Osho Wings vol 3 nr 2

Page 1

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N LW S LL! I I R. fOR %LSTfRiU AUSTRALIA M AI < ( I-I/Al'Rll. 96

h ere i s n o n e e d t o t a k e r i s k s , I f t a k i n g r isks i s y o u r t h i n g , i t ' s o k a y . I f i t i s n o t y our t h i n g , t h e r e i s n o n e e d . A l w a y s r emem b e r t h a t w h e n I s a y , " D o y o u r t h i n g , " I m ean d o i t , w h a t s o e v e r i t i s . I t m a y b e a surr e n d e r t o m e , b u t i f i t i s y o u r t h i n g y o u h ave t o d o i t . Y ou h a v e t o f e e l w h a t s o e v e r i s p l e a s u r a b l e to you . W h a t s o e v e r g i v e s y o u j o y , p e a c e , t h a t ' s y our t h i n g . T h e r e i s n o o t h e r c r i t e r i o n . t h i s i s a gain t a k i n g a c r i t e r i o n f r o m t h e o u t s i d e — th a t o ne sh o u l d t a k e r i s k s , t h a t o n e s h o u l d b e c our a g e o u s . . . b u t w h y ? I f y o u d o n ' t f e e l l i k e i t , t here i s n o n e e d t o b e a n y t h i n g . I f y o u f e e l g ood f l o a t i n g t h e w a y y o u a r e , p e r f e c t l y o k a y . l f yo u f e e l t h a t s o m e t h i n g i s ~ r o n g . . . A n d t h a t h as to b e y o u r f e e l i n g , n o t y o u r i d e a . B e c a u s e l iste n i n g t o m e m a y g i v e y o u w r o n g n o t i o n s , w r on g i d e a s , w r o n g i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s . T hat' s w h a t h a s h a p p e n e d . W h e n I a m

a nd c o u r a g e o u s a n d y o u f e e l l i k e a c o w a r d ­ t hen b e a c o w a r d ! B ut e v e n i n t h e w o r d s , a c o n d e m n a t i o n i s h id d e n . T h e m o m e n t w e s a y , " B e a c o w a r d , " i t s eems t h a t s o m e t h i n g i s c o n d e m n e d . N o , n o t a t a ll. T h e r e i s n o t h i n g l i k e c o n d e m n a t i o n i n i t . T hat' s y o u r w a y . I f y o u w a n t t o t a k e f l i g h t , t hen t a k e f l i g h t . A lway s r e m e m b e r t h a t w ha t s o e ver f e e l s p leas an t t o y o u , i s y o u . S o l e t t h a t b e t h e o n l y c rit e r i o n i n s i d e . A l w a y s g o o n m o v i n g , a n d j udg e f r o m t h e i n n e r m o s t c r i t e r i o n w h e t h e r i t i s fe e l i n g g o o d , i f y o u a r e h a p p y . T h e p r o b l e m w il l a r i s e m a n y t i m e s b e c a u s e y o u w i l l n o t b e a ble t o d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n y o u r f e e l i n g s a n d y ou r t h o u g h t s . S o t h e r e y o u h a v e t o b e a l i t t l e w at c h f u l a n d s e e , A feel in g i s a t o t a l t h i n g , a t h o u g h t i s a h e a d t hin g . A f e e l i n g s u r r o u n d s y o u , e n v e l o p s y o u . A feel in g i s s o m e t h i n g t h a t g o e s t o y o u r v e r y g uts. I t m o v e s i n y o u r b l o o d , i t b r e a t h e s i n y our b r e a t h i n g . A f e e l i n g i s a t o t a l t h i n g . F or ex a m p l e , r i g h t n o w s i t t i n g b e f o r e m e , a c ertai n f e e l i n g i s s u r r o u n d i n g y o u . T h a t i s n o t a tho u g h t — th a t ' s a f e e l i n g . L a t e r o n y o u w i l l r eme m b e r i t , a n d t h e n i t w i l l b e a t h o u g h t . L ater o n y o u w i l l st a r t b r o o d i n g a b o u t i t ; t h e n i t will be a t h o u g h t . T h o u gh t i s e i t her of t h e p ast o r o f t h e f u t u r e . F e e l i n g i s a l w a y s o f t h e p resent , s o f e e l i n g k n o w s n o c o m p a r i s o n . F eelin g k n o w s n o p l a n n i n g . E i t h e r i t i s t h e r e o r i t is n o t t h e r e . B e a f e e l i n g b e i n g , And n e v e r c o m p a r e w i t h o t h e r s — becau se t hey m a y b e d o i n g t h e i r t h i n g : s o m e b o d y i s w rit in g p o e t r y a n d i s b e c o m i n g f a m o u s , an d i s

