Riverside Prep Handbook

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(Education Code §56320-56324) If you refer your child for consideration of Special Education, you have a right to assessment by a multi-disciplinary team of qualified personnel. Such assessment shall occur only with written authorization from the parent/guardian. FREE AND APPROPRIATE EDUCATION - SPECIAL EDUCATION

(IDEA, Education Code §56000; 56365) All individuals with exceptional needs have a right to a free and appropriate public education which includes Special Education and related services in accordance with an Individualized Education Program. When no public school program can provide the educational services required by the Individualized Education Program, then a state-certified, non-public school may be considered as an alternative at no cost to the parents.


The parents or guardians shall be notified in writing of all District decisions concerning the identification, evaluation or educational placement of students made under this policy. In the notification of any District decision concerning identification, evaluation or placement under Section 504, the parents will be advised of the right to appeal the decision. HOMELESS STUDENTS The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act guarantees certain rights and protections for homeless students. Contact your school for more information or call The National Center for Homeless Education (1-800-308-2145).


(Board Policy and Administration Regulation 1312.3) The Governing Board of Riverside Preparatory School recognizes that the School has the primary responsibility for ensuring that it complies with state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The school shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level. The School shall follow uniform complaint procedures pursuant to state regulations when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failures to comply with the law in Adult Basic Education, Consolidated Categorical Aid Programs, Vocational Education, Child Care and Development Programs, Child Nutrition Programs, Special Education Programs and laws regarding unlawful discrimination. Complaints alleging unlawful discrimination must be filed no later than six (6) months from the date of the alleged discrimination. Written complaints of alleged non-compliance with a federal or state law governing education programs must be filed with the Superintendent/Designee. When the subject matter of a complaint is not covered by this policy, the complainant shall be so advised. Within 60 days of receiving the complaint, the CEO/Designee shall prepare and send to the complainant a written report of the district’s investigation and decision. This time period may be extended by written agreement of the complainant.


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