September October Issue 2011

Page 91

Friendly Neighborhood Ghosts

Find the ghost nearest to you on our handy Haunted Beehive map!

Kay’s Cross, Kaysville

Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake

Story Tours tells about one Utah’s first gravediggers— and graverobber—John Baptiste, who dug up and undressed about 200 bodies. He was exiled to Antelope Island and then Fremont Island before vanishing. His ghost is said to haunt the shores of Antelope.

Kids at Samuel Morgan Elementary, which is back to back with Kay’s Hollow, have made up many stories about the now destroyed giant cross like witches are buried underneath, Satanists perform sacrifices at its base, it’s where you’ll find a murdered woman’s ghost or an old man with a shotgun will shoot when you go near it. We say all of the above...just kidding.

Cyprus High School,

8623 W. 3300 South, Magna

Cyprus Pirates built the legend of Edgar the ghost over many years. He’s blamed when things go missing and he tends to hang out in the auditorium.

Old Tooele Hospital, Tooele

Psychic medium Travis Michael Hill says this is the most spiritually-intense place he’s investigated. He says he saw shadows and had an encounter with a ghostly nurse with apple-scented perfume. Recently, "Ghost Adventures" on the Travel Channel filmed an episode at the hospital.

Kearns Junior High,

Daly Canyon, Park City

Park City Ghost Tours covers the Man in the Yellow Slicker, one of the city’s most famous ghosts and warner ofdeath. You see him, you die. Recently, the story took on a Medusa-like twist when a police officer saw the reflection of the ghost in his car window—and lived to tell.

5305 S. 4040 West, Kearns

Generations of students have told the story about parents who killed their kids after a disappointing parent-teacher conference and their ghostly imprint which appeared on a brick wall at the school. Really, it’s a stain. But others claim to hear sounds of weeping and vanishing human forms.

Old Utah County Jail, Lehi

Ghosts of inmates are reportedly heard from inside jail cells, but the P.I. Team of Utah didn’t find any evidence of that. Still, case manager Jenny Wright says it’s one of the creepiest places she’s ever been.

Mercur, Tooele County

Mercur was destroyed in a fire in 1896, rebuilt, destroyed by another fire, rebuilt. When gold extraction fell below profit margin, the town died for good. Word is screams can be heard at the cemetery— maybe an echo from a town twice-burned.


for a useful Google map with detailed directions and additional haunts, ghost stories from our readers and our Ghost of the Week blogs!

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