a pplauded, ap p r e c i at ed. That ma y b e hi s t h i n g . t


t alk in g t o s o m a n y p e o p l e I h a v e t o t a l k i n a g eneral w a y ; i t c a n n o t b e p e r s o n a l . I t c a n n o t f i t y ou e x a c t l y . Y o u h a v e t o u n d e r s t a n d t h i s . I say, " T a k e r i s k s , " b u t t h i s m a y b e y o u r r i s k ­ n ot t a k i n g r i s k s . T h a t i s a r i s k ! B u t o t h e r s a r e t akin g r i s k s a n d m o v i n g i n t o d a n g e r , a n d y o u f eel c o m p e t i t i v e . Y o u t h i n k y o u s ho u l d d o i t t oo. W h y ? Y o u s e e t h a t o t h e r s a r e v e r y b r a v e

Y our t h i n g m a y j u s t b e t o r e m a i n u n k n o w n . S o y ou c o m e i n t o t h e w o r l d , l i v e i n t h e w o r l d , a n d y ou l e a v e t h e w o r l d a s i f y o u h a d n e v e r c o m e . B ut t h a t t o o h a s a b e a u t y o f i t s o w n . W h o h a s s aid t h a t o n l y f a m o u s p e o p l e a r e b e a u t i f u l ? J ust c o m e i n l i k e a s m a l l w h i s pe r . N o b o d y h ears w h e n o n e p a s s e s b y , n o t e v e n t h e d u s t i s s tir r e d . O n e l e a v e s n o f o o t p r i n t , n o t h i n g - a s i f o ne ha d n e v e r b e e n . T h a t h a s a b e a u t y o f i t s o wn . T h o s e a l s o s e r v e w h o s t a n d a n d w a i t . B ut t h e s e t h i n g s s h o u l d c o m e t o y o u f r o m t he i n n e r c o r e . L i s t e n i n g t o m e , t h e m i n d c atches h o l d o f c e r t a i n i d e a s a n d t h e n o n e s tart s t h i n k i n g . L i s t e n t o m e , u n d e r s t a n d i t , a nd f o r g e t a l l a b o u t i t . D i g e s t i t a n d f o r g e t a l l a bou t i t s o t h a t i t b e c o m e s p a r t o f y o u . T h e n i t w il l s t a r t f u n c t i o n i n g f r o m y o u r c e n t e r . O SHO — At Th e Feet Of

T h e to a s t e r

Qotg r.o~ a c®>mgs


Hi beloveds,

Iridology, Herbal Medicine, Essential Oils, Rosewood Natural Skin Care, Herbal Soaps, Shampoos, Conditioners, Dried & Live Herbs, Aromatherapy & Herbal books.

Our products and services include:

Wow, it's been quite an adventure to

take this new project on with Susheela touring the world. A big jump into the

sea of computer graphics, and I love it! Thank god I had my great computer

Rebalancing Sessions available with Keerti Courses in Aromatherapy 8~Herbal Medicine

mates to pull me out when I thought I was drowning. It's been just so nice for me to connect with everyone around this project, and it certainly brought me out of my little shell.

C all Dipa u n k a M a c r i d e s • Herbalist, Iridologist, Aromatherapist

• 8 years Experience Ph 430 677P

T he A l c h e m y

Thanks to everyone who helped and who sent in their contributions ... keep

@AH Hgg

sending, keep sending!!! This is a newsletter for all of us and we want to know about YOU. So don't be shy and send us letters, poems, stories, articles, jokes, ideas, whatever you feel like. See you in two months! l

Q p d~ "

Herbal Shop


g lo




P O % (ER OF C ) N E

A two day Theatre Workshop Sat March 9 & Sun March 10 Cost: $170, Concession $140 Cancer Support Bldg, Cottesloe

