . Conver si onst hatoccurdur i ngJanssen’ spr ocessr esul ti nf r agment ed, gr aphi cdi spl ays.Hi spr i nt sbegi nwi t hpat t er nst omakeact ualcl ot hes,yet r esul ti n2D squar esofcol or .Thecol or sofdi gi t all i ghtf r om t hepr oj ect i on conver gei nt owhi t eunt i lconver t edt hr ought hemovi ngf an,r educedal sot o squar esofcol or l i kepi xel sonascr een. Conver si onsal soexi sti nGi l ber t ’ swor k,t hr ought het r ansl at i onoft ypef ace i nt oabst r actf or ms.EachFontFl oweri smadebyt aki ngt hel et t er f or ms ( i ncl udi ngpunct uat i onandnumber s)ofaf ont ,separ at i ngeachshapei nt o t hesegment st hatmakei tup,andmovi ngt hem sot hatt hecur vesor i gi nat e f r om asi ngl epoi nt .Di f f er encesexi stbet weenf l ower s,i ncl udi ngpr opor t i onal r el at i onshi ps,modul ar i t y ,cur vecompl exi t y ,andf ontr el at i onshi ps. I nanagewher ewear eover whel medwi t hdi gi t alsyst ems,i t ’ seasyt ot ake f orgr ant edt hef or malaest het i csanddesi gnal lar oundus.Whet heri t ’ st he f r agment at i onorsubt l ebeaut y ,bot hJanssenandGi l ber tpoi ntt ot he i mper cept i bl econver si ons/ conver gencest hatoccuratt hei nt er sect i onofar t , desi gnandt echnol ogy . RachelBubi si sani ndependentar t swr i t erandcur at orofSeedSpace.

gphot ogr aphyi nt hi sways hi f t st hes ubj ectoft hewor kf r om t hecont ent s oft hephot osdi s pl ayed,t ot hephot ogr aphi cmedi um i t s el f .Ani mageof Gr eekr ui nsbecomesas t udyi npat t er nandl i ghtcover i nganobj ect . L ooki ngatol dphot os / mement osf r om yourpas tof t enevokesabi t t er s weetnos t al gi a.F orPavl ovi ć ,t her e’ sal s oanos t al gi apr es entt hi nki ng aboutphot ogr aphy’ spas t .Bygonear et hedaysofcl i cki ngpr oj ect or si n movi et heat r esorar thi s t or ycl as s r ooms .Andever yonewhohasar eas onabl y“ s mar t ”cel lphonecandi gi t al l ys napanddi s pl ayphot oswi t hi n s econds .I nRealI mages ,Pavl ovi ćdocument st her api dl yevol vi ngt echnol ogyofphot ogr aphy.Per hapst ohel pherr ememberwher es he’ sbeen, orasamement o/ keeps akeofanexper i ences oont obeexot i c.

