Sitting Down With Some Small press Poets

Page 33

Sex Tape Texas flag America flag two bold red white and blue rectangles whipping majestic over the parking lots junked out with decal plastered hunks of shiny metal ‌I must be in Texas, America‌ I'm sitting in the air-conditioned haven of my mother's white car I am listening to soft rock I am crying I am trying to strengthen myself for Wal-Mart Supercenter Texas America is not at fault for any of this this 35 year old mess in a thrift shop t-shirt purchased in 2004 made in the 1980s that was when the New Kids on the Block were most popular Daddy your raincloud girl is bloated Mom your eldest is in a panic when can parents in good conscience RESIGN??? what will I do when you are both dead and there are no more barriers between myself and God's immaculate yawn? right at this static moment you are both alive and I am alive

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