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Marcel Schobel

Could you explain the significance of “Cat´s Cradle”?

So were you satisfied?

Marcel Schobel: In this book Vonnegut invents an entire religion and de-

Marcel Schobe: And how! The exhibition was beautiful. Schnittstelle has

fines various concepts. A “Karass” , for instance, is a group of people who

been the inaugural event of the Schmiede for some time now but this year

get together because they have something in common and a “Duprass” , the

was really definitive because of the way I forged the groups presenting their

smallest form of the groups, consists of a pair. I drew upon a mix of eight

joint work from that cultural platform. And the network has to grow

artists from the Schmiede-Karass with a view to having them exhibit two

stronger. In fact we need to put in work during the year to prepare for the

by two. It was pretty exciting.


Have these artists worked in teams at previous Schmiede events or did you

What does the Schmiede actually mean to you? You´ve been coming for

just take a random mix?

years, haven´t you?

Marcel Schobel: Yes and no. Some of them, such as Gregor Ladenhauf

Marcel Schobel: it´s a place of shelter for me , a sort of retreat. It is such

and Leonhard Lass, have known each other for a long time and work

a luxury to be able to work with the many different kinds of people- espe-

together as “Depart”. They have become something of an institution at the

cially as they too always come back.

Schmiede. Inga and Claudia already work in a loose association. But Shirin Wininger and Michael Hackl for instance, have never done anything

Is there anything else you would like to mention before we finish this in-

together though they´ve always wanted to. For Rainer and me it was our


first cooperative venture.In this exhibition of course, I didn´t want just any

Marcel Schobel: Just a heartfelt thanks to Helga Besl who gives us a free

Berlin artist but was looking for Schmiede people and considering which

hand because she has faith in the Schmiede Hallein and knows how to

of them might be interesting in a twosome.

value the quality of our projects. We pretty well confronted her with a fait accompli but she seems to take it for granted that whatever we do in her

And how exactly did these four constellations come about?

space, it´s going to be alright. Another thing- I would really love to make a

We had our first talks after the Schmiede 2009 but things weren´t really

catalogue of the exhibition.

finalized until three or four months before the exhibition. Participating Smiths: Inga Liksaite / Caudia Rohrmoser, Shirin Winiger / Michael Hackl, Rainer Kohlberger / Herr Schobel, DEPART / Leo Lass / Gregor Ladenhauf Cooperation page 35

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