S>Nairobi DAy c~~ E'xperi ence the jt/ray@

4 Tarot Keadi '9gs + Crystals Cyemstones gemfulams 'Jewel/erg Jvtusic

gooks Cards Posters tarot Cards

tarot gags Oskjo Times Os/)0 gooks 4/Vtusi c Perjg Skjai )Vli r rors Ch

Cr gstais

Kescaepremed/ Premantle )Markets j r 9-9 Sat 9-9 mn 9 — 9 Pun l A>i ' i9-9

Swop (09) 430 774.~

Cr/tice (09) <308280

. 'e~ ~

Sat March 16, Cost: $80 Osho Kirana Meditation Centre For details ring Sindhu on 5241016

W Ch f E N T U R E F C l R M EN

Sat Night March 16 & Sun March 17 Camp out in the beautiful Baldivis bush A mystery Tour!! Cost: $50

M EET P R A l m S H Thurs March 7, 7:30pm, 1/8 Collie St, Fremantle Cost: $2 Prakash (Richard Lawnton) is a gifted teacher, actor, director and performer. His workis exciting, dynamic and he especially likes to make new friends. You will have fun, laugh a lot and fall in love with new and interesting parts of yourself. He is excited about connecting with some of the guys in Western Australia.

;";~,';,":~:i fop„.',A/i r+rQptvlp'rj+t!i +ALII@, b&cpktNGs'.;,",




6.00 am Dynamic 7.00 am Silent Sitting 10.00 am Audio Discourse 12.00 pm Nataraj 3.00 pm Nadabrahma 4.30 pm Kundalini 7.00 pm Silent Sitting

10th. of March

9 am-5 p m

~ S "Af~

a M ~ u~ these a a'aa I+. "

WRB R Discourse Every Sundayf!! f! 7 pm!


CENTRE FQR M E D I TA T I 0 N A N D T R A N s F 0 R M A T I 0 N 203 Ekx HILL RD, BALDIVIs 6171 TEI 524 1421 FAx 524 1016

8 elacsaI ~ , w e inv it e y ou to come to Lily's on Sundays to meet, play tennis, swim, hang out and have afternoon tea by the pool — followed by Kundalini and WRB if you wish. Did you know that the Osho tape and video library has moved out here'?

EnLiqbTenmenT Day.


OSHO M F D IT A T I O N DAV 10th of- Mar ch

for the passion of it Singing for joy.

9 BIll - 5 p m

Si.nging for

Fvery mo nt h K i r an a of f ers a full day of active and passive meditations. Meet people and enjoy meditating together. $20 Bring your own lunch

every one.

Osho Celebration 21st March WRB,Discourse, Celebration choir live, suppel and Party the night away

cost $80 10 am to 5 pm on the

$15 Be there by 6.30 pm

16th of March with


Please book 524 1421

Lily's of Doghill Rd:.-.

Please book 524 1421 or 524 1016

(adjacent to Osho Kirana)

1/2 Price Bed and Breakfast Health Retreat


to Sanyassin friends Mo-Thu .only Reg.Prices $70 Double $55 Single Also — discount available for families k friends of devotees


A meeting of friends, for m en & w o m e n

to bask in their feminine nurturing energy.

21 st April 9 am — 5.30 pm $20 Bring your lunch

Health and Meditation Get-Away-from-it-all


-Spend some ttme with yourself -Rural R & R -Call us to arrange a space for you.

Call Sandhya on 5241421 for bookings

W hat a gift ! Take advantage of this rural pBracllse, 30 mins. from town.

Comfort, care and relaxation

incl. pool and tennis courts. Call Poonam: 524 1620

os ho Freo

Import and distribution of Osho's Rebel books will be taken over by OSHO Sammasati Distributions, (see ad this page)

PO Box 109717Ellen Street, Fremantie WA 6160 Phone (09) 336-2662 Fax (09) 335-3531

So beloved friends, Farewell to you all at least for now. After five years running this little centre here in Fremantle, it is time for me to fly away. The directors have decided to take the opportunity of dissolving the public company which runs the centre (a left-over from the days of the big centralised commune here in Fremantle). This process is doneunder the supervision of the Australian Securities Commission. In the constitution of the Commune any assets left after winding down the affairs of the Company were to be donated to another similar body. In keeping with this the library is going to live out at Osho Kirana MC from now on. The mailing-list for the newsletter will also be taken care of at Osho Kirana. It will be used in the same way as it is now, respecting the privacy and security of those on it. The Osho Wings team are interested in doing a revised edition of Little Red Phonebook and Orange Pagessome time soon, so make sure you put your phone number inwhen you notify a change of address. The complete range of Meditation tapes and CDs will be available from now on at GOVINDA, shop 4 Manning Arcade,. (see

ad this page)

I will be spending some time in Mullumbimby helping to set up the import/distribution of books and CDs at Osho Sammasati. I will also be available on 014 464 273 indefinitely. I have had a very passionate love affair with the centre here and am grateful to have had the opportunity to have worked around Osho for this time. I love you all

JOIN THE CONSPIRACY t GET OSHO'S BOOKS INTO THE LIBRARY SYSTEM! At present there seem to be more books against Osho in the public library system than there are books by Him. As many of His books are now available through commercial distributors it is time to start requesting them at your local library.

