Ru precall call agenda 05 05 15

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Rural & Underserved Local Governments Working Group May 5, 2015, 3:00 p.m. Call #: 800-791-2345, Access Code: 22540# Invitees: IMPLEMENTERS Elizabeth Russell, AMBAG Craig Schlatter, CDCMC Felicia Smith, CDCMC Rachel Cox, Great Valley Center Jeremy Terhune, GVC

UTILITIES Lou Jacobson, RCEA Matthew Marshall, RCEA Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO John Griesser, SLO County Jennifer Rosser, Sierra Business Council


Rick Phelps, High Sierra Energy Foundation Agenda: Time


3:00 p.m.

Welcome R+U Structure 1. Define Rural and Underserved, consider “Hard to Reach” 2. Limitations on membership to R+U? 3. Inclusion of SCE, SCG and SDG&E? Mission Work 1. Determine mission (*on going) 2. Share and document challenges and needs of members that are global, general and that we all share and those that are regional, specific and shared by sub-groups or unique to individual members 3. Establish priorities and goals—especially in relation to CPUC ED and the support/role of Jeremy Battis 4. Matrix/Portal/Mechanism for sharing Partnership information, best practices, program information, lessons learned, tools, etc. Open Concerns 1. Direct Install 2. 3P providers 3. Funding/supporting non-EE work** 4. Prop 39—CCC’s not serving HTR areas 5. Home Upgrade efforts and services in rural areas Future Meetings/Agendas th 1. May 13 call with ED th 2. June 19 in person meeting with ED and IOU(s) Conclude

Attachments: th

Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 13 at 11:00 a.m. Call th Friday, June 19 , 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. In Person, Sacramento

Discussion Leader John Courtney


John John John Lou Lou Courtney


Attach. No.

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