F ontF l ower s( F ut ur a,Gar mond) Mat tGi l ber t

“Ican’ tst op,Char l i e! ”… “Ther e’ snot hi ngt ogr abont o! ” Remembert hescenewhenChar l i eBucketandGr andpaJoest aybehi ndi n Wi l l yWonka’ sBubbl eRoom andsecr et l ysampl eFi zzyLi f t i ngDr i nk?They begi nf l oat i nguncont r ol l abl yskywar dandar enear l ysuckedi nt oa cei l i ngmount edexhaustf an—t hei rdemi sesbysuchapal pabl evor t exar e r ealandi mmi nent . Tr avi sJanssen’ si nst al l at i onent i t l edConver si on/ Conver gencei naugur at es SeedSpace’ snew l ocat i oni nNashvi l l e’ sTr ackOnebui l di ng.Ther aw ( pr ebui l dout )i ndust r i alspacecoupl edwi t hJanssen’ ssi mpl epr esent at i onof apr oj ect ort hr owi ngl i ghtt hr oughanal t er edboxf anmakesf oranuncanny si ngul arexper i ence.Navi gat i ngsuchadar kwar ehousel i keenvi r onmentt o f i nd,ar oundonef i nalbend,ahypnot i cconver genceofpsychedel i cmoi r é l i ghtsoundt r ackedbyt heconst antdr oni ngofaboxf an,dr awsonei nt ot hi s backcor nervor t ex—and,i nasense,pr esent saf ei gnedconcept ualvi ewi ng t hr eatequalt oChar l i eBucket ’ sj ust i f i abl eone. Janssen’ si nst al l at i onhi ngesuponanext r emel ydependentr el at i onshi p, whi chr eveal si t sel fsl owl yuponcl osei nspect i on:Janssen’ s“ f i l m”i spr oduced bya“ si mpl e”opt i calt r i ck.Manualaddi t i onsofcl earPl exi gl asst r i ps,act i ng aspr i sms,ar esl i ppedi nt ospacesbet weent hef anbl adesandext er nal pl ast i cf r amewor k.Thi sr at heranal ogdeci si onact i vat esaconver sat i on bet weent wof r eest andi ngmachi nes;t he“ whi t e”pr oj ect orl i ght si mul t aneousl yr ef r act sandr ef l ect si t ssel ectspect r um ofcol or sont ot hewal l behi nd.Ther ef or e,t hi sf i l mi si nconsci ous,const antf l uxduet ot he Pl exi gl as’ ssl i ghtmovement scausedbyt hef anbl ade( r ead:el ect r i ccur r ent ) wi t hi nt hepl ast i cf r ame. I naddi t i on,t heexhi bi t i oni ncl udesasetoft hr eepr i nt sf r om Janssen’ sPi xel Gr i dsser i es( 2011,i nkj etphot osandscr eenpr i nt sonpaper ,each15. 25x23 i nches)i nst al l edont hel ef t handwal l .Hungi nasi mpl ever t i calcol umnand spot i l l umi nat edont hebar eexposedbr i ck,t heconf l uenceofsur f acesf eel s anext r emel yvul ner abl eone.Col or f uli nkj etgr adi ent s,wi t hvar yi ng over l appi ngl i ghtbeamsorsear chl i ght st yl eef f ect s,actasphot ogr aphi c base—i magi net heunf or t unat e,butnow i r oni c,l aser t hemedchi l dhood schoolpor t r ai tbackdr ops—f orsi l verscr eenpr i ntgr i ddedover l ays.The pr i nt edi magesal mostr eadasi l l ust r at i onsor“ st i l l s”f r om t hef i l m:connect t hepr i nt edmi ni mal i stgr i dt ot hephysi calboxf anscr een,andcol orf i el d gr adi ent st ot hepr oj ect edspect r um.

Suchasi mpl e,f or malst at ementpr oducesel egi acr esul t swi t hmucht o gr asp;t hi sr at herhypnot i cdi spl ayofcauseandef f ecti skeptgr oundedby t heomni pr esentcent r alshadow,t hebl ackhol ei t sel f . FontFl ower s,Mat tGi l ber t I tcoul dbesai dt hatbl ackhol esar eal soani nqui r yf orMat tGi l ber t ,wher e t hedr aw t owar dsacent r alandal l consumi ngf ocalpoi ntdomi nat eshi s concept ualFontFl ower spr oj ect . Essent i al l yr educi ngaf ont ’ sf or malpr oper t i esi nt odat af orconcept ual mani pul at i on,Gi l ber t ’ sf our l eaf edFl ower sr esul tf r om t hecur vedsect i onsof par t i cul arf ontf or msdi gi t al l ymani pul at edandpl acedt or adi at eout war df r om acent r alpoi ntorcoor di nat eaxi sI funawar eoft hesedi gi t alpar amet er s, Gi l ber t ’ sf or malf l oweri magesal mostr eadasdr af t smanl i kedr awi ngs pr oducedwi t hamat hcompassandpen/ i nkbyhand.Var i ancesbet weenf ont f ami l i esbecomebr okendownr esul ti nanover al lhomogeni zi ngef f ect bet weent hemyr i adofFl owergenusspeci espr esent ed. Gi l ber t ’ st ypogr aphi cpr oj ecti spar tofal ar gerai mt odi gi t al l yand aut omat i cal l yor gani zef ont sbasedont hei rf or malpr oper t i es.Usi ngsof t war e t or eadandpr ocesst hei ndi vi dualf ontdat a,pr i or i t yi sgi vent ocur ved sect i onswhi ch,i tmustbepr esumed,ar epl acedi nspeci f i ct i meandspace wi t hi nt heconcept ualmat r i x.Ar eal lf ont sessent i al l ymor eorl esst hesame? I ft hi sexper i menti sanyi ndi cat i on,i tseemst hesubt l edi f f er encesbet ween t ypogr aphi c“ f l ai r s” —ser i f s,aper t ur es,ascender s,descender s,l i gat ur es,et c. ar emi ni mi zedwhenf i l t er edt hr ought hesef i xedpar amet er s. RachelReesei sani ndependentcur at orandar t swr i t erbasedi nAt l ant a,GA.

gphot ogr aphyi nt hi sways hi f t st hes ubj ectoft hewor kf r om t hecont ent s oft hephot osdi s pl ayed,t ot hephot ogr aphi cmedi um i t s el f .Ani mageof Gr eekr ui nsbecomesas t udyi npat t er nandl i ghtcover i nganobj ect . L ooki ngatol dphot os / mement osf r om yourpas tof t enevokesabi t t er s weetnos t al gi a.F orPavl ovi ć ,t her e’ sal s oanos t al gi apr es entt hi nki ng