ASK FOR ANY OF THE FOLL O W 'ING TITLES The Tantra Experience (Ellement Books) Tantric Transformation ( " " ) Heartbeat of the Absolute ( " " )

The Mustard Seed (




From Medication To Meditation (CW Daniells) And Now And Here ( C W Daniells) STAY TUNED FOR MORE TI T L E S!!!

O SHO S A M M A S A T I D IST R I B U T I O N S Importers & Distributors

Osho Kirana will have available a large catalogue of Osho Discourse tapes for sale.


of Osho's Books, Tapes 4 CDs Shop 4, 104 Dalley St, Mullumbimby NSW 2482 Ph 066 843-162, Fax 066 843 813

Shop 4, Manning Arcade - Fremantle (Just off the High Street Mall) 430-7303

For the complete range of Osho's Meditations on CD or Cassette. OPEN 7 DAYS A %'EEK

L lr~g, gc.p~ Q W t L- l rI ) twiiq

Ageha has been a Body Worker, Counsellor and Group Leader for many years in Fremantle. She lives with Vim u k ta, also a Body Worker, and her son Luca. Mani: So! What are you up to these days? Ageha: Oh dear! Lots and lots! I have just finished doing a group near Broome - Breath, Energy and Ecstasy. It was just amazing beulg up there in such a different setting from the places I normally do groups. I have never been tn the outback before. We had 13 people from around Broome and Derby doing the group. Even the local gas station owner! The country up there is so beautiful — very different, very fascinating. Mani: Hozv zvas it for you zoorking zoith people who have no group experienceand not much experience of Osho? Hozv do you introduce Osho in your zvork? Ageha: Some of thesepeople had known Vedant, who has been living in Derby and Broome for some time. He had been introducing Osho Meditations and is now doing bodywork sessions in Bronme. In a group I don' t immediately start talking about Osho. I do, however, refer tn Osho a lot during the group because that has been very much in my experience. I fnund that people in these remote areas have a wisdom of their own that I don' t have. It comes from living on this land that is so harsh and yet so exquisite. It is very unique. They are somehow very alone, very raw and simple. They have a lot nf integrity. Mani: Do you find people in that sort of areas are pretty lnnoc1'.nt' and open? Ageha: Yes! They were great tn work w ith - very eager for this type of' work. They don't have things like that happening up there often. That makes them very appreciative. It vvas quite an experienre. Mani: What else are you doing right nozv? Ageha: Well! Halima comes again at the end of March for I'rimal, Tantra and the Women's Group during Ap r il. I am also planning the next Rebalancing Training for this year. I also have my bodywork, counselling sessions happening here. Mani: Are you getting lots of sessions? Ageha: Yes! I <lm happy that the session» are going well. I get a broad cross section of people, It makes it interesting tn work with such different people all the time.

Mani: Hozv zvas the first Rebalzzncing Training in Bali last 1/eal'?

/IPehai lt vvas a 1Airarle tlnlv 1t ca1Tle together. It wa» once agilin lulnp1ng into deep wa tel'. We are never sure of thc

outcome until the last minute. It all worked out beautifully. We all (Halima, Vimukta and me) had a deeply transforming experience with it. We have worked together before many times and always you confront in the situation all your desires, trips and fears. There is no escape from it. The training was held in a very beautiful part of Bali near Ubud. The facilities were fantastic and we are looking forward to doing it again. Mani: How do you address the difficulties you come up with personally during the training? Ageha: We would have a meeting every nightand go through the day and share with each other what was happening. Being in Bali for this training is surh an experience. We are just there twenty-four hours a day with the group — no distractions. Mani: W hat sort of people attended the Rebalancing Training in Bali ?

