betta fish care guide

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Betta Fish Care Tips To suggested tips on proper betta fish care

About This PDF Betta fish make wonderful pets but sadly many people find that taking care of them can be a difficult task. This ebook is meant to help people learn more about betta's and provides some good helpful tips on proper betta fish care. You are free to distribute it intact and without alteration as long as it is provided free of charge. Our Top betta Fish Care Tips A common situation with new betta fish owners goes something like this. You just purchased your new betta fish from the pet store and have no idea how to take care of them Typically new betta fish owners find that taking care of a betta is not as simple as they first thought, the good news is that with justa few basic care tips you can easily make your betta fish active and healthy. The most important issue when it comes to betta care is proper tank maintenance as in keeping your water clean and free of debris. The importance of this can not be understated as most problems with betta's usually stem from poor water conditions. In fact the number one cause of all betta fish disease and sickness lead back to bad water conditions. Not keeping your tank clean and free of excess food and other contaminates creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow. It is much easier to maintain a clean enviornment for your betta than it is to try and treat him if he becomes sick. For that reason always strive to keep your tank clean.

Other betta fish care tips 1. Having the correct water temperature -Betta's need the right water temperature to thrive and keeping it correct will keep him healthy and active. Never have the water to cold or too hot. You want to maintain the temperature at a constant level as that will help him thrive. The correct temperature for keeping betta fish is 28 degrees celsius or 82 degrees fahrenheit 2. Always keep your tank and water conditions clean. While the number one source for most problems, it is also the easiest one to correct and is the number one betta care advice we can give you.



Betta Fish Care Tips To suggested tips on proper betta fish care 3. Betta fish need clean water to remain healthy so you should try and clean your tank at least once a week, or if you lack time than changing 1/4 of the water at different intervals can be a great alternative. keeping this practice will help ensure that your tanks water is clean and will help eliminate any disease causing bacteria from forming in your tank. 4. When changing the water try to leave it out overnight before adding it to your aquarium. 5. Always keep a lid on your tank Betta fish are known to jump and if you do not have a proper fitting lid on your tank they can and will often jump right out of their home. You may wake up one day to find your betta on the floor so always keep a lid securely on your tank at all times. 6. Keep the water level about 6 to eight centimeters from the top of the tank to allow your betta to take air right from the surface. This will help keep him healthy and active. 7. Cleaning Your Tank When you clean your tank don't use any store bought cleaners like soap or detergents. They contain harmful chemicals that wil end up contaminating your water so use clean water and a suitable brush only. Be sure that any excess food is promptly removed from the tank after feeding to help keep your betta's enviornment fresh and clean. 8. taking the time to setup your tank correctly will help you avoid future problems.



Betta Fish Care Tips To suggested tips on proper betta fish care

How to feed your betta Besides basic tank care learning how to feed your betta is equally important to good overall betta fish care. Remember betta fish are carnivores and love to eat live food like brine shrimp. Try to vary their diet by feeding them a variety of food such as finely chopped vegetables and other live food such as mosquito larvae. Mixing in special treats into your betta's diet will go a long way in keeping him healthy and active. For more betta fish care tips visit us at



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