Ar t i st s Mat tGi l ber tr ecei vedhi sBFAf r om t heAr tCent erCol l egeofDesi gn,has compl et edgr aduat ewor ki nHumanComput erI nt er act i onatGeor gi aTechand nowpur sui nghi sMFAatt heUni ver si t yofCal i f or ni aDavi s.Hehasexhi bi t edacr oss t he sout heasti ncl udi ngAquaAr tFai r ,Mi ami ,Whi t espace Gal l er y ,Gl addeni ng Li ghti nFl or i da.Hewasawar dedaSur dnaf undedar t i st sr esi dencyatt heSout h Car ol i naGover nor ' sSchool f ort heAr t sandHumani t i es,aSummerUnder gr aduat e r esear chFel l owshi patCalt echandwasasemi f i nal i stf ort he2007NSFSci ence andEngi neer i ngVi sual i zat i onchal l enge. Tr avi sJanssenr ecei vedanMFAdegr eei nPr i nt maki ngf r om Ar i zonaSt at e Uni ver si t yandaBFAf r om Uni ver si t yofWi sconsi n,Madi son.Hehasshownwor k i noveronehundr edexhi bi t i onsi nvenuesacr osst heUni t edSt at esand i nt er nat i onall ocal esi ncl udi ngFi nl and,I r an,New Zeal and,Russi a,Sweden,and t he Uni t ed Ki ngdom.He cur r ent l yl eadsPr i nt maki ng and 2D Foundat i onsat Sout her nI l l i noi sUni ver si t y ,Car bondal e. Wr i t er RachelReese,ani ndependentcur at orandar t swr i t er ,i st heCommuni cat i ons Manageratt heAt l ant aCont empor ar yAr tCent er .Reesei st hef or meredi t orof BURNAWAYMagazi nei nAt l ant a. Reesewr i t esf r equent l yf orBOMBl ogand BURNAWAY,andherwr i t i nghasal soappear edi nTempor ar yAr tRevi ew,TWEL V Magazi ne,andARTPAPERS.Reesecur r ent l yt eachesacr i t i calwr i t i ngcour seat Geor gi aSt at eUni ver si t yt i t l edCr i t i calI ssuesi nCont empor ar yAr t .Shewas pr evi ousl yanMFAsemi narl ect ur eratt hePennsyl vani aAcademyofFi neAr t si n Phi l adel phi ai n2012.Reesehol dsanMFAi nScul pt ur ef r om Ci t yCol l ege,Ci t y Uni ver si t yofNewYor ki nNewYor kCi t y .

SeedSpac ei sal abf ors i t es pec i f i ci ns t al l at i on,s c ul pt ur e,andper f or manc ebas ed ar ti nNas hv i l l e.Wes uppor tourpr ogr am i nt hr ees pec i f i cway s .Webr i ngi nnat i onal l yr ec ogni z edar tc r i t i c st owr i t eourex hi bi t i ones s ay s .Wehos tr egul ar l ys c hedul ed publ i ct al k s . We f ac i l i t at e meet i ngs among ar t i s t s ,c r i t i c s and c ur at or s . Thr ought hes emeansweai mt of os t eranex c hangebet weenagr owi ngnet wor kof l oc al andnat i onal ar t i s t i cc ommuni t i es ,whi c hwebel i ev ei soneoft hebes tway st o s uppor tt hec ar eer sofemer gi ngar t i s t s .Loc at edi nt heTr ac kOnebui l di ngi nt he Wedgewood Hous t on nei ghbor hood ofNas hv i l l e,Seed Spac ei ss uppor t ed by NCAP, t heNas hv i l l eCul t ur al Ar t sPr oj ec t , andi smadepos s i bl ewi t hgr ant sf r om t he T ennes s eeAr t sCommi s s i onandt heMet r oNas hv i l l eAr t sCommi s s i on. Upcomi ngExhi bi t i ons

May3June16Event ual l yt hePendul um Swi ngsbyLest erMer r i weat her June7CLUBMSI FbyMi keSt asny Jul y5August18Seei ngyou/ Seei ngmebyCatDelBuono August1Sept ember6Byt heSt eepl eBel lRopebyScot tZi eherandMi keWomack August2WantbySohei l aAzadiandHannaM.Owens Sept .6U.S.Ci t i esCont empor ar yAr tRanki ngsbyAndySt ur devant Oct ober1–December6At hensoft heSout hbyJohnWar r en Oct ober4–November10Gr egPond

Di r ect or :Adr i enneOut l aw Cur at or :RachelBubi s

Cur at or @seedspace. or g www. seedspace. or g

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