Ageha: Well, it was about half Australians and half were from Austria, Switzerland and Germany. We have such a perfect place there. Very wild. Great accommodation with a swimming pool. Breakfast is brought to your room every morning — what a luxury. Mani: Hozv are the bookings going for the Rebalancing Training this year? Ageha: This year we are doing Part I and Part II, so some of the people doing Part I will be doing Part II this year and we do have other bookings already. This year we will be there for two months and we are very much looking forward to it. Mani: How is it for you being a mum, working the way y ou do, doing so much and in a sense doing it all ? Ageha: It can get over my head at times, In a way it's the same as being in Bali. It's not just my story, We need to work things out together. I'm much better at organising myself now and that helps. Of course, if something is going on with Luca, then everything else seems to go out the window. He is a very big part of my life. Mani: Now t ha t the centre is closing, do you have any visions about zvhat is possible here in Fremantle? Ageha: I love that Kirana is there and that the library etc, is going down there. The facilities down there are beautiful. Of course I would love to see a big house with sessinn rooms and meditation space, right in the centre of Fremantle but that seems like a big dream. Mani: W hat are your big plans for the future? Ageha: Well I have a lot going on with groups this year, but the nther thing would be to go bark to I'oona later this year for a while. That will »urprise Vim! C.

ever betray your truth! If you betray your truth you will feel disconnected with everything, because it is through truth

that we are connected. Truth is the only connection there is. You are not connected to me directly; you c.an only be connect­ ed to me with your truth. You cannot meet me, I cannot meet you — only my truth and your truth c: an meet; there is no other way. If you are untrue to yourself then there is no possibility of iTleeting. Osho —At The I-eet Of My Master

vvili be back Ir7 town

gpnl:2otI for

oslo gebakncinii Sessions ~o b i ography In Five Chapters 1.

I w a l k dow n the street.

There is a' deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in.

I am lost... I am hopeless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

I walk. down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again.

6nter the Here and Now Free yourself horn superstition a/so

Voice Dialogue Phone Sudhir;" 514 1054

I can't believe I'm in the same place. I3ut it isn't my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.


I w a lk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it there. I still fall in ... it's a habit.

Pragita 335 6064

My eyes are open. I know where I am. It: is rriy fault. I get ot',t immediately. 4.

I w a l k d ow n the street. There is a hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

I walk down another street. .Soygai Rinpocl ~e The Tibetan Book Of Living ancl Dying

O pe n in g t o t h e H e a r t Meta physical Counselling P ra n a H e a l i n g


Cooking W h ole 4 Mn h r r nl F o o r l s

To Beni the Borly, Mind 4 Moods with Snhn jn GIMP. DISCOVER the world of cooking and eating food in an entirely new way for entirely new reasons. Many of us eat food not for the health of the body/mind but simply for the taste. We eat sugary foods to feel happy or loved, fatty creamy foods to feel safe, nourished and protected, etc. This may provide a temporary good feeling, but at what price to health, weight, energy and the immune system! Sahajadeveloped chronic fatiguesyndrome threeyearsago after contracting a mysterious virus in Southeast Asia. "The 6rst thing I changed was my diet. I studied and lived macrobiotics for the last three years. I feel certain that a huge part of my recovery was diet. On a daily basis, I can feel which foods do what to my energy, and I can make choices." Don't like your mood!...change your food! Many people are interested in eating healthy but have no idea where to begin or more importantly how to cook healthy, whole foods that are delicious. Macrobiotic cooking is anything but boring or bland. Come explore the principles of Yin/Yang in cooking and life, and start the journey back to balance and healing for the body/mind. First course begins April 20th and runs for 6 consecutive Saturday mornings from 10am-noon. Cost is $170, and we will have something yummy to eat at the end of each session,naturally. The course will be limited to 8 people. A second course begins the end of June.Phone/fax: 418 5103 for information or bookings.

WH O L ESALE NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS are now being distributed (by order) from Collie Street. We have had some amazing things happen from Proanthenoi~, currently known as OPC. Lifeplus® has become the authorized distributor for

Masquelier's OPC-85 anti-oxidant, free radical scavenger, The discoverer of OPC, Dr. Masquelier, continues to work dosely with the International Nutrition Company and Lifeplus@ to make this natural, health supporting nutrient become even more widely known for the superior product it is. Anyone interested in trying this giift from nature, phone Sahaja on 418 5103.


Design A

llÃlCLI =ldlvuk' Typesetting With Snhaje

Business Cards Newsietters Brochures Flyers Logos

Easter Vipassarla retreat with lee(iv~r OU R ANNUAL EASTER VIPASSANA IIETREAT has come around again. For all you keen sitting and uatcbing types, here is an opportunity to spend time in the beautiful solitude of the pristine jarrah forest at the Osho Kharabat in Keysbrook, a 1-hour drive south of Fremantle. This is a gentle schedule for beginners who have never participated in a retreat, Sitting and watching the breath, alternating with awareness walks through the forest — a simple and natural process to let the mind unwind. Awareness soaks in the hot tub under the trees are available during lunch.

The retreat begins April 5th at 8am and concludes at 5pm on April 7th. Delicious, simple vegetarian food and dormitory accommodation is provided. Cost is $240, and space is 6liing up fast. Phone 430 5509 for bookings.

)ammasatj ctuI)days Sunder, Mey $2'Sunuley,>ne P5 COME spend a Sunday sitting, watching and walking with the furry friends of the forest, the tall jarrah trees and the blackboys at the Osho Kharabat. We will be practising the ancient Buddhist meditation also known as Insight Meditation. A silent day to be alone with yourself, with the support of other meditators lk nature. You are one with the stars and tbe trees and the sky and the ocean. You are no longer separate. Tbe last uord of Buddha was Sammasati. Remember that you are a Buddha — Sammasati.

MY57ERv MlcQT MYSTERIOUS INDEED that Mystery Night is beginning its ninth year in Fremantle, happening every Wednesday night from 7:30-9:30pm. Indivar leads this on-going open night at The Osho Institute for the Miraculous, Unit 1/8 Collie Street, Fremantle. (Entrance on Pakenham St.) Cost: $10. No booking necessary. From awareness techniques to meditation to unpredictable spontaneous happenings, each Mystery Night is complete in itself

Fmxwv MeuT 9>menu A NIGHT to come and sit silently with others. A night to evoke the presence of the Master. A one-hour silent sitting every Friday 7-8pm at The Osho Institute for the Miraculous. Please wear white robe. No charge.

and clarity arise naturally and the fire energies symbolise the expression of positive creative being. Fire energy of the heart can be seen or felt in terms of vitality. For example it is said that the spirit of a person is reflected in the vitality of the eyes, tongue and complexion. Dull eyes are an indication of a disturbance of life force and spirit. All mental illness or disturbances are i mbalances of the heart. W h e n the heart is in disharmony general signs are excessive or no

ccording to the wisdom of Chinese Medicine the element fire relates to the heart. Element can also be understood as "phase" or "cycle".Phase in this sense denotes change, flexibility and movement. There are five phases that we flow through which can be related to physical organs, emotional growth cycles, seasons and environmental

climates. To keep i t

e W

a ,q

simple, the outer

cycles of our

by Sono Michetti B,Ac.

environment are reflected internally in each of us and circulate in sequence of 7 to 8 yea r

cycles, monthly, daily and hourly. The heart relates to the phase of fire, the season summer, the emotions joy and laughter and the colour red.The season summer is the most yang season and expresses the principles of expansion,

growth, lightness and creativity. The Chinese refer to the heart as the "emperor" or "supreme ruler". On a physical and emotional level the heart is the most intelligent organ, finely tuned vibrationally with our nervous and circulatory systems. Chinese Medicine speaks of the heart as the place where the "shen" or "spirit" resides. This concept can be viewed in two ways. First "shen" can also be translated as "mind". In this sense the mind o l men t a l

activity is the

responsibility of the heart. Mental activities include memory, consciousness, clear thinking, speech and sleep. Secondly "shen" encompasses the whole realm of emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a human being. In this sense the heart and fire element is residence to clarity , awareness, creative visions and concepts, interpersonal communication, verbal, mathematical and musical expression. Of course because the Chinese medical model is holistic, the other four elements earth, metal, water and wood an d their associated organs contribute their emotional and spiritual qualities to a balanced state of being. The most common association connected to the heart is love. Interesting enough when considering the philosophy that the heart rules the mind and also the emotion of l ove, we have a built in divine capacity toblend love and awareness. When the heart is in harmony u n c ond i t ional love, awareness

l aughter,

dep1'ess1on, sad n e ss, mental confusion, insomnia, speech problems etc. Imbalances of the heart are often a result of emotional shock, early life traumas, and lack of love and joy in life. Physical traumas and heavy blood loss can have exactly the same result to the spirit as an emotional shock. When the heart and fire energies are in harmony t hey nourish and govern aw areness and the expression of unconditional love, both for the self and for others. These energies are reflected in our interpersonal relationships and the ability to cope and integrate our i n t i m ate experiences into o ur awareness, Insight and wisdom ar e n a t u r al by-products of a healthy heart, On our journey towards self healing it is important to give our hearts the nourishment it needs. Some general guidelines can be helpful: — Calming and focusing the mind; releasing excessive thinking and worry through meditation. —Expressing and receiving love and joy. — Releasing and healing emotional traumas. — Vocal expression of feelings including singing, chanting and all forms of creative expression. I n Chi n ese M e d i c in e th e t r e a t m en t o f th e h e ar t

and spirit is essential to the healing process. The use ofacupuncture, herbs and dietary changes are very beneficial in calming and nourishing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the heart. '"

Sono Michetti B.Ac. is Director of The Healing Point, Acupuncture and Holistic Health Centre in Frernantle cohere she practices Traditional Chinese

Medicine. Thanks Sono for your contributi on!

l l~e ~HCrtlittg 'POint 430 88 67 Rr I @at rrN:tt rrr

8 H a li s t r 'r H e a lt / 7 C e n t r e

Bono Michetti B.Ac

L le.ag .I "速 inc c48II~ I s y

T raditionall Chinese M e d i c i n e A cupunctu re , D i e t 430 8867

f clQ/rQi vl~


Char o G.M. Esser


M mo t Sp~r~

Therapeutic Bodywork, Cranio Sacral Balancing Structural Balancing 339 6829

Rasila Brandes Deep Tissue Bodywork 8 Massage 339 7504

f kjtG& ~

ei60 ft

'D t

i n'

Samveda Take Back Your Life March 15-17 Meditation Weekend April 20-21 The Mystic Rose April 29-May 19 317 4278


F OR R E N T Magnificent 3 storey luxury A-Frame home available for 6 months June-Nov 19M Being I touch the me in you


As you touch the you in me With senses set free From Expectation Accumulation I touch the me in you As you touch the you

Situated atop Mount Shadforthin a rural setting with spectacular views, only IO mins from Denmark township and 20 mins from beautiful William Bay. Fully furnished, carpeted throughout, slow combustion open fire, 5 double bedrooms, 5 bed loft, 2 bathrooms, spa, fully equipped kitchen, open plan dining and

lounge area.

in me. Pranava

READINGS Shop tt4 Manning Arcade Frernantle 430 7303

For further information phone

Sahyma on (098) 409 029

7- Meet Prakash introductory evening, 7:30 pm at 1/8 Collie St, Fremantle, see ad. 9 - 10 The Power Of One Theater Workshop with Prakash, see ad.

23- Breath Workshop with Pauline Rea at Kirana.

21 - A Day For The Woman Inside Of You at Kirana, see ad.

29- Club Zorba meets at Freo Club/Bannister St, DJ Suchita

21 - Candle Making with Sucha see March ad.


24-28 Women's Group with Halima at Kirana, see ad.

4 - 8 Primal with Halima at Kirana, see ad.

10 - Candle Making with Sucha 10am to about3pm, $30 wgd, $20 unwgd, inci. all materials, 4 candles and a candle meditation, bring scrummy lunch to share. Phone 335 6353

26 - Club Zorba meets at Freo Club/Bannister St, DJ Suchita.

5 - 7 Easter Vipassana Retreat with lndivar at Kharabat, see ad. 7 - Trager Introductory Workshop for anyone who loves lightness, effortlessness and playfulness. Phone Subhadro 314 1054.

10- Osho Meditation Day at Kirana, see ad.


12 -14 Tantra with Halima at Kirana, see ad.

16 - Singing Workshop with Prakash at Kirana, see ad.

5- Candle Making with Sucha see March ad.

20 - Breath Workshop with Pauline Rea at Kirana.

16 - 17 An Adventure For Men with Prakash, see ad.

12 - Sammasati Sunday with lndivar at Kharabat, see ad.

20 - Macrobiotic Cooking with Sahaja, see ad.

21 - Osho Enlightenment Day Celebration at Kirana, see ad.

Dance to the sounds of the world's best music!!

Fremantle Ed Centre 7:30 - 11:30 pm

Journey jouvneg on

Sat April 13

Smoke Free &

Sat May 18 SatJune15

Alcohol Free Venue

Sat March 16

30 - May 5 Trager Beginning Training. A high quality training in this gentle, non-intrusive form of bodywork with a deep effect. Phone Subhadro 3141054 or Gunjar 335 2803

Child minding provided For further information phone 335 8038

Stepping stories Of expevience Cvosstng illus ions tovvent. v1 slip足 t.o tae lost. in dveavns Of this and tnat. gedvaggled avid unfulfilled' @e tuvvl I via

'Foli fe'spuvposetess puvpose

again ana'again ana'again


Vragergpproac6 nith

gundan 335-8392


Heedingthesights 'That vnavk tHe wag t-ievsevevance becovnes

4'cali ties @tag.

COUNTRY RETREA TS Relax in peaceful surroundings on 7 acres in Margaret River. Your own space. $14 single/ $25 double. For more information ring Jennie 097-572 041

Survivors of suicide - a self help

Walkman Panasonic, digital tuner, XBS bass, Dolby, auto reverse, top of the range $40. Sony walkman speakers SRS50 amped $40. Phone 319 3310.

group for people related to or friends with somebody who committed suicide - open for new peopie - ring for details of next meeting, Samaritans on

382 3811 (ask for Bernice) or ring Sidika on 337 3996.


The Spiritual Adventure of a Life

Stretch & Body Tonesessions

Mazda 929 Station Wgn 78 very good condition, nothing to spend, 6 mths rego $1500, phone 524 1421 Mac Powerbook 160 internal fax modem, ports for external mouse, colormonitor 8 speakers, exc.cond. $1850. Phone 319 3310

Time - Osho Commune International­ The Heart of India, Meditation Tour for 30 days from Sept 16 . If you feel you need an emotional recharge or if you simply would like to reiax in a beautiful and supportive environment, phone Samveda for detaiis 317 4278. A luxury tour with a soft landing!

now available by appointment, Contact Prathana 339 6140.

Transformational Counselling with Pranava M.Costin. Dehypnotherapy, Astrology, Meditation, Neuro­ Linguistics. Call 337 3996.


Carpet as new, wool berber, beige tone, 315cm x 370cm, $125. Brown wool berber 265cm x 317cm $40, phone 319 3310

Graphics - Design and typesetting­ Flyers, brochures, business cards, ads. Great prices. Call Mandana 319 3310.

Water filter, Katadyn, pocket filter, swiss made for trekking and travel. Removes ali bacteria. New $460, now $320. Call 319 3310.

Full Moon Muesli is still happening. Call Sandhya on 524 1421 for your home delivery,

+he 74i:onifiiioning P>'dress .s is. tuomen Is ~>en' I~

Part 1 PRIMA L A pr i l 4- 8 Part 2 T ANT RA A p r i l 1 2 - 1 4 WOM E N'S GR OUP April 24 - 28 Individual sessions availabIe.

For br o c hure & informationph; 336 2170


6:00 — 7:00 am


Fremantle Ed Centre



7:30 — 8:00 am

Chi Kung Healing Ritual

South Beach



7:30 - 8:00 am

Chi Kung Healing Ritual

The Dojo



7:30 — 9:30 pm

Mystery Night

1/8 Collie St



7:00 - 8:15 pm

Osho Celebration Choir

The Dojo

by donation


7:30 — 8:00 am

Chi Kung Healing Ritual

South Beach


7:00 - 8:00 pm


1/8 Collie St

no charge

7:00 — 9:00 pm

White Robe Brotherhood




For information: Chi Kung Healing Ritual Osho Celebration Choir O sho Kirana

P r a thana 339 6140 Pr a n ava 3 3 7 3996 Satyen 524 1 4 2 1

Dynamic Osho Inst. for the Miraculous 1/8 Collie St, Fremantle

Svarupo 335 3445 indivar

4 3 05509

:I,"e;ef S

• ..meets last Friday of each month -good, hey'!!


ll Ni~CiS • .




Price List full page half page


quarter page business card size Classifieds/Calendar - each additional

130 x 190mm 130 x 100mm 90 x 60mm 30 words

$90 $56 $28

10 words

$ 5


The above prices do not include artwork. We provide artw'ork for very reasonable rates — please contact us: PO Box 977 • I'remantle 6160 P hone 319 33 1 0 .»,

If undeliverable return to Osho WINGS PO Box 977 F REMANTLE W A



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